Daya to go before int’l tribunal
Sevanagala Sugar Industries Ltd., owner Daya Gamage said yesterday he would go before an international tribunal to seek redress over the government’s plan to acquire his assets through the new act passed in parliament on Wednesday.
The government has listed for acquisition 37 business ventures, which it considers as having underperforming and underutilized assets.
Mr. Gamage, the United National Party (UNP) organiser for Ampara, said three fundamental rights petitions had been filed in the Supreme Court on his behalf and that after the court rulings were announced he would decide on his next step about going before an international tribunal.
He said he bought the sugar company when it was privatized in 2002 and added that according to the agreement he had to retain 700 employees and continue purchasing sugarcane from 4,200 farmers who were depending on the venture for their livelihoods.
“I honoured the agreement. The government had undertaken to hand over 469 hectares of land to the company within two years after the privatization. But it was not done and I had to go to court. President Mahinda Rajapaksa signed it in only in April. The government took nine years to honour the agreement whereas I did it immediately,” he said.
Meanwhile an international tribunal had ordered the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) to pay one million US dollars to a Malaysian company for the misplacement of some aluminum cables supplied by them. The incident took place in 2009.
Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa told Parliament on Wednesday that the company had violated its agreement signed with the Board of Investment.
He said the sugar company managed to get those lands by twisting the arms of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
“The President did it because of his respect for the independence of the judiciary,” he said.
Courtesy: DM Online

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Mr Gamage,
Handover your case to Fr Emmanuel of the Global Tamil Forum and he will ensure justice for you.
Mr Gamage, your problem is a local problem and it is crazy to go to the international community for solutions to your loacl woes.
Mr Gamage, you are a rich man. Please spend some time studying the life of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and other great philanthrophists. Mr Gamage, give you wealth away and you will not only get more wealt but justice too.
Mr Gamage, have you ever carried a child whose arms and legs have been severed with machetes by marauding Tamils? Well, if you have that kind of experience you wouldn’t be spilling tears over a bloody sugar factory.
Let the rich get richer Mr Gamage; they cannot take the wealth away when they die.
mr gamage. you knows, uppakssawa mean?????????????.
International Tribunal has no jurisdiction to hear a case, which is purely an internal matter. We have our Supreme Court to hear this case, where DG has filed a petition already. SC will pass judgement based on the full evidence.
DG is a UNP organiser for Ampara. It was UNP that privatised well-performing state assets at the time, when it was in power. A capitalist regime had sold a valuable national asset to its own UNP crony. This stinks! To do so is a crime against the people. RW was Premier at the time. He has to answer for this crime. Was the sugar company also sold for a song? We would like to know from DG, how much did he purchase the sugar company for? Did he pay the full price? Did he obtain a loan to purchase the sugar company? Has he settled the loan? Has the workforce been cut since or increased? Is the sugar company currently running at a loss and if so why? Has he paid the Inland Revenue Dept all the taxes due annually, since he bought the company?
All will be revealed when the case is heard at SC. I am sure the country is eager to know the details and the outcome. If the sugar company is running at a loss currently, when it had been performing well in 2002 when the UNP regime sold the country’s assets, then it is just that the State reclaim it and other under-performing assets back, for the nation. They should never be sold again, for capitalists to grow rich. It is the country that should grow rich from its assets and the people to benefit from it.
yako aduwata gathtu depala awa me rate mahajanathawage …..
mr Gamage it is better to go to international tribunal it is because how many people from srilnaka orking in the forien countries UK ,Australia ect and they washing the sudda’s leg and taking about their Proudness and self image, otherwise it wll beccome another Mihin Lanka well underperforming being currepted airline service
what a country is this whole welth belong to one Family
My Dear ND,
Elsewhere on this site I made an unholy remark
regarding your comments against the judiciaruy, but
now I read you as a valiant defender of our Judiciry.
thank you.
Mr.Guru Sathyadasa,Why do u bring the race problem into this.You seems like the genuine racist of all the racist.Do you know how those Tamil children lost their limbs?Who bombed the places where they have specifically ask to go to?Don’t talk without knowing anything but having only one racist image in your mind.What kind of terrible people living in this world,who can still support about those grusome acts done by those army carders?
Most barbaric crimes against humanity were committed by VP and the LTTE, over three decades. Neither you nor the NGOs, INGOSs. Ch4, UNHRC, UNSG nor imperial West denounced them strongly and took action to bring them to justice before the Hague. These evil Tamil terrorists were infact called ‘Freedom Fighters’ by these organisations and mollycoddled. They were allowed to get away with the most atrocious crimes against humanity by blaming SL govt for not yielding to the LTTE demand for ‘eelam’. Flagrant genocide of Sinhalese and Muslims in the North and East were excused by making light of it and calling it ‘ethnic cleansing’, as if it was something acceptable.
Our heroic defence forces under the brave leadership of MR and GR finally gave the LTTE the coup de grace forever. Final battle scenes of the Humanitarian Operation at Nanthikadal Lagoon, showed on national TV the mass exodus of the Tamil hostages held captive by the LTTE as a human shield, as they broke free and ran to the SL army side through the Nanthikadal Lagoon. They braved suicide bombs and machine gunfire of the terrorist LTTE. Some Tamil hostages were killed, more were wounded but many escaped with their lives. They were warmly received by the heroic SL soldiers who sacrificed their lives and limbs in the hostage rescue operation. Elderly people, the children and the wounded were carried by the heroic soldiers to safety. It was a heart-warming sight. They were fed, clothed and sheltered. It was the greatest and most successful hostage rescue operation in living history.
The hostages who died were killed by the LTTE and not by the heroic SL soldiers. Diaspora LTTE/Tamils and TNA try to claim otherwise with false manufactured evidence after two years, which is typical of them, in their utter embarassment of the complete rout of the LTTE, and to seek revenge for the complete annhilation of VP and the whole LTTE leadership.
Roshan, you were not there to witness it. I saw the harrowing scenes through TV. The imperial West knows the truth through their spy satellites, but does no want to give SL credit for the greatest hostage rescue operation, because it dented their hidden agenda for SE Asia. Imperial West now wants to ‘punish’ SL for doing so by siding with the diaspora Tamils and TNA’s manufactured claims against the heroic SL defence forces and their commanders.
My defence of the heroic SL army and the Humanitarian Operation to rescue 330,000 Tamil hostages held as a human shield by the brute VP and his LTTE does not make me a racist. Isn’t it high time that you and others of your ilk have a critical analysis of yourselves for being in DENIAL of this rescue operation of three hundred thousand plus of Tamil hostages and the total annhilation of the LTTE with its leadership?
I am not a supporter of a LTTE or anyone in that matter.But I was talking about what I have seen.You are talking about the 330,000 people rescued but what about those around same amount of people who are missing?I have seen what the Army announced where they asked all those refuged to go to one place and then bomb those places???I have seen how many schools were bombed and how many hospitals were bombed?Do you call this heroic?my foot bro.Those are the real babrbaric acts.Don’t think you are the only person who knows what you are talking about.They can’t even honor a dead body,which is a normal human being who didn’t even go to school will tell you what to do?I do agree when there is war people who are in the middle die but you don’t purposly kill people,which the Army did during the fights.A rescue operation should not hide the fact that it has purposefully killed more than they rescued.
this is the government terrorism,they are taking only their unfriend peoples companies.api chande dunne rata ltte eken beragaththu nisa,hamadama tax gahanawa hama detama,duppath minissua monawada kanne,maha banku varthawe thiyenawa $2000 lu kankawe minissunge income eka,apita dukai lankawa gana,ltte eken beruwe meva karannada,okkoma thamanta witharada,salli nasti nokara corrouption adu karanam lankawa heven eke karanna puluwan,libya we nam lokka wasai kiwwata eya minissunta godak dewal dila tiyenawa,Mr rajapaksa please apita aduma gane kana tikawath adu karnna.nathnam kawada hari gadapita hari sadamta hari una de lankaweth wena eka chande dunna apitawath nawathanna bariwewi,jaya sri
Roshan claims to be an eyewitness to puported massacres of hundreds of thousands of rescued Tamil refugees during Humanitarian Operation. THIS IS A BIG LIE! It is these lies and fabricated, manufactured lies of diaspora Tamils and their supporters, in and outside SL, that is nauseating for honest Sri Lankans of all communities. Anyway, the majority honest Tamils in SL knows no such massacres took place and are grateful the Tamil hostages numbering more than 300,000 were rescued by the heroic SL forces, and are grateful that the evil VP and LTTE were rid of for good, so that they can lead peaceful prosperous lives again.