Sri Lanka Chat in Sinhala


Анкета ID#[36041]

Имя юзераPushpika
Фамилия юзераSumanasekara
День рождения1994-04-23
Знак зодиакаТелец
Цель знакомствадля дружбы
Семейное положениеХолост(Не замужем)
Рост6'8" (203cm)
Вес145 lbs (66кг)
Цвет волосЧёрный
Цвет глазЧерный
ОбразованиеВыпускник ВУЗа
О себеI’m a cool person looking for good relationship.
Вы ищетеЖенщина
Искомый возраст18 - 60
Искомый рост 4'2" (127cm) - 7'0" (213cm)
Искомый вес 80 lbs (36кг) - 300 lbs (136кг)
Дата регистрации2022-07-01 13:09:52
Последний доступ2022-07-01 13:09:52
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Register with Onlanka Friends Club to meet Sri Lankan people living around the world, it’s 100% Free to publish about you, your photos and even links to your social media profiles.

Onlanka Friends has its own internal message system which you’ll be able to communicate with each other by sending text messages. It’s safe and it’ll not reveal your email address.

If you need to contact members through other methods more than a text message, it’s your choice to invite other users to other messenger platforms such as Skype, Messenger, Whatsapp or Viber. We are not responsible for the use of such external means of communication.

Always respect the privacy of each other and comply with the terms and conditions.

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