“I have been waiting and waiting until the Sri Lankan government would respond” said the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon . His remarks were made in an exclusive press meeting with Norwegian Foreign Media on 10 October in Oslo. Journalist Nadarajah Sethurupan has questioned the Secretary General when he attended the International Climate and Energy Summit that opens on Monday, hosted by the Norwegian Government.
The Secretary-General stated, “On Sri Lankan issues as you remember, I have established a Panel of Experts and they have reviewed all these situations and made many recommendations. These recommendations are something which needs to be implemented by the Sri Lankan people. I have been waiting and waiting until the Sri Lankan government would respond, positively, to the implementation of recommendation done by Panel of Experts.”
“Just a couple of weeks ago I decided to refer this report to the Human Rights Council and my High Commissioner for Human Rights and they are now reviewing this Panel of Experts Report.” he further said.
“I met the President Rajapaksa just two weeks ago on the occasion of the United Nations General Assembly and we discussed this matter. He assured me that he would do his best to ensure the human rights of all his Tamil People be protected and promoted and also would do all domestic measures to see that justice prevailed.” the Secretary General added.
Courtesy: Colombo Telegraph

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…you just wait Black Moon, srilankan people’re also waiting here to F##K you jackass…!
What panel of experts? They were stooges of LTTE and imperial West just as the pariah Korean dog Ban ki Moon. I hear, in Korea, dog meat is a favourite dish. I hope some one eats this pariah mad dog.
SL should not respond to this scurrilous report, illegally drawn up and being pushed through the back door of UNHRC. How much were you paid by the LTTE, you pariah dog?
Dear Nicholas Sir,
You dissapint me again. Where’s all your learning gone?
It is frustrating to be a Sri Lankan. But that’s no reason for name calling.
Sir, please be my Guru.
Dear Guru
I am sorry to disappoint you. Ban ki-moon is unashamedly siding with USA and its allies in the imperial West. They rewarded him with a second term in office for his unstinting support. He has flagrantly dodged holding USA and Britain to account for gross human rights abuse and war crimes in the past few years, which continue to be committed unabated. Ban ki-Moon unashamedly shines the spotlight away from USA, from gross human rights abuse and war crimes, on teeny-weeny SL,on non-existing war crimes and human rights abuse, concocted by the LTTE diaspora Tamils and the imperial West. We cannot allow this nincompoop to get away with it. He should be sacked for being partisan. The Freeworld majority of nations should demand a no-confidence motion in the UNGA and have him sacked for his corruption. I don’t apologise for venting my anger against this grossly corrupt man.
Lyrics from a song by Mick Jagger / Rolling Stones:
I am waiting, I am waiting (all year, all year)
I am waiting, I am waiting (all year, all year)
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere
You can’t hold out, you can’t hold out
all year, all year
You can’t hold out, you can’t hold out
all year, all year
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere
See it come along and
don’t know where it’s from
Oh, yes you will find out
Well, it happens all the time
It’s censored from our minds
You’ll find out
Slow or fast, slow or fast
all year, all year
End at last, end at last
all year, all year
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere
Stand up coming years
and escalation fears
Oh, yes we will find out
Well, like a WINTER STORM
Fears will pierce your bones
You’ll find out
Oh we’re waiting, oh we’re waiting
all year, all year
Oh we’re waiting, oh we’re waiting
all year, all year
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere
Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere
Oh we’re waiting, oh we’re waiting
Oh we’re waiting, oh were waiting…