Duminda Silva taken out of J’pura hospital
Posted by Editor on November 2, 2011 - 9:35 am
MP Duminda Silva has been taken out of the neurosurgery ICU of Ward 18 of Sri Jayewardenepura Hospital, according to reports which cannot be verified.
Around 20 vehicles, security backup vehicles and two ambulances took him away around 9.35 tonight (Nov. 01), according to the reports.
According to the reports, the MP was to be taken to the US tonight for further treatment.
When contacted earlier in the day, hospital director Dr. S.K. Gamage confirmed the MP’s relatives have sought permission to take him abroad for treatment.
MP Silva was hospitalized following the Mulleriyawa political gunfight on October 08.
Courtesy: Sri Lanka Mirror

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” Nahi verena verani.” People will not condone
many 0f your actions but nevertheless they will forgive
you if you are prepared to lead a better life
on your return
Aggreived party should take solace in Dhamma and be
prepared to forgive.
Kudu-D, is alleged with having shot Bharatha on the leg and having ordered his mafia thugs to kill him, according to eye-witness evidence. He is therefore wanted by the police for investigation and should have been arrested and remanded,like SF, and continue with his treatment locally. Was SF, the war hero, allowed to ‘escape’ to US for so-called treatment? In his case, the full force of the law was applied. All people, big or small, should be treated equally before the law. Why was kudu-D treated differently?
Kudu-D is wanted for alleged serious crime of murder. Why was he treated differently? Why is MR and GR bending over double to give him the best treatment in USA, perhaps at public expense? Why is an alleged muderer allowed to escape justice in this way by MR and GR, who even visited him in hospital?
I had lot of regard and respect for MR and GR for having rid the country of the thorn on its side, the LTTE. But now all that love, regard and respect have evaporated. I think of them as evil men, who have sided with an alleged muderer, a man who has allegedly raped a 13 yr old girl and other women and a ‘godfather’ of Lanka’s worst mafia gang. In colluding with this alleged criminal, through the abuse of their political power, they have become tainted, they have become criminals themselves, for aiding and abetting.
Alas, we have no decent leader now! Mafia have made inroads to the highest echelons of government. There is no effective opposition in Parliament, to denounce this terrible crime. MR is going down the same road JR and RP went. Absolute Power has gone to his head. He is corrupted. He thinks he is almighty now and that no one can bring him down. Gaddafi, Sadam also thought that way. Where are they now?
So much for Mahinda Chintanya Idiri Dekma! What a pity that Maha Nayaka Hamudurovos of the three nikayas are totally silent, when they should be denouncing this evil, to maintain justice and the good of Mother Lanka! No one dares to denounce GR and MR. I lament for Mother Lanka!
Nicholas, Nicholas,
Calm down; take a deep breath and exhale until empty.
In a private jet Nicholas, to Mt Elizabeth Hospital in Lee Kuan Yu country Nicholas, that’s where we will all end up Nicholas.
Yes Nicholas, the private citizen, the 5th generation Blue Party voter finds it impossible to hire a three wheeler to the Vedha Mahattaya to cure that incurable cancer.
Yes Nicholas, private jets of course, that’s how the “settapochchi” man escaped too.
Good on you Nicholas. We live in excellent times Nicholas, we all do.
Nicholas, I feel exactly as you do and I am sure many Srilankan’s feel the same as well. It is a pity that MR could defeat the LTTE but is being held to ransome by thugs like Duminda and Mirvin. What could be the reason for this. Do they have such powers because htey know things that thet should’nt konow or more important know things that we do not know. WE all know that MR and GR are not silly. So if two such intelligent people are tolerating the stupidity of such people there must be a reason they are looking the other way. May be they have used these thugs to do their dirty work in the past.
Dear Sisira
I agree with you that kudu-D and MdS have probably some hold in these two bros, so that they are tolerated, given a freehand and given power, whatever crimes they go on committing. This is totally unjust and utterly deplorable, as it has exposed the country to grave risk from the mafia armies of these two evil men. Mafia will then creep to positions of power in the government and even be elected to Parliament. They will also murder good patriotic leaders in the country, who can develop the country, render a valuable service to the country make SL secure for all to enjoy and prosper. What valuable service has kudu-D rendered his motherland?
I lament and regret that MR and GR, through greed for power and selfishness, have exposed Motherlanka to such risk. Who will be there to lead the country to a better future, now that these two men have revealed their true colours? I will never vote for MR again as I have lost all love and respect for him. As there is no better man to replace him, I will not cast my vote at all.
I respect and endorse WW of NFF who fearlessly denounced this behaviour of MR and GR in protecting kudu-D. In case he breaks-off from UPFA one day to contest the next Presidential election, I will vote for him. I liked his policy statement, “Deya Dinavana Gamana” which I translated for him to English on request and handed over to him personally last year. I fear, however, the two bros will rally against him and use kudu-D’s or MdS’ mafia to assassinate him, as Bharata was assassinated. Thus, evil mafia will reign supreme and the country will go to the mad dogs.
I deplore that two ambulances were used along with 20 vehicles of security to escort kudu-D the murderer to the airport. Ordinary poor people of this country who voted for UPFA can ill-afford to hire a 3 wheeler, let alone an ambulance. I suppose all this is at State expense to care and save a renowned rapist and murderer. I suppose a doctor and two nurses may have also accompanied this villain to USA along with all his kith and kin in a private jet, at State expense. How pathetic and lamentable!
Hon Duminda Silva, MP and Supervisor for the Ministry of Defence is likely to be appointed SL’s Permanent Representative in the United Nations in New York.
Hon Duminda and Brigadier shavendra will be able to take on LTT rump who are causing Worldwide chaos.
Good idea Julian, the Chicken Brigadier who is seeking cover under immunity needs a couple of pep-up pills to keep him going. And Duminda has many of those in his back pocket and sure can help the Chicken Brigadier overcome his fear and panic.
And even in US Duminda won’t be escaped from the result of what he did.
Yes, actually even by censoring news we protect the individuals of this govt who brought invaluable peace to the country. But how they responding to the people is a big question..!
We don’t wish happening of same thing to this govt, which happened to UNP..!
Extrem Greed Leads to Self Destruction..!
“Gaddaffi hadn’t enough withing 42yrs of kingship till he get kill himself”
I wonder whose idea it was to show this picture of kudu -D sitting with a group of young girls. What was going through his mind, I wonder. Perhaps he thought, “I just can’t wait for you to be sweet 13 dear. Uncle D will visit you with a whole box of kudu-sweets”.
Stop teasing the patriot Nicholas especially when he has woken up from his deep slumber and has begun to face reality accusing the Blue Brothers of corrution and what not. Cheer him on, that is what you ought to be doing.
Has it become the Kudu Maharaja’s Kudu Kingdom where Kudu Citizens live?
May be you are right! You know what. There is a a theory that when you are beaten up physically or emotionally in to a way of living then you tend to accept it as the norm!
over the past 12 years i have been visiting sri lanka – the blinkers have fallen from my eyes and now I see the desperate state of a country that deserves better from its public servants – yes they are public servants – sadly they do not behave like they are and expect the ordinary sri lankans to treat them with a respect many dont deserve- I know citizens of all countries hate foreigners who criticise their country but i am only saying what i hear from so many sri lankan friends who want better