President meets Chinese and Russian leaders; China opposes external forces intervening in SL’s internal affairs – Hu Jintao:
“We respect the sovereignty of Sri Lanka and oppose external forces intervening in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka,” President of China Hu Jintao said in the course of bilateral talks he had with President Mahinda Rajapaksa at the Corintia Nevsky Hotel yesterday.
He said that under President Rajapaksa’s leadership, Sri Lanka is politically well-stabilized and development has been accelerated.
He expressed his satisfaction over the progress made in respect of resettlement of IDPs in the North and East and facilities provided for them and pledged his continuous support for development activities.
The Chinese President who recalled President Rajapaksa’s previous tours in China thanked President Rajapaksa for strengthening ties in every field where the two countries are concerned. President Rajapaksa said that the support extended by China is immensely appreciated and expressed the desire of widening the economic horizons of the two countries.
External Affairs Minister Prof G L Peiris, Senior Minister Dr Sarath Amunugama, Sajin Vass Gunawardena MP, Secretary to the President Lalith Weeratunga, Ambassador of Sri Lanka in Russia Udayanga Weeratunga and Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal also participated.
Courtesy: Daily News

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China and Russia are Sri Lanka’s closest allies. They helped us immensely to defeat LTTE terrorist utterly. They help us now to develop in every field on fast track. We are achieving it surely but steadily. It is hard work. Everyone must do his or her bit. One cannot expect the government to do everything. We must become a hive of activity like the bees, busy building a better life for all.
We are one big cosmopolitan family. We cannot claim SL is for Sinhalese only. The true natives of SL, from ancient times, are the Aadivaasis, the Veddas. The Sinhalese Aryans migrated here circa 500BC while the Tamil Dravidans migrated here circa 300BC. Unity is strength. Divided we fall.
British colonialists divided and ruled us and all their colonies. That is how a small country such as Britain was able to create such a huge empire in the 19th C. Today, Britian is no more a big power. The big power is USA. But by itself USA is weak. Hence it allies itself with Britain and the NATO countries, to pillage smaller countries of their vital resources, like oil, for themselves. Without oil and gas, the industries of the West will grind to a halt. Why is USA, Britain and France with the deployment of NATO forces attacking Libya? The reason is simple. Libya has good quality oil reserves and plenty of it. Saudi oil is running out. The imperial West knows this. They think 25 years ahead. They pave the way for their better future now. They know that Libya knows this. They know that Libya’s Gaddafi is no push-over. Gaddafi hates British and American imperialism, and rightly so.
The oil wells of Libya is largely controlled by US oil giants. Libya gets only a meagre 20% of the oil revenue. Libya is robbed. When Gaddafgi protested and wanted a bigger slice, the US and Britain together with the French governments reacted. They subverted the country through CIA and MI6, spying agencies. Every country has malevolent political parties. They are funded and controlled by CIA to topple any regime that is not imperial West friendly. Libya, Syria and Iran are such countires in their list whose regimes have to be removed. They do this by stirring up civil unrest through rebel groups the imperial West has created, funded and armed. Then the imperial West takes sides with the rebel ‘armies’ against the legitimate governments of these countries to topple such governments and install rebel governments which become stooges of the imperial West, to strip them of their oil, gas and mineral wealth.
In SL, they sided with the LTTE covertly. They used Norway, to assist LTTE openly, by calling them ‘freedom fighters’. USA saw the strategic value of SL in the Indian Ocean for domination of SE Asia. Oil discovered around our coast is a bonus. When their strategy of covert support to LTTE failed, thanks to Hon Mahinda Rajapaksa, imperial West branded him and all those responsible for the eliination of LTTE terrorists, “War criminals”.
Who are the real war criminals who daily commit crimes against humanity in the countries they have invaded? They are none other than USA and its allies in the imperial West. The imperial pariah dogs bark and tell lies of crimes against humanity being committed by the regimes they hate, when the real criminals are the imperial pariah West. Imperial West-friendly evil regimes such as in Bahrain, Yemen and Saudi Arabia are supported by imperial West and aided to put down just revolutions to topple those evil regimes.
I am so happy we have the dedicated backing of Russia and China in all fields, especially in the UNSC, UNGA and UNHRC to veto any resolutions against SL brought by the imperial West and their allies, through animosity and revenge for totally destroying the world’s most brutal terrorist organisation. We now need closer ties with these two powerfull allies in defence issues, as USA and its allies are a serious threat to our peace, and infact world peace.
Your diatribe does not assist our nation in this time of need.
You also refer to “real” war criminals; is there a category of “unreal” war criminals?
Lets face the heat squarely and produce that movie on LTT atrocities as proposed by Guru Sathyadasa and supported by Manjula.
There appears to be no strategic thinking in our lands’ leadership. Hon GLP promised a response to the Darusman Report to the UNSG and the UNSG has repeatedly stated that he is waiting for that response. Now that the UNSG has been assured of a second term, he is likely to crack the whip harder and our bretheren will have to duck and run for cover.
The Chinese Guy doesn’t appear to be paying any attention. The Russian Guy is smiling for the photograph.
The omens do not auger well.
Any country deal with us honestly, will be our companions in mutual support. But we’ll not go under any kind of slavery or beggeing anywhere.
Because we’re the Great & Respectable Bearers of Unbeatable Universal Truth Buddhism..!
We’re the 1 & only country in this world to have the universal theory of actual real true Progress in this world & beyond this world..!
According to the circumstances we’re going to rise to the occasion as Real Lions, sooner or later.
We must value & exercise hard in this Dhamma to lead the country in good head way. Only then we can be an independent proud nation in the world.
Being slavers of gods myth, we could only be spoiled as the best beggars in the world & nothing else.
Lack of understanding & implementing the Dhamma is the great fault of us for now…!
May all have the maximum attention towards Dhamma at all the time……!
Dear JS
It is a pity you see my Blog 1 as a ‘diatribe’. I had clarified for everyone to understand the truth about neo imperialsim of USA, Britain and France who have allied themmselves to rob smaller antions of their mineral resources. They have also deployed the NATO forces to attack, as they are doing at presernt in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan. USA and Britain are committing war crimes and crimes against humanity daily. We have to expose them for what they are doing and who they are. This is not a diatribe for exposing and fighting these evil forces of neo-imperialists. The eyes of the freeworld need to be open. We need to be ever vigilant in SL against imperial West as they are planning to attack us, by setting up India to do their dirty work, with imperial West backing.
I am glad ‘Amden’ has now professed to be a Buddhist. If so, please do not attack other great religions of the world for their beliefs. Lord Buddha never denounced other religions. He was focused on showing a better ‘way of life’ out of the misery of ‘wheel of life’. Let us follow this path and begin by renouncing our ego. Let us then free ourselves of all cravings. Let us all help one another to live a better life of sharing, rather than grasping through avarice. This is th essential message of Lord Buddha.
Nicholas! I totally agree with you Brother. There is no need to attack any relegion. Almost every relegion has alwayays tried to to show people how to care and help others and live a peaceful life Especially buddism. It is a disgrace that people who call themsleves true biddists use such appauling language to rubbish other relegions. Relelgion today is bad because of people who interprit rellegion wrong to suit themselves.
So let me explian you abt that. Just Being stuck in the word of Religion doesn’t make a sense of good or bad. The relevant course of action makes a sense of good or bad. Have you any doubt abt it..?
Because any harmful action can be kept covered by the name of religion. If so, can you agree to it as the name of religion..?
Don’t just “believe” this, but accept only if you know yourself well..! This’s not a slavery but the freedom of thinking & knowing things as they’re..! The Actual real practical natural universal noble truth in the world..!
Then, you know yourself very well that you’ve no at least any practical experience or realization abt the meaning of god & what’ll happen after the death..! Do you have any..? If no, then
why do you surpass, bypass & ignore ‘what you know yourself’ because of “just a belief” of unknown god..?
Can you know yourself what’s good & bad for you, while ignoring your actual practical knowladge..?
Don’t you depend on your actual practical knowladge while doing all in your life..?
Can you left your job or any actual practical work to do by so called god..?
If no, then why do you hand over only the salvation of yours to an unknown god..?
Is this not a real blind fool slavery of gods myth..?
Why you just “believe” when you can actualy “know” the fact..?
If you’re wise enough to get it, then the facts are more than enough to leave your misbelief…! Then you’ll slam & damn than me to the same which you been slaved in.
1 more thing i’d like to remind you. Don’t state abt Buddha without knowing the facts.!
The Buddha slamed & damned strongly to the misbelief straightly, openly in public..! Do you know why..?
The misbelievers’ course of action is so harmful for self & others both. The greatest fault in the world is having misbelief..! That’s a practical truth upto the buddha. Do you know how it is..?
The fault of just a killing will cause to regret later on himself & it’ll limit his fault in advance.
But when having a misbelief as ‘killing is good’ then that evil doer’ll never regret but to continue killing & no limit of his faults in advance.
So keep in mind that misbelievers are the most miserable ones in the world..!
By saying, ‘misbelievers are the most miserable people on earth’ you have condemned yourself by your own mouth.
I invite you to show by example that you are a righteous man who care about fellowmen and the environment, by living a righteous life. For a start, stop babbling on and prattling about other people’s religions and belief in God. Do not use vulgar language in this column and in life in general. Live according to your conscience. You will then discover peace and joy that Lord Buddha and other righteous men enjoyed. This is heaven.
Nico… See now how narrow & biased minded 1 you’re here…
Do you think that i write here to show my perfection..? That’s not so brother..
If i’m condemned by the truth, then that’s so..! I’m 1 of living beings also under the theory of nature same as you’re.
I admit my faults BUT not being fucking slavers of anything like you.!
I’m free & ready to analyze & correct my faults always. So i’ll be not a threat to myself or to the rest of world.!
But you’re following unknown hidden misbelief where your’re not allowed to even think free. So you just be a SLAVER of it & your faults are not even seen by you..! Then your hole soul is a real threat to you & rest of the world.
Then being such a slaver of misbelief, you tell me to stop pointing it too.
So you think the righteous 1s should let evil doers to act free in this world…! Isn’t it..?
You just hanging in the 2 words of religion & language being a real slaver of false gods myth.
Again with your fool thinking you see this’s as a heaven, but it’ll not be a heaven to you for long.
These Fools never learn & Fucking Jesus Ever Slaving..!
You prattle on and babble, nonsensically.
You make little sense though you write a lot of words. Verbal diarrheoa.
Your obscene words are vulgar and disgusting, especially to swear, ‘f ing Jesus’.
Would you say, ‘f…ing Buddha?’ You wouldn’t. Because I believe you are a Buddhist.
So why swear, ‘f…ing Jesus?’ Don’t you think you should not do so against spiritual leaders of other religions? It brings shame on your own religion, which I believe is Buddhism.
Lord Buddha never resorted to profanity, obscenity or vulgarity.
He showed us the way of the four noble truths.
To attain Buddhahood through stage of Arahat, over a period of several re-births, is not easy.
But I wish you also to attain Buddhahood one day.
I do not wish you evil.
Renounce all profanity to begin with, that is, use of vulgar language, obscenities, especially your constant uttering of ‘f ing Jesus’.
Try to clean up your language. Be a gentleman.
People will love you for it.
Maintain decorum and dignity in this column and in your interaction with others in society.
Treat all life forms, all beings with respect.
Infact, treat your whole environment with respect.
This is the beginning of attaining Buddhahood.
It is not easy. But we all should strive towards it.
Then we will attain true peace and joy, equanimity.
I do not want to preach to anyone, but I would like you to be a better person by:
Right thought
Right Speech
Right action.
Buddhism is a ‘Way of Life’. People who follow this path will attain peace and joy, in this life itself. It is heaven. Renounce ego to begin with. Be humble.
No drugs , no alcohol.
You become spiritually rich then, though you may not have creature comforts. No wealth can bring the happiness you get by leading a spiritual life, according to your conscience.
No one can rob you of this spiritual wealth.
This is what you take with you when you die and not material wealth.
Nicholas dias , amda always use filth
I know this. I have denounced ‘amden’ for this, time and time again, and even asked the mderator to warn him. But the moderator has done nothing.
This column is now a disgrace for this failure on the part of the moderator who seems to be condoning such foul language.
Gentelmen. I am only new to this column. I was getting a bit discouraged because of the comments of Amden but i am glad to see that there are still some decent prople around. I can never can make any sence of what amden writes apart from the swear words. He is an arrogant, uncouth, ignorrant ass who’s comments should not be encouraged in this column. I am surprised that they are beeing published.
Any way I do look forward to reading all ideas and comments from the rest of the bloggers. Keep up the good work and try to refrain from replying to comments from that Jack Ass Amden because he is not worth the trouble.