No room for underworld, terrorism in Lanka – President
I will never let underworld gangs or terrorism raise its head whether in the South or North, President Mahinda Rajapksa speaking in Tamil at the Thaipongal festival in Jaffna said today. He added that terrorism in any form will not be tolerated.
Most development projects in the North have been initiated on foreign loans and the government is paying back the interest of such loans, the President highlighted. However he added that certain media in Jaffna always criticise these development efforts. President requested such critical reporting to be minimised and to look at the development ahead through a positive perspective.
My goal is to provide relief and reconstruction in Jaffna and I hope to achieve it through the ‘Uthuru Wasanthaya’.
Source: Ada Derana
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Oh President….How hearting to hear such an ambitious thing by you….We hope this would bring peace and harmony to our Country as a whole be it in South West or North…
Hopefully, some of our Cabinet Ministers also would adhere to the same slogan of the President.
It was a great achievement and a relief for thousands of civilians with the opening of the Bridge who commute daily from Jafna to the mainland.
God…!! Let my Wonderful Motherland prevail in Peace.
Oh President….How heartning to hear such an ambitious thing by you….We hope this would bring peace and harmony to our Country as a whole be it in South West or North…
Hopefully, some of our Cabinet Ministers also would adhere to the same slogan of the President.
It was a great achievement and a relief for thousands of civilians with the opening of the Bridge who commute daily from Jafna to the mainland.
God…!! Let my Wonderful Motherland prevail in Peace.
What grandiose words. Ther are many “undergrounders” and “reformed terrorists” in Cabinet.
yes mr.president,you are able to finished one of the world ruthless terrorists call Ltte.We srilanken really apriciate way you fought to stopped the war with tamil tigers.But now you have to fight to stop all the ltte disapora who is still crying for tamil homeland.also you have to be carefull with singhala Kottiyas,Like Guru Sathyadasa and all the JVPS.
Dear Hon President
Rhetoric and sound bytes before local elections are sweet music to some people’s ears, who can be easily misled. But let action speak louder than words.
It is fact that certain cabinet miinisters protect Mafia gangsters for the service they provide the ministers and the backhanders they receive from the gangsters. You know well enough who I speak about. When the situation became too ‘hot for comfort’ for one wanted leading gangster, this cabinet minister even had the gall to help him escape to Dubai or wherever they hide for a while, till things quieten down for them to return. The minister concerned had allegedly escorted the gangster brazenly to the airport and saw him through the VIP to board his flight. He was guilty of aiding and abetting a criminal, wanted by the courts, to escape the country and justice. Hence this minsiter has committed a serious crime.
Hon President what are you going to do about it? I suspect you have turned a blind eye because you do not want to rock the boat, because this gangster could have you assassinated. I am sure you will do nothing about the underworld of hardcore mafia men either because you do not want to rock the boat. Life is comfortable for you as it is without a making fuss of ministers hobnobbing with mafia gangsters and earning bakshish from their profits of crime.
What have you done so far effectively about the minister’s son who is running a nice business earning him about a billion rupees so far, selling sea-sand on large scale from Negombo area with the help of corrupt government officers and the police. It is pretty useless your uttering empty rhetoric and sound bytes about soaring crime with the backing of corrupt ministers in your government. Why don’t you for a start have the son of the corrupt minister arrested with the minister and all their assets seized and sold to pay for the damage done to the coastal environment, the houses and hotels in the immediate vicinity. Your empty rhetoric just before an election make me sick.
Your winning the War of Liberation was great and we all lauded you for it. But it is just the tip of the iceberg. Organised crime kills more people than the deaths incurred through LTTE terrorism. I hope you order the Defence Ministry to make war on organised crime NOW in a way we can all see and the big fish, including corrupt politicians, brought to book. The we can say you are truly great.
Mr. President
Let me add one more issue with your goals. Can you please do some efforts to stop corruptions in Sri Lanka.
Mohamed Shareef Asees
The President should be aware of LTT network overseas still being intact. Also internally there are many Pillyans, Karunas and Douglas D’s who are sleepers with LTT blood in their veins.
The war can blow up any time. There are many young lasses related to the sleepers who will wear the dynamite padded bras for their final walk to glory. The sleepers are good at diverting attention from their existence too; see how Pillyan is verbalising the “Sinhala Koti”.
We do have to recognise the existence of the second state and we must negotiate a residence for the second state. Suggest external affairs commence a tripartite conversation with the “PM” Kumaraya who is in New York and with Kanimoli in Chennai to solve the residency issue for the second state.
The sleepers (like Pillayan) and the dynamite bra clad womenfolk must eventually move into the new residence for the second state.
In the meantime, an ambitious land reform program in the North and East for settling landless Sinhala Buddhist peasantry should go ahead full steam.
The Lion Flag will then proudly fly over all 9 provinces in the Sinhala Buddhist state.
Onlanka Ekata Liyana Pillayan Ha Negenahira Maha Emathi Pillayan Kiyyanne Dennek ,Hithanna Eppa Edenna Ekkenek kiyala.
Guru me bava hondata dannava. Namuth janathava mula keranna onlanka Pillayan maha amathi Pillayan ema ekkana hetiyata salakanva. maha amethi Pillayan, VP gen venvunata, thavama kotiyek hetiyata Guru salakanne. Guru dannava Pillayan kiyana nama ethi daas ganan demala janathava innava kiya. namuth onlanka vata liyana Pillayan nuth parana koti Pillayan ha Karuna ha devananda yana aya samaga guru samana knaranva. ese kirima veradiyi.
It does not matter who they are; the EPCM and the Onlanka Blogger are all the same with gunpowder in their testicles implanted by the LTT. They are lying low, preaching communal harmony and spreading fear getting close to many innocent Sinhala citizens. They live all over Sri Lanka, some for genrations.
They are supported by their dyanamite padded bra wearing womenfolk who are good at pulling the trigger when in an embrace.
These folks should be exported to their new home; the safety of the Sinhala Buddhist citizens who have been at the terrible receiving for more than 3 decades.
I feel sorry for you as you are a Sinhala Buddhist fanatic, intolerant of other races, religions and communities. You cannot be convinced just as fanatical LTTE cannot be convinced their convictions are wrong.
I am deeply convinced of the existence of a second nation within the shores of Sri Lanka. The two nations cannot coexist; the Sinhala Buddhist nation has strong buddhist values and convictions based on the Lord Buddha’s teachings. The seond nation consists of men with gunpowder in their testicles and women who wear dynamite padded bras. Their values are clad in the thirst for blood. Their convictions are diametrically opposite that of the puritanical Sinhala Buddhist citizenry.
The second nation needs to be housed; the post war solution of housing the second nation in Menik Farm is not a good idea in the long run. Hence, the Sinhala Buddhist nation, in its magnanimity, should negotiate with the terrorist govt in New York and with the South Indians and find a home for the second nation to enable Onlanka Blogger Pillayan and all others of his ilk to settle down and pursue their blood thirsty ambitions as much as they would like.
I am sorry you are so intolerant of other communities in SL who have been here from 300BC.
On the one hand you argue for ‘lion flag to fly exclusively over 9 provinces’ (which is already a reality since 1948), on the other hand you advocate a separate nation state for the Tamils. This is a contradiction.
You are peddling dangerous concept of the teeny-weeny minority of Tamil nationalists. We do not recognise the so-called ‘international government of Tamil eelam’. You are asking the elected government of SL to negotiate with this bogus government of Tamil eelam, thus giving them cridibility. As Pillayan said, you are a dangerous ‘Sinhala kotiya’ a fifth columnist. Shame on you! You are peddling dangerous concepts of the anarchist JVP. I reject your idea and JVP ideas totally.
Do you think we are going to throw away all the hard work of the heroic Defence Forces, who liberated our nation and the Tamil SL citizens held hostage by the LTTE, through the sacrifice of their lives and limbs, to cave-in to call for eelam by the diaspora LTTE and their supporters in SL, like yourself and the JVP and the TNA?
So please stop being unpatriotic. If you are true disciple of Lord Buddha you should be advocationg peace, mutual respect and understanding, and tolerance. You should be re-inforcing the concept of multi-racial, pluralist society within ONE NATION, as in USA, Britain and other Western nations. In USA, the true native Americans are the ‘Red Indians’. then there are the Latinos (Spanish, French, Italians etc who settled in USA) and the Irish and other Europeans. Do you advocate USA to be split among them all? SO Guru, stop mouthing TNA and diaspora LTTE concepts. You are a Sinhala kotiya along with the JVP. You are the threat to peace in SL with your anrchist theories and intolerance of other communities. You are sowing dischord in SL to help JVP capture power through the backdoor.
Dear Nicholas,
Look. Have you ever seen a Sinhala Buddhist lass who would willingly wear a dynamite laden bra to blow the brains out of someone who has a strong opinion (they call them enemies)?
Well, if you have seen one my dear Mr Nicholas, I will give up my nationalistic sentiments.
Nicholas, please don’t tell me that the psychopath brainwashed Onlanka blogger Pillayan’s womenfolk. And please do not conclude now that the psychopath is gone, the lassies have got rid of their dynamite laden bras.
Nicholas, we are dealing with a community that will go any length (including sleepers like Pillayan and the D laden bra wearing lassies) to reach that goal. Let us go along with that aspiration and find these bunch of blood thirsty idiots a home away from the shores of our emerald isle.
Dear Guru,
VP was an evil psychopath who had been brainwashed originally with fanatical nationalsim by Chelvanayagam and Amirthalingam. He went one step further, by raising a rag-tag militant, terrorist outfit to carve out eelam state by force of arms. The woman who realized this ambition of his, funded, trained and armed him was no other than the PM of our large neighbour India, Indira Gandhi, through RAW. Indira continued to fund, train and arm VP and the LTTE through 3 decades. IG paid for her folly in the hands of a Sikh extremist, who wanted independence for Punjab, which they called Kalistan. Rajiv Gandhi follwed his mother’s policy to the letter and hob-nobbed with the psychopath VP. In the end he paid the price for his folly also.
CBK and RW are traitors, who also made secret deals with VP, giving in to his calls for eelam. They probably were paid handsomely with lot of bakshish by the Vikings, British and USA to concede to VP demands. Fortunately, by God’s grace, Hon Mahinda Rajapksa and his brothers-3, sprung to the rescue. The rest is history. They proved to the world the propaganda LTTE, the Vikings and the imperial West spread about the invincibility of LTTE were an utter myth.
Now the rump LTTE, some of whom are in hiding in SL while others escaped in tin-pot rust-buckets, the LTTE ships, to the imperial West, have formed a so-called ‘Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam’. What a joke! This ridiculous ‘government’ is not given any recognition in the imperial West r by the UN. Guru, by calling our Hon President to negotiate with this pseudo regime you are giving them recognition they do not deserve. Our Hon President will not demean himself in this manner. Are you out of your mind my friend! what you are suggesting is a dangerous idea.
The GOSL is infact negotiating with the imperial West to seize all the LTTE ill-gotten assets, through crime, so that they can never raise their ugly heads again. They are seththapochchi forever. Already, the Swiss government has arrested 10 of the leading LTTE criminals who are extorting money from the unfortunate diaspora Tamils in Switzerland and in Europe, Canada and USA and heavily involved in carrying out organised crime. They rival even the Italian, Russian, Armenian and Somali mafia. It is a billion dollar criminal industry. They have so far not taken-up piracy in the high seas, like the Somalis, which is even more lucrative, running into multi-billion dollar industry, with little effort and no threat of being arrested and their assets seized.
My friend, please do not attack innocent SL patriotic Tamils like Pillayan. As I have said before, do not go about seeing in every SL Tamil or Muslim face an ‘underground kotiya or sleeper’, suicide LTTE bombers. These unfortunate LTTE suicide bombers had been brainwashed to carry out their missions by the brutal psychopath VP. VP is no more. LTTE leaders are all dead and buried. So please do not entertain and spew-out to us your paranoid ideas. Either your have lost your marbles completely, my friend, or you have embarked on a cruel, subtle propaganda war of disinformation to misguide naive Sinhalese citizens into not trusting any SL Tamil or Muslim. How pathetic! As Rani and Pillayan has rightly sussed you out, you are an out-and-out rabid JVP leftist anarchist.
I think you should go on a mission on behalf of JVP and the TNA to preach your sectarianist, anarchist, Tamil nationalist views in Tamil Nadu to Vaiko, Nedumaran, Kanamochi and ilk to fight for Tamil Nadu independence, and to absorb the SL eelamist Tamils also into TN. They should elect you their President.
When you provide an answer to the question in para 1 of Blog 14 along with supporting evidence, I will do what I promise in para 2 of Blog 14.
During JVP militant uprisings in the South, youths (M&F) were brain washed with leftist, anarchist propaganda (like that of the German Baarder Meinhoff gang). Even Sinhalese females took to the streets in a killing spree using guns, molotov cocktails and handgrenades. Ofcourse, JVP had no suicide brigade. That was VP’s brainchild, being used effectively by Taleban effectively today against imperial West forces.
Anyway, this is neither here nor there. What is important is you should stop propagating your rabid distrust of ALL Tamils and Muslims just because a FEW were used/forced/brainwashed by VP on suicide missions.
You will not be able to live in peace with Tamils/Muslims in this way without trust. You suggest they be all deported to Tamil Nadu to join Vaiko and Co. to fight for TN independence. That is not our issue here. Your intolerance of other communities is totally reprehensible and I strongly condemn it. You are a sad man in this way if you cannot trust other communities. You should make an effort to trust people by changing your perceptions and having recourse to teachings of Lord Buddha. Perhaps a few months of meditation on sacred Buddhist dhamma might do you a world of good in this yeasr of Sambudjayanthi.
During the 88/89 JVP uprisings, many JVP young men and women bearing arms, handgrenades and moltov cocktails created havoc in the South killing innocent Sinhalese business men, academics and their families, who opposed the radical leftist, anrchist JVP. That is your evidence. These JVP brianwashed lads and lasses though not wearing suicide kits were just as deadly as senseless killing machines. So please come to your senses and don’t be radical.