Anti-terrorist combat training for Foreign Army Personnel in Sri Lanka
The programme of providing anti-terrorist operational training in jungle terrains for foreign army personnel will commence on the 10th of this month at the Kuda-Oya Commando School. The Army Commander Lt. General Jagath Jayasuriya has said that military personnel from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh will attend this training programme.
The Army Commander has said that 4 personnel from India and Pakistan and one from Bangladesh will participate in this training.
This group is joining the training programme following an invitation by the Army through diplomatic channel. The training programme will cover 50 – 90 days and army personnel from several other countries are expected to undergo similar training in the future, due to the vast experience the Sri Lankan Security Personnel have gained in its operations against the LTTE terrorists who were considered as one of the most dangerous terrorist group in the world, and which were vanquished in May 2009. (niz)
Courtesy: Government News Portal

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please why do not ask UK or USA,weather they need anti-terrorist operational training,Because still their fighting to finish their mission in Irak and Afghanistan.
They should have done it a long time ago. I was in sri lanka last year and met some army personelle at diyatalawa base camp and have to say that they are well trained and an experienced group of fighters. Only factor which is keeping them from grabbing the top spot in the world is the lack of modern military equipment which they are equipped with. Sure enough once the army upgrades its ammo they will even rival the turkish maroon berets with out a doubt.
usa has nothing to learn from a organization facing war crimes tribunal. if we were to use our military witout regard to civilians we would be out of afghanistan. but we have a unreliable parnter in pakistan. if india still supported ltte as in past gosl could not win. so dont be too arrogant. as for iraq i believve business is being wrapped up. the sinhala inclination towards arrogance will lead to a new war as the ltte international network still operates. dumb asses.
well said Pillayan.You made me laugh:-)
USA and UK think they are the top dogs in the world. UK is like a third world country today with mounting garbage in the streets. Councils have no money from the government to clear the mountains. Rats infest and disease is rampant. In UK, the poor are squeezed out of the last penny they have by the tax burden to spend on useless invasion in Iraq and Afghanistan. UK needs a Robin Hood to topple this government and save the poor. In any case whichever party comes to power they do not keep their election promises. The same story is repeated in USA. How long is their invasion in Iraq and Afghanistan going to be? They have caught a tiger’s tail and afraid to let go. Now both nations have budget deficits running into billions and their economies are struggling. Unemployment is rising.
USA and UK are too proud to learn from SL who conquered the world’s most fierce and brutal terrorist outfit, who were infact sponsored by the imperial West and India. USA and UK have not yet learned their bitter lesson of defeat in Vietnam. They think mere technological superiority can defeat small nations.
Kotiyata Udawkarana Aya Anthimata Nawathinne Kotiyage Bada Ethule Bawa USA Danne Nehe.
my dear mr.cessch,you do not no about srilanken politics,who create the civil srilanken war,that was bloody ltte,who killed in jafna 1983 therteen army, was it not VP? Up to year 1983 srilanka was one of peaceful,beautifull country in the world.We tamils from colombo,upcountry and south live peacefully with our singhale brothers and sisters together.Still we do not have any problems with singhala people,if you want to see how the tamils and singhala people live together come to colombo and jafna I can saw you,The only problems we got at the moment from the neo fasist tamil who got the refugee asylmant in western countries, person like you.because people like you,got the maximum advantage from the srilanken civil war,because you people did not suffer through out the civil war and still your people do not suffer,thanks to ltte, all the western disapora got their refugee statesmants.and what i want to tell you as a srilanken born tamil i am realy proud of our srilanken forces,because they are the first army in the world to stopped world worst ruthless terrorist call to tell you francly USA,UK,and Norway still they can learn from our forces how to fight and stop the terrorist.And also those countries to be carefulled with tamil disapora.Because one day they might asked the parts of lands from even those western countries.
This man who calls himself ‘cessch’ seems to be an alien who have just landed on earth. He does not know anything. He is so naive!
The worst war criminal today is USA. They invaded Vietnam to ‘prevent spread of communism’. USA bombed innocent Vietnamese with ‘napalm’ bombs which rained fire on whole villages. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were deliberately and cruelly killed. USA war crimes cry to high heaven, but there is no one to stop them. UN is useless. US and UK crimes against humanity is pure evil. Today they carry out their evil wars against Iraq and Afghanistan, and also threaten other nations such as Iran, because these countries do not tolerate US domination over the world, their neo-imperialism. UK is not a superpower anymore. UK has become a lapdog of USA, ready to dance to his master’s tune. Together, USA and UK have done, and continue to do, terrible war crimes and crimes against humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan with no one to stop them. UN is silent because UNSG is in their pocket. Instead, UNSG is trying to bully SL with false allegations of war crimes. UNSG is corrupt and the Freeworld has no faith in him.
SL won the War of Liberation against evil terrorist organisation LTTE to save more than 300,000 SL Tamil citizens who were held as hostages and a human screen. LTTE themselves killed their Tamil hostages in the final days of the war as the hostages fled their captors. It is utterly ridiculous for diaspora LTTE to say otherwise. They are propagating disinformation since they lost the war, VP is dead and they want revenge. They have UNSG in their pocket to try to accuse SL of war crimes.
dear pillayan and dias, i have some substantive news for u 2 check out at information will make u free. isnt pillayn very close to a war criminal formerly of the ltte. ask urself what has karuna or pillian done for the tamils not to mention the lap dog called douglas devanda. ps i have been to colombo and andurpura and other places.
please open ur eyes
Cessch, who are you? Were you born in SL and ever a national of SL? If you were not, you cannot speak authoritatively about SL and our need of the hour for unity of all communities as ONE NATION. Most SL Tamils think and speak like fellow commentator Pillayan. You are a plain outsider, an alien, who has no right to comment authoritatively.
Tamil nationalists as opposed to Sinhala nationalists (typically represented by Nicholas Dias and his lapdog, Pillayan) have recognised the existence of two nations within the shores of Sri Lanka, for a long long time.
A new era will dawn when the Sinhala nationalists open their eyes to the existence of two nations contrary to being blind to the existence of the parallel nation predominantly in the norther and eastern provinces.
The Dharaneeshwara Kalyani hit the nail on the head when he stated that the west was seeking his journey to the elctric chair. This typically demonstrates the fears of the Sinhala community coming right down from the days of King Parakrama Bahu.
The Sinhahala people should get rid of their fears and view all members of the community as equals. The subjugation mentality should be vanquished.
By being “defeated” in the war, the tamil viewpoint has changed from ‘being oppressed’ to ‘being equals’ in a country that houses two nations.
DC is the typical voice of LTTE dispora remnant squeezing the ignorant Tamil diaspora for every last penny they can get out of them promising ‘neverland’. DC and his diasporal LTTE ilk enjoys a nice life on foreign government welfare benefits, money collected from bogus charities set-up in imperial West countries, and the money squeezed out of the diaspra LTTE. All they do is daily dish out disinformation drivel through internet and their media.
DC knows fully well there are no two ‘nations’ in SL. It is a myth he continues to peddle daily. He is indoctrinated with it and tries hard to indoctrinate others. It will not work you shit head. Pillayan. God bless him throughout this new year, is a genuine SL Tamil patriot like the majority of SL Tamils in SL. He is proud of his SL nationality and will fight to maintain the status quo. The few rabid pariah dogs are the Tamil diaspora and the TNA who still peddle the defunct Tamil nationalism. They do not represent the majority loyal and patriotic SL Tamils who love SL and wants to be left alone to get on with their lives as Sri Lankans.
Hon President and his brother, the Defence Sec, are hounded by the diaspora LTTE with bogus allegations of ‘war crimes’, seeking revenge for psychopath VP and LTTE psychopathic leaders who are now seththapochchi in hell for eternity.
My dear mr.D.C.and mr.cessch,how many those written link or news papper articles you need,Those articles were written and published by so call tamil Ltte disapora who lives in abroad and got people very lucky to get western nationalaties,because tamil who got tempory visa to stay abroad they have been sending to srilanka or tamilnadu very soon, because most of tamil who sold srilanka name and got asylmant not even born in srilanka, like you people.for your informations you can further dream separate tamil land and collect money for Ltte terrorist.
Mr Pillayan is a great patriot. he is a tamil who loves the land and its people. Mr Pillayan, you should marry 10 wives and produce 100’s of kids who will all be patriots..
To find the wives please contact the eastern province CM who is also the owner of many ladies.
Best of luck to you, Mr Pillayan