US commends Sri Lanka’s human trafficking elimination
The U.S.Report for 2011 on Trafficking in Persons (TIP) released yesterday by the Secretary of State Hilary Clinton says that Sri Lanka is making significant efforts for elimination of human trafficking. It has noted that the Sri Lankan government convicted three traffickers, in the first case under its anti-trafficking legislation, and rejuvenated its inter-agency task force.
The report says that the Sri Lankan government increased law enforcement efforts in addressing human trafficking cases over the reporting period. The report points out that Sri Lanka prohibits all forms of trafficking through an April 2006 amendment to its penal code, which prescribes punishments of up to 20 years’ imprisonment. These penalties are sufficiently stringent and commensurate with those prescribed for other serious offences, such as rape.
The report adds that amendments passed in 2009 to the Foreign Employment Act expanded the powers of the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) to prosecute recruitment agents who engage in fraudulent recruitment, prescribing a maximum penalty of four years’ imprisonment and fines of $1,000, and restricting the amount that employment agents can charge.(niz)
Source: Government News Portal

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Thanks mrs. HILLAry…!
We thought you’re as just a “Boru Hilla” before..!
But when seeing now, actualy you also know something no…?!
Good girl yourself yet..!
But just the “Kossa”(quez) here is, this’s the only appraisal of yours about us, but all the time you & your westerns has done the best of RUIN to us since 100s of yrs. So we’re ever cautious towards you darling..!
By the way HILLAry nangi, we eliminate not only human traffic, but we eliminate the fucking “Religious Traffic” too…!
You know well that the abetting slavers of your “Expired Gods Myth” here are knowing nothing of moral values..! So we must eliminate them before they become a big threat to the humanity..!
Americans already know that Fucking Jesus Never be happy & only the Buddhism can make good for all wise people in the world.
So.. if that fucking jesus is seems never be happy, then i’d like to remind you that, Never be Hesitate to study Dhamma of Buddhism to ever be happy with yourself…!
Hariyata Kiyanna Puluwanda Pansil Ha Ewaye Theruma?
Itin Rani oya owa dannawa kiyala uda paninda ona na…
Oya dannawa nam matath kiyala denda honda lamaya wage…!
Eka newei oya dannawada ara deviyanta kiyala paw samaa karana hati..? Ekath mata aha ganda ona…!
habei ara nursing walata awa wage newei aththatama…
mmm….Rani nangi, mamath oya 5n 3k unath kiyanda dannawa. eath nikan mokadda wage ane….!
Oya issellama ekak kiyanda ethakota mama anika kiyannam harida…
Deviyangen Samawa ganna Gathawa dawasema Japakara kara inna.
Mal Mal Rani… Mokakda aa deviyangen samaawa ganna GATHAWA aa…?
ehema mother fucking gathawak nam mama ahala na ane…!
oyage pothe ehema gathawak thiyanawada…?
oyata ada nam “poth deka” maaru wela wage.. hah..hah..ha… Poth maaru welada nathnam oyage WIRE maaru welada…? hah..hah.
eka newei meya dan christian aya meditation karanawalu neda aa..?
Mokakda eyala karana fucking meditation eka…? Copy Cat da..? Paw ane…
Deiyo mawwa nam mokatada ewa karanne aa..? Deiyo eyalawa baageta mawalada..?
=misbelievers have two choices in next life, that’s the Hell or Animal nature= ….the buddha….
-misbelievers are in danger of become Animals in the next life-