Allow reopening of churches, places of worship: Cardinal

Malcolm Ranjith

Colombo Archbishop Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith called on the Government yesterday to allow church services and other religious activities to resume.

He requested that Sunday church services resume under certain conditions and with the participation of a limited congregation.

“Having adhered to all government rules and regulations and recommendations by health authorities, I would now like to call upon the government to permit us celebrate Sunday Mass in keeping with the health and safety requirements of today. We have already conveyed this to the government and that is why we are asking the health and defence authorities to look into our request. As such we ask the government to permit us as well as all other religious groups to conduct their activities.

I am making this appeal as a special request to the government and the President on behalf of the people of this country,” the Cardinal said during the Sunday service held at the St. Mary’s Church Negombo yesterday (7).

However, the Archbishop said that he was not seeking special privileges for the Catholic Church. He added that the Catholics have been kept away from attending mass for a considerable period and they are eagerly waiting to attend mass in church. Hence, the Cardinal urged the government to grant permission to hold mass at churches under health sector guidelines.

(Source: Daily News – By Camelia Nathaniel)

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