‘Even President cannot send me on retirement’
Source: DM Online – By Sandun A Jayasekera
Senior Minister on Good Governance and Infrastructure, Ratnasiri Wickramanayaka yesterday said even the President could not send him on retirement unless he retired on his own will as he is an elected Member of Parliament.
Addressing the media after assuming office at the Senior Ministers’ Office Complex in Colombo, Senior Mr Wickramanayaka said he does not intend to respond to the comments made by certain ministers on a statement n he had made earlier while he was abroad.
“I respond only to responsible people, he emphasized.
Commenting on the increase of the Cost of Living, Senior Minister Wickramanayaka said there were no instant solutions to the increase of the COL.
The only long term, tangible solution is to increase domestic production. The issue of COL cannot be resolved by importing eggs from India.
“We were used to a certain pattern of governance through the cabinet system of administration. There was a secretary, a separate building and an administrative set up at each and every ministry. Today we are in a new system of management where no responsibilities in respect of specific departments or corporations have been brought under some ministries. But these ministries have a special job under different circumstances and under a different field,” Mr. Wickramanaya stressed.
Mr. Wickramanatyaka vowed that he would never leave the party despite opposition claims that he had been disappointed over the new portfolio.
“Each and every sphere in the government comes under the purview of the good governance which functions under me. We must do our job properly but no one must poke into the functions of the line ministries. We must be careful not to offend ministers acting like a ‘Bull in a China Shop’ but work with cooperation and understanding, safeguarding their dignity,” he emphasized.
Minister Wickramanayaka said mistakes could take place but all must be determined to go ahead while correcting themselves. All must be ready to listen to criticism as government members have been elected to serve the people.
Senior Ministers have been given two executive officers, a staff and funds.
The challenge is to do the job properly and diligently. The change of the name does not matter.
Responding to a journalist Mr. Wickramanayaka emphasized that he would never leave the party and those who know him better would vouch to it. He said he got a staff, two senior officers, finance and an office after he publicly said that he lacks them.

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sanath jayasooriya part2
It seems that the internal conflict has started within the UPFA which is not good for the present government.
Mohamed Shareef Asees
RW is a bitter man because he was not re-appointed a second term as PM. DMJ was confirmed as PM for a second term. RW as a good Buddhist should now renounce desire and craving for high office. He is in his dotage. He should retire with dignity as a good Buddhist, instead of challenging the President and making snide remarks against our Hon President. He has become a very bad role model for the new and younger politicians. He is what a good politician should not be. He is serving his self interest rather than dedicating himself to the public good as Hon President is doing along with a few Ministers such as Hon Health Minister, MS. I am glad Hon President confirmed DMJ as PM rather than the sour faced, irritable, scurrilous RW. His current behaviour only confirms he is not suitable even for his current post. RW is now a thorn on the side of the GOSL and a burden on the public purse. It is high time he does the honourable thing and retire to devote himself to works of charity with his wealth.
Over 60 age peoples should send home,this peoples need more rest and peace.
I have much experience this peoples with,very difficults to work them.Our country need much young peoples to build country!
Yes am agree with those ideas we need a younger generation to do the better job but not too young also and when they reach 60 should retired