German envoy warns Def. Secy over ‘police excesses’
German Ambassador Jens Plotner has warned Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa over what he calls disproportionate use of police force during Monday’s clashes between the police and a large group of workers at the Katunayake Export Processing Zone (EPZ).
Ambassador Plotner, while acknowledging that tackling violent demonstrations poses a challenge to the police the world over, has gone to the extent of advising the Defence Secretary that Sri Lanka shouldn’t use excessive force. Alleging that the police overstepped their limits, the German envoy has warned that it could have extremely negative impact on existing and future German investments in Sri Lanka.
A senior government official told The Island that Ambassador Plotner should have written to External Affairs Minister Prof. G. L. Peiris and not to the Defence Secretary. Responding to a query, the official recalled how a section of the Colombo-based diplomats worked over time to deny GSP plus trade concessions in the wake of Sri Lanka’s military victory over the LTTE.
The German Ambassador has alleged that several German companies situated in the Katunayake EPZ had been affected by police excesses and that including the Special Task Force (STF) entered the premises of German companies and targeted workers within the buildings.
Ambassador Plotner wants Defence Secy. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa to launch an inquiry into police excesses and issue the orders to thwart recurrence of such incidents.
The government spokesman acknowledged that there had been a serious lapse on the part of the police due their failure to follow specific instructions given by the Defence Ministry with regard to ongoing trade union action at the Katunayake EPZ. The official said that the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) had arrested two police officers––one Chief Inspector and an Inspector––for allegedly shooting at the mob.
Police headquarters said that IGP Dr. Mahinda Balasuriya had accepted the responsibility for the incident and gone on leave prior to scheduled retirement on June 18, 2011.
The police deployed an unarmed contingent at the EPZ when a government delegation comprising MPs, Dr. Sudarshini Fernandopolle and Sarath Kumara Gunaratne and Western Provincial Councillor Nimal Lanza went in to meet trade union representatives on Monday morning.
Workers caused injuries to over 30 police personnel and one DIG, one ASP, seven Inspectors and 16 other rankers who had to be admitted to the National, Eye and Police hospitals, sources said. Sources said that those involved in the police operation had underestimated the threat posed by workers, who at the behest of their leaders, unleashed an organised attack on the police, thereby provoking an indiscriminate assault.
Two police officers, now in remand allegedly opened fire after one of the DIGs at the scene (not the officer receiving treatment at a hospital) ran into the Katunayake police station, grabbed a weapon and fired into the air to disperse the unruly mob. The two officers will be produced in open court today (3) at the Negombo Magistrate court. They were produced before the Magistrate at his residence on Wednesday and remanded till today.
Source: The Island

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This’s all about the conflict made by JVP.!
This evil JVP is murders are worst than Ltte. Because they are hiding within the people to mislead them.!
Dear Amden
Your vote counts a lot!!!!!!!!
Sri Lanka a killing field!!!
Dear Damian,
The blood bath was started way back in 1971 by JVP. They are responsible for even encouraging LTTE to take to weapons against our forces.
German envoy (Hitler’s countryman)talking about Sri Lankan Police, not about Hitler’s Gestafo. They think we have to listen to them(descendants of Hitler’s merderers).
Damian.., good man yourself of your interest in Srilanka but your view is just the “surface” & not the “causes”…!
SL is The Buddhas field but with some forgin & local
powers driven by the EVILs advocate, causing SL to make a killing field..!
You know what i mean..?
German ambassador had committed a diplomatic faux pas in advising the Defence Secretary directly and threatening to withdraw German Aid and investments due to the police effort (so-called ‘excesses’) to contain and calm down violent demonstrations, against plans to introduce pensions schemes in private companies. The KTZ companies were excluded from it anyway. The JVP stirred up the violent demonstrations to give the government a bad name when the demonstration was contained.
When you think of the brutality of the Nazi Brown Shirts, the Gestapo and the genocide against the Jews, this effort of the police to quell a demonstration which was not peaceful was nothing.
In London, a demonstration against the G8 summit last year also turned nasty and was brutally put down by the British riot squad with severe batton charges. A 55 year old newspaper vendor who was returning home after work was hit on the head with a batton by a policeman brutally and died on the spot. It was really excessive use of force. The policeman should have been charged with murder. However, the British government and the police covered it up saying he died of heart attack.
The imperial West always uses double standards. They are ready to condemn a small nation like SL but exonerate the powerful countries in the imperial West of crimes against humanity and war crimes. What is happeninbg in Libya is evil inflicted by the powerful imperial West to oust Libyan President from power, even kill him, by military means and gross invasion by the imperial West, to grab the oil for themselves. They invade on the pretext of fighting to save civilian lives. What humbug! Their bunker busting bombs and cruise missile attacks daily killed more civilians than Gaddafi had killed in the last 40 years.
So I say to this arrogant German Nazi, you are welcome to withdraw your aid and your investments and go home. If you don’t we will kick your arse out anyway. We don’t want your aid with strings attached. Your INGOs are here to subvert and sabotage the development of our country on fast track. We have good friends in China and Russia who help us develop with no strings attached. We value their friendship, aid and protection they provide us against imperial Nazi dogs like you.
In the eyes of the World, is Sri Lanka emerging as a pariah state?
Dear DC, The state is far from “emerging as a priah state”. It has been and continues to be a pariah state since 1958.
Nicholas Dias, there were many protests in our country many years ago, but this is the first time police opened fired on people. will they do it without getting orders from very high level, then who is this man ,who gave such surcing orders. It is not JVP who shot this boy.Any person fighting for rights is called a JVP. I pray to god to punish the culprits.
adaa Demala chela…!
You’re slavers who see all under the evil eyes of other world because you’re BLIND fools…!
But we’ve our own eyes to get clear views of all.
So we’re not slavers who go after the BLIND WORLD…!
This’s not the 1st time police fired at violent protesters. When did you born in this SL..? You may talking at least not knowing abt 20yrs of past.
People have rights to act in law against such issues peacefully but no rights to be violent & bother rest of the folk & destroy public properties as wild animals in this way…!
Is this the way you learned to solve problems in your Slave religion….?
Evil JVP does this as usual since 40yrs before…!
And what you can do here with so called god..? You’ve just a Blind Belief of such god but not actualy, realy, truely, practicaly..! Are you joking wimale..?
How do you be so blind to belive an unknown god while you’re doing all by yourself actualy realy truely practically..? That means you’re not up to the actual real true & practical things as a person..?
westerns who put you in this blind view say now that;
Fucking Jesus Never Be Happy…!!!
But you’re still crying in front of clay…! What a shame is this man..?!
Hey Amden, i didnt mean violent protesters, they were peacefull protesters and they were violent after they were attacked.If they were left alone ,it would have ended as a peaceful protest and they government will be the winner. When you harm them government will be the loser and our image will be tarnish in the world. so simple Amdan, Get the union leaders and discuss before hand nothing will happen. Get the participation of all trade unions representing all parties. Amda you know that Pension scheme was not to the benefit of this poor people, see the amount of waste currently happening,can you agree with this. War hero is in prison and KARUNA, PILLIARRAN,KP enjoying life. Karuna and Pilliaran were involved in aranthalawa bikku killing, man you the person who has forgotten the past. Yester day there were some goons with poles roamning in colombo, did u see them . Finally Amda dont use filth in public. This doesnt show that you belong to civil society.
Wimale…! What you can attain with protesting..? you’ll loose even your salary for the time you protest. I took a part in a protest led by hidden JVP animals in 89 at school & it ended with shoot dead a student by police. don’t tell abt unions here. JVP puts fire & disappears then Innocent fools dying..!
No protesting was peaceful here in past & end up being violent. Protesters enjoy violence by blocking roads etc… Do they’ve rights to bother people so..? All unions infected with JVP virus too.!
You just talking with lost & revengeful mind being opposite of govt. But i’m not so. i dont use even my vote to any. I just say things as they’re.
Then do you want to who over a govt in power..? If so you must be face this result too.
don’t you use your power against who attack you..? So why not a govt.?
Wimal… You mind this’s so fair govt when compareing to past UNP govts.
No one could even talk against Premadasa govt in 80s. If you talk against them then the very next day you’ll be in disappeared at that time..!
Having such experience no one can go against this govt without being biased.
Today you’re walking in colombo without fear of BLAST because of this govt. All other govts since 80 just played with LTTE..!
And SF also went against like you to MR who put him on the chair so he deserves this outcome 4 his own malicious act..!
Then what you called as filth.? The filth & rubbish is your belief…! That’s what mean by some westerns saying “fucking jesus never be happy”..!
Those’re not my words but of westerns who gave you the same FILTH view..! At least now they’re convincing the FILTHY of misbelief but not yet you..!
Ahhh Amda, now i get the story, You are one of ecapees of JVP regime .You must be arrested and trialed to see what crime you have committed( joking). JVP,SLFP,UNP or any party should rise against any unfavouable move. I voted for the government but cannot approve all what they do. You cannot be blind to any unfavourable move of your party. Amda its nice exchanging views, but i would like to see you been a balance person, so that you dont accept all what gove does. Lets get together to build a peaceful country WITHOUT CORRUPTION (HUGE NOW)_
Amda sorry i forgot, People objection led Gov to cancel unfavourable pension scheme.
People like AMDEN are still thinking of the Premadasa era which is history now. People changed that era using their vote not see ANOTHER PREMADASA. So what we have to see is whether current government deliver what they say? If there is any freedom of DEMOCRACY my only question is how can Gen. SF be in Jail when current LTTE leader KP in safe house with all luxeries?
And another funny thing with all this kind of protest (like what happen at katunayake) is, whoever does it finger is pointed out at JVP? We are a country who defeated most dangerous terrorist group mainly bços of the high intelligence unit we have. So as you say if JVP is creating all these issue why can’t the government catch those JVPers rather than just pointing fingers? The truth is IT IS PEOPLE POWER that is coming against & this government thinks the best way to get away with the problem is to put the blame on JVP. In a country with majority of DEAF & BLIND people (likes of Amdan)it is easy to sell this kind of news just to be in power.
Unfortunately no one realize what happens to people like poor family members who lost one of their bread & butter earners to their family. Will ever the BIG MAN who gave the orders to fire will ever come to light ….. NEVER EVER!!(but the whole world knows from where such order can come) yet we call our self that we are living in DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY, so aren’t we DEAF & BLIND???
Wimale… I was wise enough more than not to be a JVP slaver…! But despite of even our wishes, we had to attained hidden JVP led campaigns at that time..! See hw miserable it was..! I know how many youths died under the name of JVP but not realy been so. I know also real JVPs who still alive after betraying innocent fools behalf of themselves. I praise this govt Comparing that misery, otherwise i can’t accept even the war on terror as a buddhist you know…!?
Then anyone in any party who comes to power in a govt will do favour 4 himself despite of the colours. Who’ll work just 4 others..?
All govts in the world do crimes. No one can stop it too. I just say this’s a the best govt since 80s while accepting with the faults.
I’ve a well balanced view being in the middle not in extrems. 1st as folk we must respect the govt & Rising against any movement but wildly is not acceptable..!
Ridg your civil quez, that if you think you’re civilized while having your view of praying god, then the fact tht; “fucking jesus never be happy” is also relevant to your civilization not mine..!
Coz those words also from same western folk where the source of your god view is…!
My civilization is abt buddhism which western folk come here to learn from SRILANKANS & we’re proud to introduce anyone who wise enough to get it too..!
Up to the buddhism we might go wrong ourselves & we must correct it too ourselves knowing the outcomes of the same but not being slavers or beggers or prayers of any…! For this purpose we practice discipline & good conduct too…!
The Pension issues must see who give & receive the pensions…!
Ane Wimale, Oya moda katha kiyyana epa. Police fired after the those fools attacked them.
BTW, how old are you ? 2 – 3 years old kid?
You believe this is the first time police attacked peacefull protesters, in Sri Lanka?
Very funny.
I think we should not take seriously about these kids typing.
I have seen many times how good and bad police behaved and also nearly 1000 of bodies / body parts killed by JVP murderers.
Hay “Deaf Blind” man…! You’re not only deaf & blind but DUMB too…!
You wish the majority of sl to be like you but you mind that never happen so as the majority is Buddhist people..! Sinhala Buddhists are not Blind Fool slavers like You..!
How blind you’re to compare kp & sf..?
Some of MISBELIVERS like you in sl tried to sell & betray this country by Slavers of west..!
That’s why you also looking this with fucking foreign eyes…! What you can do with as hole world know..?
You’re also just a “chicken shit” of fucking hole world..! Shame to you Slaver who has no back to stand strait as a Srilankan..!
You’ll not live in peace today here If MR had no Guts to resist against your so called Hole worlds influence..!
The slavers like you’re the Bugs of here but don’t assume to have safe future 4 yourself while betraying this home land where you live in peace..!
I agree with most of what Amden has said. If not for Hon MR and the Defence Sec we would have been today under the jack boot of a brutal fanatical LTTE under the evil dictatorship of VP, led by the imperial West. We would have then become a colony of Tamil Nadu, which would have also broken off Central Govt of India with VP’s help. Imperial West aimed for this to have sole control of SE Asia against China. Millions of Sinhalese would have been brutally massacred by the LTTE and the imperial West would have looked the other way, as happened in Ruwanda.
DC and JS, the ‘pariah’ state was the para koti state named ‘eelam’, the evil VP was trying to create with Tamil Nadu. He is now history along with the evil LTTE. They are all seththapochchi, fed to the fishes off Mullaitivu coast. TNA and other hangers-on diaspora LTTE will also be fed to the fishes if they dare to take up arms again. Our real hero is Hon Mahinda Rajapaksa, who unlike the tuppai Premadasa and CBK, did not fall down at the feet of VP and the imperial West.
DC, JS and such morbid individuals have short term memory loss due to vested interests. These kallathonis are still crying for their lost ‘eelam’. As someone said, they can all fuck off back to Tamil Nadu and sleep with big mama Jayalalitha for all we care. SL can then be united under true patriotic leadership of Hon MR and develop together on fast track, with the help of true friends like China and Russia who oppose the growing superiority of imperial West, who consider the world as their hegemony to be pillaged as in old colonial days of British raj. Let us never forget how the para ballas, the British, slaughtered our people in old colonial days in SL and in India when we rose against them.
Attention pls all Slavers/Prayers/Beggars & Misbelivers of “GODs myth”….!!!
You may be definitly the grand grand children of who betrayed Everything in SL to westerns before 100s of yrs & then went to Blind Fool miserable slavery of gods myth made in west..!
Now you’re just rubbish in SL. With a comment that Wimalasiri says he voted to this govt. Wimal you may say it to your blind god but not to us. We know who you are & your history than you…! You’ve many tongues to backbite while being blind fool slaves of gods myth..!
Misbelivers are just timid slavers who don’t talk strait forward.
You’re living as LICE & BUGS in sl..!
you go against gosl while you’re benefitting from the gosl than ever since b4 in your life. You’re blind fools who not see the simple things as they’re at all..!
But actualy you see the favour you’ve & not speak being Malicious.! This’s what you learnt from Slavery of Gods Myth..!
You false god belivers told that you wish to see a “Deference” in presidental election just after this govt won over terrorism…!
Is that the way to thank who let you be in peace now..?
Wise western folk increasingly understanding what’s the actual real practical TRUTH is while feding up with gods myth saying that “fucking jesus never be happy” with your prayings…!
But you slavers are now just heading to the miserable ASTRAY as a result of BETRAY own grounds..! “sadaa soththi”
how did you belive the story says; god made the sky & then the sea.. etc..? As you get western NGO money from swallowing &believing GODs MYTH.. Isn’t it..? You Sold out everything for the sake of stomac..!? What a mother fucking betrayal is this…?!
Your grand father may sold out even his wife & daughters to westerns 100s yrs before..! One thing is for sure that Sooner or later you’ll have no choice but to fly into the SKY or swallow in the SEA which made in gods myth….!