Media Release: Statement by Sri Lanka High Commission, London on the Channel 4 Film “ Sri Lanka ’s Killing Fields”
Onlanka News – By Janaka Alahapperuma
The Government of Sri Lanka categorically denies the allegations that it has deliberately targeted its own civilians, as the Channel 4 alleges in its film “ Sri Lanka ’s Killing Fields”.
The Government of Sri Lanka, having being fully cognizant of the plight of all civilians in Sri Lanka including children and women launched a humanitarian operation in 2008 to rescue its own people from the clutches of an unlawful group of terrorists, what was undoubtedly the largest hostage taking in the world. Sri Lankan citizens are only too well aware of a past of blood shed and mayhem, during which they lived in fear and suspicion. They now enjoy peace and cherish that no civilian has been affected in any manner due to any act of terrorism in the country since the defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 2009.
There is a domestic mechanism appointed by the government, the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), which is similar to such mechanisms, set up elsewhere at the end of conflict. Mindful of comparative experiences elsewhere and local sensitivities both, this Commission, which reflects the pluralistic nature of Sri Lankan polity in its own composition, has held more than 200 public sittings covering former conflict areas as well. If the allegations levelled by Channel 4 or any other party are found to be genuine, the LLRC will take due note of all such cases and remedial measures will be taken by way of legal sanctions. This process will also take into consideration all matters that are important to the Sri Lankans living in Sri Lanka , and therefore, it should be allowed to continue without any hindrance or prejudice. It is recalled that reports of some well known Commissions in countries with much richer resources have taken decades to see day light.
The Government of Sri Lanka is concerned about the distress the images in the Channel 4 film aired without any guarantee of their authenticity might have caused to the viewers, particularly to those belonging to different communities in Sri Lanka . This is an exercise which is carried out by a small section of international media at the behest of certain parties with vested interests and it caters only to the interests of separatist forces living outside Sri Lanka, the final objective of which is to push Sri Lanka back to war, by way of lacerating the wounds that the country is attempting to heal. The Channel 4 film has the potential to incite hatred amongst different communities in Sri Lanka , including future generations, and thereby, adversely affect the ongoing national reconciliation process. The malicious allegations in the film regarding the conduct of the Sri Lankan Army are in striking contrast to the standards maintained by the Sri Lankan Army. As the Channel 4 has continuously depended on footage already publicized by the LTTE websites and media bodies and also those claimed to have been supplied by the pro-LTTE lobby, the viewers may use caution in drawing any conclusions on the basis of this film. Channel 4’s gross simplification of sensitive matters, on face value, insinuates only a sinister motive driven by a political agenda against Sri Lanka.
The Government of Sri Lanka continues to remain engaged with UN agencies, INGOs and peoples representatives on improving the conditions and the rehabilitation and resettlement of the affected people.
Sri Lanka High Commission, London
15th June 2011
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I suggest not to provide any publication for this channel 4 program. We should not let search engines find this news in the web. So refrain from updating news regarding this matter. When dog barks we can’t bark back, remain cool and silent makes good ground. Also to engage providing news regarding LTTE mascaras more these days.
I had a look at the Channel 4 video. There’s nothing new. Most clips had been available on Tamilnet for many years.
I suggest Rupavahini compiles and airs a video of all the atrocities carried out by LTT. The bombings, air raids and killings of innocent Sinhala Buddhist villagers in the border areas should be included.
SL Govt should buy airtime in European and American commercial TV and broadcast the video.
Can readers suggest a title for this video?
Brilliant suggestion by our Guru Sathyadasa.
Please make sure a copy of the video is sent to the White House and to the Buckingham Palace, the latter as a gift from the people of Sri Lanka on the occasion of the 85th birthday of the Queen and 90th birthday of Prince Philip.
This channel 4 belonging LTTE terror money….so they can show anything wants.I wish this channel should show Afganistan,iraq and other world criminal situation also.
We are sri lankans we have rules and regulation….we can`t do every peoples opinions by rules.We finished only terror.We not forget what LTTE terror done past times…Bus,train,public places Bombs.Eastern province during the muslims peoples pray times attack,many hundrens peoples murdered.So do we forget those past?
Mahakotiya Seththapochchi. Api USA walawath Englandwalawath Yatathvijithayak Nowe—-
Sri Lankans are not as gullible as British politicians to get cheated by anything. What if a documentary is created by Sri Lankan television about UK’s attrocities in Iraq, Afganisthan and Libya (not even UK territory) and broadcast it in Sri Lanka and as soon as it was seen, the Sri lankan president calls for an investigation into UK attrocities and also gives a time-line to do so?
David Cameron of UK and others in the western camp are barking loud to just divert world attention away from them to cover their own attrocities.
As Guru suggested, we must produce not just LTTE crimes but a movie or a documentary about UK and USA attrocities and call it “Killing fields in East by West”
Thank you Manjula for your brilliant suggestion. In fact, such a movie will be an easy task. Videos of all incidents including Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Sri Lanka are available on the Internet including Wikileaks.
Rupavahini is an appropriate place for airing such a movie but paid time on commercial TV is Europe and US should also be considered.
I have stills of LTT’s Kebettigollawa massacre and I am willing to share them with anyone who takes the initiative.
Manjula You are very right. We defeated terrorist in our own country. We have all the right to defend our country.
These accusations have been going on from the time the LTTE waqs defeated. I agree with ‘Nyamasighalaya’. We should just igore their accusations because all they are doing is barking and as you know barking dogs don’t bite.
I have been thinking on these very same lines myself. Now is the most appropriate time for such documentaries to be produced by our highly qualified experts in SL, who can do a better job. They would be able to reveal facts and not cheap disinformation and tripe as shown in CH4 in UK, for sensationalism to back Darusman Report, another diaspora LTTE rag with the backing of UNSG, a stooge of imperial West.
1. A documentary to show ALL the LTTE terrorist atrocities in SL, the genocide committed by them during 3 decades, which the imperial West and Norway brushed under the carpet for vested interests. It can be called, “The Killing Fields of LTTE Terrorists in SL”
2. A series of documentaries to show the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by USA and Britain with the co-operation of NATO, in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and now in Libya.
Our experts can get more than enough material for these documentaries, which can run as a series in several parts, each titled under the country in which these crimes were committed.
All these documentaries to be first aired in SL and also made available FOC to our allies in the Freeworld, to show through their media. Al Jazeera is another popular TV channel watched all over the West. I do not think we need to pay them to show these documentaries. They will do so gladly any way. RT (Russian TV) and PRESS (Iran TV) will gladly agree to air them FOC.
Ok i’ll finish this with latest, greatest & modest saying in europe;
fucking jesus never be happy with misleading fool people..!
Hey Amden Warger, Agam, Kula,wadaya denwath atharinawa, England kiyapudeyakata Jesuswahanse Pali neha, Jesus wahanse kiwweth Neha gahaganna,maraganna. Ohu Deschanakaleth Samaya.
Amden, the super blogger, are you deserting Onlanka?
Rani.. Gods myth misbelief wala support eken thamai ltte eka weda karanne..!
waradi aparadha walata haul una vinasakari boru aagam walata oyala haul wenada epa..! Oyala ewain galawenna.
Maeka aagam bedayak newei eththa saha boruwa athara bedayak. Hoda saha naraka athara bedayak. Api dan weradi naraka dewal ayin karala niweradi honda dewal karanna ona.
Boruwa saha naraka padanam una aagam walin mnissunta wena haaniya gana nodana modayo wage katha karanna epa…!
Sorry mr. Julian brother.. With your misbelief you see the just opposite of the things. Could you pls try to see the things as they’re now.!
You all have been deserted from Truth for 100yrs. Currently you’re involving in “self undoing, instead of self – esteem”
now the time has come to awake for you. This’ll be your 1st & last chance to make a “Real Salvation” from the misbelief of gods myth. Analyz what you believe openly..! Think hard abt what’s good & bad. Come out from the dark cave of misbelief. Don’t be remain entangling while Srilanka is coming to light with the Truth.! Don’t be cornered with gods myth.! Westerns, the evil brought you in to this misery. They left you deserted in misbelief but Now you’re free yourself to overcome this frustration. Beat it & be Real Respectable Srilankan Guys….!!!
Dear Amden,
Are you professing athiesm? I am one too.
Hey Amden why do you have to insult religion & race. We are a multicultural, multi religous society that is supposed to be trying to heal the wounds of hatred from decades gone by.
The Tamils are claiming discrimination around the world and gaining sympathy & the world is waching us. So watch your mouth brother.
Julian.. i profess atheism for misbelief & what is harmful for beings in this world..! Will you except it..?
Then Laxman.. As it has finished the firing of milti-barrels also here, don’t just be Stuck with words called religion, race, culture..etc. being single or multi..!
Coz only those fucking words won’t make any sense here for the good of you..!
Instead try to make sense of what’s good & what’s bad in practicaly..!
Can you except anything Harmful for beings in any of above Names..?
Why do you hesitate in analyze to search what’s bad for, if you’re interested in doing good..?
Can you do everything with just an unknown, closed, hidden Belief..?
These questions won’t be answered by so called words above, unless if you deal with the intellect..!!