Mahinda ready to meet Gen. Fonseka’s family over pardon
President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday expressed his readiness to meet defeated presidential election candidate, General Sarath Fonseka’s family to discuss the possibility of releasing the imprisoned former Army Chief.
Presidential spokesman, Bandula Jayasekera quoted President Rajapaksa as having said that Mrs. Anoma Fonseka could appeal to him directly without calling for international interference.
The President was responding to a recent statement attributed to Ms. Apsara Fonseka, one of the General’s daughters, that the Fonsekas would sought the intervention of US President Barak Obama to secure General Fonseka’s release.
The presidential spokesperson called the move a futile excise. “We are of the view that appealing to a President of another country is futile,” Jayaskera said. Instead, they could appeal to President Rajapaksa, “who may consider the appeal sympathetically,” he said.
This follows our recent revelation of a Colombo-based US diplomat on behalf of US Ambassador Patricia Butenis warning SLFP General Secretary, Maithripala Sirisena to release General Fonseka forthwith or face the consequences.
The former Chief of Defence Staff late last week appealed against the ruling in the ‘White flag’ case.
Jayasekera said that the Fonsekas could visit Temple Trees without any cost, whereas the White House is thousands of miles away.
“It should not be forgotten that President Mahinda Rajapaksa, on humanitarian grounds, granted permission to Mr. Sarath Fonseka, to visit the funeral of his niece, when the normal practice is that, people serving prison sentences are allowed only to attend the funerals of their immediate family members.”
“When President Mahinda Rajapaksa was in prison (as a Member of Parliament then) he was not allowed to visit his ailing mother. When his mother passed away the then government did not allow him to attend his mother’s funeral. He attended his mother’s funeral with prison officials, only with the approval of the judge.”
UNP MP Wijedasa Rajapakshe some time back met both General Fonseka and his wife to persuade them to appeal to the President. Rajapakshe told The Sunday Island that he also discussed the issue with the General’s daughters following requests by many people, including the clergy to explore ways and means of settling the issue.
President Rajapaksa is of the opinion that nothing could be achieved by running to the international community like the UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe.
External Affairs Minister Prof. G. L. Peiris last Thursday launched a scathing attack on Wickremesinghe for seeking external interference as part of his overall strategy to pressure the government on essentially domestic issues.
The UNP also sought the intervention of the Vatican to secure General Fonseka’s release in the wake of stepped-up protests to pressure the government over imprisonment of the common opposition candidate at the January 2010 presidential polls.
However, the Marxist JVP, which supported Fonseka’s candidate turned down the UNP organized ‘Release SF’ campaign, while the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) declared that it would campaign independently on behalf of Fonseka. The DNA parliamentary group included JVP MPs, though the coalition members seemed to be sharply divided over their strategy. Even Mrs. Fonseka declined to accept the UNP’s invitation to attend the protest.
Courtesy: The Island

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People should think outside the box current drama….
Hi Ma Ra,
Wife of Sa Fo no come to you mate.
Try giving a call to the Madame in Liberty Plaza for your supplies mate.
Hi Fred Ma,
Excellent advice mate.
Wife of Sa Fo has a better selection of virile tin boys, mate. She sure no go to Tem Trees to visit Ma Ra relaxing in his sarong with the LLRC report.
By the way Fred Ma, the Madame was not operating in Liberty Plaza. She was operating in Majestic Plaza. She is now in Welikada Remand Prison. What Ma Ra could do is to contact Sa Fo in Welikada and get to him to talk to Madame about supplies to Tem Trees.
You good guy, Fred Ma, you helping everybody. mate.
MR withstood courageously the immense combined pressure of USA, UK and France, to stop the war of Humanitatian Operation to save 300,000 plus Tamil refugees from evil LTTE clutches. It was the right decision for the good of Motherlanka.
SF has been found guilty of crimes when he was Commander, by the Trial-at-Bar. This trial costs the country millions. If he is to be released, will it not cost the country more in the future, as some people rally around SF as a hero to depose MR? SF will then take his revenge in terrible blood bath of a new bhishana yugaya. Is MR going to succumb to pressue from within and from the imperial West?
USA wants SF released so they can have their puppet SF to dominate the country, have their US base in SL and grab our fossil fuels. Is MR going to be that stupid to let ‘MC Idiri Dekma’ and the fast-track economic progress of the country to be wrested-off his hands, due to fear of US military intervention as happened in Libya? If he yields to such pressure he is not a true patriot. He is thinking of his own welfare. If he yields to imperial West pressure to release SF, a terrible future awaits his family and SL.
MR should NEVER SUCCUMB to imperialist West pressure nor to pressure from stupid advisers from within nor from some misguided Buddhist clergy, who advised him to retain mafia ‘godfather’ MS as Minister, after he was sacked following the tying of a man to a tree as punishment.
MR should continue to give the nation his strong leadership and defy the imperial West. The nation is behind him 99%.
Is Sri Lanka under high pressure? Is the Big Boss of
America with his band of the purple brigade and the Blue
boys trying to twist MR’s arm to meekily obey his
commands? Whatever it is, the chances are SF will soon be
out. Voe unto the party that sacrifices its leadership
knowingly or unknowingly to this salacious pervart.
The US pressured GOSL into releasing Journalist Tissanayagam who was jailed for 20 years by a Magistrate on trumped up charges unter the PTA.
I know not why the Sinhala intelligentsia dislikes Retd Gen S Fonseka. I believe the charges against him are false and the only “crime” he committed other than leading the genocidal Army was challenging the family rule of the Blue Brothers.
I believe Sarath Fonseka should be given a genuine opportunity (like and other Sri Lankana citizen)to pursue a future in whatever area of his choosing including politics. That is his right as a human being and as a citizen of our land.
I hope ND and AUJ can now visualise the impact of denial of human rights to people?
Excelency president should not give pardon for Sarath ponseka.He is trator for nation,he want only leadership like big boss.
We all know what happening for nation if will come army person leader of nation!
How US warns to release a srilankan prisoner in srilanka..? Can other countries do the same for the prisoners is US..?
World is under a biased influence today & it’ll not be solved in simple manner also…!
please do not give a single chance to traitor…..SF.he did not deseev.
I like to appeal to honorable US president to pressurise MR to release Kolonne Piyadasa who is serving a jail term in Welikada for stealing Rs.300 by “pick pocketing”. Also there is another Siripala who is serving jail term for stealing two dozen coconuts from a shop. Both of them were simply trying to survive their family. I can find more similar ones if you can kindly help.
Ohoy, Obama, if you can’t get that simple job done, I have no confidence on you, any more. If you can do it by a miracle, then I like you to pressurise your own FBI/CIA to release hundreds of “innocent” terrorists held inside your Guantanamo Bay prisons without any charge for over 5 years now. Show us you are “powerful” by pressursing your own FBI/CIA, or otherwise it proves that you are only a “whimp”.
Who call US President as “honorable”..?
Even white US citizens say now “f..k america”…! He deserves DAMN, so he’s “Damnable president”…!
Well said Manjula in Blog 10. All the others who are against SF release, I applaud also.
JVP massaged SF’s ego while he was still Commander, to contest MR for Presidency. He also saw US officials in private, when in USA on a visit to his daughter. He also saw US High Commissioner. This is disloyalty. This is against military law. He was found guilty by two Courts Martial for this. He was also found guilty by Trial-at-Bar over the ‘white flag’ betrayal. He is in prison for 3 years for this. The sentence is too light. In USA such a traitor would have got at least 20 years for treachery.
He also plotted a coup d’tat on losing the Presidential election. He conspired with JVP as Plan B, in case he lost the Presidential election. He was holed-up in Cinnamon Hotel with some ex-army officers and some army deserters. He received millions of dollars from US Ambassador for his campaign expenses. This in itself is a crime committed by USA in gross interference in the internal politics of a country, and subversion.
SF SHOULD NOT BE RELEASED BUT CHARGED IN COURT FOR PLOTTING A COUPD’TAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY. There is ample evidence of this. To arraign him before the court is not taking revenge. It is a serious crime and he should be punished for it if found guilty. A US citizen/army officer would have got Death Penalty for such a crime.
MR should stand bravely to defy the imperial West, as he did, when they tried their best to intefere in stopping the Humanitarian Operation against LTTE, to throw LTTE a lifeline. It was cras interference in SL politics by USA and its allies and subversion.
USA and its NATO allies have done so in Libya to grab its oil. They are now threatening Syria and Iran with military action. They do so to grab their oil wealth. Western economies depend on oil. Without oil their economies would come to a standstill and they will be bankrupt. USA and NATO would therefore go to any length to grab Middle East oil for themselves with their combined military might. How dare they!!!
Only Russia and China together can avert this domination by USA and its imperialistic allies. We too must have Defence Alliances with Russia and China pronto.
I’ll be writing to Hon President to warn him of the dangers ahead if he releases SF through imperial West intimidation.
Please Hon President, STAND FIRM, as you did against Milliband and Kouchner, to send them packing home with their tails between their legs. Do not be weakened by false advice from traitors within the UPFA and from misguided Buddhist monks. Listen to the cry of the Nation. Do not endanger the nation by releasing SF, to ally himself aggainst you with JVP with US imperialists, to sabotage the economic progress on fast-track being made and the rosy future ahead. You will be assasinated then with all your family. There will be a new bhishana yugaya under SF with JVP athakoluvas. SL will fall under the ambit of US imperialists. Trinco will be a US base. North and East will be carved-uop and given to Tamil nationalists.
What a god give task on earth..? Is that god fail to do it himself.? Then what’s the power of that god..?
Can’t that god do such things on his own created earth..?
Bull shit myth…!
We all do things by ourselves & get the outcomes to ourselves, not a god involves in human acts..!
People must waked and be SMART, all the political leaders must come to the people door step rather than we gose behind political individual. We musht use our power & knowledge to elect or sack accordingly.