Australia’s Gold Coast picked to host 2018 Commonwealth Games
BASSETERRE, St. Kitts (AP) — Australia’s Gold Coast has been chosen ahead of the Sri Lankan city of Hambantota to host the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
The 70 members of the Commonwealth Games Federation who met in this Caribbean nation on Friday voted 43-27 to award the 21st Commonwealth Games to Gold Coast in southeast Queensland state.
Australia has hosted the games four times previously in the event’s 80-year history, while Sri Lanka was bidding to host for the first time.
Gold Coast’s bid was based largely on the use of existing facilities while Hambantota, a city largely devastated by the 2004 tsunami, promised to deliver brand new stadiums, an international airport and other infrastructure by 2016.
The Commonwealth Games primarily features nations that were formerly part of the British Empire and is held every four years.
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Good that we got 27 votes at least. Hope still hambantota will be rebuild to the same plan and let it shines by 2018. Lets hope and wait and see……
This is the work of rump LTT and its international agents. Beginning the killing of Bharatha, these terrorists embarassed the country at CHOGM and now they worked on the defeat of the 2018 games bid.
The Rajapaksa family should immediately put all international resouces on alert to counter these threats.
The lady who is ambassador in Canada should be moved to geneva to replace the Tamil woman. Brig Shavendra to be in-charge in New York.
Act now before theye strike again.
Thanks god. we had saved lot of money. now government can invest the money that was kept a side of the budget for the games to develop the country . now pourty can be reduced at least 5% . we love sri lanka but point of good view i would says good is seen us finally.
i would suggest to all of sri lankan not raising the nationality we all together shall invest the money which was planned with 2018 games to wards to country development.
Sri Lanka is not the product to sell. therefore marketting is not much important we do serve country as well as country ppl well at least to reduce survival of the ppl
It is a foregone conclusion. After all who are we
among Super Club members?
Thanks to god save poor Sri lankans tax money
Commonwealth of Nations was formed not to the benefit of the nations, who were once colonised by Britain and their wealth robbed. It was formed to commemorate the great British Empire. It is now an adjuct of Britain. It has little use for a developing country like ours.
Australia, New Zealand and Canada were largely colonised by British settlers and are run on Brtish lifestyle by white men. The true natives of these countries, the Aboriginees, Maories and the Red Indians, have become minorities and have little say in the governments of these countries. Their human rights are constantly trampled upon. UNHRC is deafeningly silent about this travesty of justice.
Isn’t it time we leave this ‘club’ dominated by the imperial West. We gain little from being a member. I wonder how much it costs us to be its member.
Commonwealth Games had been held four times in Australia alone, while it had never been held in SL. It is regretful and utterly shameful that the Commonwealth Nations do not take it in turn to stage the games but are put to the vote, which is largely influenced in favour of the imperial West. Surely, Australia should not have been allowed to stage it, since it had done so four times before! The rules are weighted in favour of the imperial West.
Hey Nicholas what happen you’r commence if we won the bid
MR. Hiran,
Then we would have rejoiced.We would tell the
others,The WORLD that Justice and Fairplay are with us at least among the Commonwealth Nations
How dare you talk about natives of the countries that you are referring to being treated as scum in their own countries when you guys are treating the native tamils in Srilanka the same way.
You guys cannot hold candle to civilised western countries when it comes good governance.
It took you this long to realise that Rajapaksa & Co are all nothing but crooks. Do not turn back now. By the way you seem to be now tamed by Guru, Julian and Frederick! Why dont you challenge them any more calling them all phony and LTT rump. Probably you are no match to their wit,intelligence and knowledge of the local situation!
Udurawana has missed my point. I have not stated that the true natives of these countries are ‘treated as scum’. That is his interpretation.
In contrast, the minority Tamils in SL are treated even better than the Tamils in Tamil Nadu. I know this for a fact because I have lived in Tamil Nadu and helped to re-settle the Tamil refugees from Burma. What we will never grant is ‘eelam’ or autonomy for a mere 4 million Tamils who are mostly in the South. Autonomy is not granted even in Tamil Nadu for their 70 million Tamils. Cry of ‘eelam’ is the cry of a very small group of SL Tamil nationalists and their stooges abroad who have not even set-foot in SL. Majority ordinary Tamils do not want ‘eelam’. They want to live in peace as ONE NATION ONE COUNTRY, to bring up their children safely with better prospects, unlike under Tamil radicalists, such as the militant fascist LTTE. Now the LTTE have been totally eliminated and the SL Tamils have been liberated from LTTE jackboots, they are prospering on fast track.
I fight for truth and justice. I deplore corruption wherever it may be. Now that MR and GR have been seen to be corrupt for protection of kudu-D, the alleged murderer of Bharatha, I have not hesitated to denounce them. Like the rest of the nation, I hailed them for the great victory over LTTE and still praise them for it. I also praise them for the correct policies of infra-structure building, emphasis on farming to be self-sufficient, conservation of water and economic development on fast track.
It is rather sad that Udurawana interpret my honesty as being ‘tamed by Guru, J and F. Even DC has recently praised me for my honesty and hailed me as the ‘conscience of the nation’.
Demala Chelvan,
Is it true that you have praised Nicholas as the ‘conscience of the nation’ as claimed by him? If so good on you and him as I have seen nothing but running verbal battles between you two in this blog in the past. You seem to be his roll model now! Bravo! Now Nicholas seems to realise who the true culprits of the nation are, the Blue Brothers & Co.
Nicholas, do not worry as the diaspora LTT rump and their western allies will eventually corner the Blue Brothers for the atrocities committed against innocent tamil civilians towards the end of the war in 2009. It is only a matter of time. In the mean time being the conscience of nation do something about the Blue Brothers bankrupting the place.
Dear Udurawana
Please read the news item, “High Expectations for LLRC Report” and my comment, Blog 20, in reply to Blog 19 of DC. It appeared a week earlier.
Unfortunately, there are hardly any Statesmen among politicians today, not only in SL but in other countries as well. By ‘Statesman’ I mean a politician who is honest and dedicated to work hard for the good of the people who elected him/her, rather than use his position and power to enrich himself, his family and cronies at the expense of the ordinary people, the public purse. I think DS and his son, Dudley, were such men, also W Dahanayake, who led a simple life and died poor.
why have you failed to mention even once about the “innocent Singhalese” who got killed by LTTE? Why only talking about innocent tamils got killed?
Does it mean you are another tamil racist who is shy to use a tamil name in a public form just because LTTE destoyed any respect tamils had in the world and left a reputation to tamils as liers, cheats and killers?
Commonwealth is an organisation created by UK to remind it’s former colonies that UK still is the boss. UK’s white people have migrated to Canada and Australia and runs those countries like UK in those 2 countries. Don’t try to tell me about those white people’s so called “golden” treatment towards minorities, because it stinks.
Original native people in Canada and Australia are being trerated as scum and all the wealth is used up by the whites. Only English language and Christianity is encouraged and sometimes forced. But they have invented nice tricks to cover-up all their dirty work from weak people who can be bought over using money.
Common-wealth must be renamed as common-thief. It will be good if Sri lanka leaves this common-thief earlier than later.
What makes you think that I am a tamil racist not using my real name. Have you not heard of good educated singhalese who stand up for genuine the tamil cause. Have you not heared of Dr Vicramabahu Karunaratne, Dr Brian Seneviratne and the like. I too am like them a well balanced person prepared to call a crook a crook. Surely you are not that ignorant! Do not assume things like a modaya.
I am no supporter of the LTTE either as you have assumed. They too were brutes like you guys. Unfortunately there is no one left from their side to be taken to the courts in the Hague.
I thought you too bailed out from this blog after the witty and intelligent comments from people like JS and Frederick. Even Nicholas considers DC as his roll model now! This is the chance for you to change. Become civil and do not start calling people names.
Udurawana assumes that I consider DC as my ‘role model’. This is absolute nonsense! It is this fellow’s assumption. On the otherhand, DC complimented me as the “conscience of the nation” and pleaded with me to, “come back and lead us, we need your counsel.” Please see Blog 19 of DC and my response Blog 20, “High Expectations for LLRC Report: US” of 04/11/2011. You can access this by clicking on the previous ON LANKA reports.
I think Manjula is right. Udurawana is either a diaspora Tamil hiding under a Sinhala sobriquet or a diaspora Sinhalese who is paid to support the diaspora Tamils’ useless quest for autonomy for 4 million Tamils in SL, most of whom are in the South, while 70 million Tamils in Tamil Nadu have not sought nor will be granted Tamil autonomy there. This is evident from his writing style. Vickramabahu K is a traitor, in the payroll of the diaspora Tamils to support them, just like Bruce Fein, Channel 4 etc.
I am no longer an avid supporter of MR and GR. Their open support and protection of the villain kudu-D, the Godfather of the biggest mafia organisation of SL, put paid to it. MR and GR are now tainted with the villainy of this crime syndicate. Alas, Mafia has crept into government ranks at the highest level and has taken control! Unfortunately, the SL nation has no decent opposition to fight this evil and to vote for at the next General/Presidential/Local elections, as most of them are also corrupt and perhaps even worse. They take Indian corrupt politicians as their role models. I lament for our dear Motherland, our nation. Whither SL now? So much for our much hyped ‘Economic Victory’!
What happened to you? I thought you had turned around to be the conscious of the nation and be a model citizen of mother Lanka.
All singhalese sympathisers of the tamil sufferings you call traitors being on the payrol of the LTTE rump. This unsubstatiated alegations says much about your mentality and thinking and intelligence. I was a student of Dr Vicramabahu Karunaratna so do not start talking about his qualities as I know them well.
Rajapaksa & Co will eventually take all who voted them in to the gallows with them. Wake up man before we start begging on the streets when the Blue Brothers have bankrupted the place.
It appears Frederick too has retired after giving you chaps a moral awakening. We need more Fredericks’ on this blog to share more intelligent and balanced views!
Udu, haven’t you become a hypocrit by asking me to not to call names? Look at your own post as the reply to my original one and see who called names? People think they are intelligent and modest and wise and balanced and all of that but not realising that they act contrary to their own preaching. You are a great example of that.
My question to you again is when you posted your comment, where was the “so called balance” when you shed crocodile tears only for the dead tamil? What happened to your “balanced” view towards the dead sinhalese?
If you were a student of that Wicrmabahu Karunarathne then I hope you are in the same low level of that man. That guy has not done anything to the betterment of Sri lanka rather than waiting till the war ended and tried to create problems to the existing government who won the war. Brian senevirathne is no different. Biggest jonb they can do is to denegrade Sri Lanka at forign venues (Uda balagena Kela Gesima). Where were they and what did they practically do to stop the war other than uttering bull shit mostly at forign countries to denegrade our motherland? If they are so right, then those majority of the people in Sri lanka who had out rightly refused them must be “modayas” as you called me.
You have all the right to live in your dream world calling others “modays” but at the end you would be the one to have that title, from the point of view of the majority. Remember, majority view is what is valid in a democracy. You may not believe in a democracy but bad luck.
Just like you I also call “crook” a “crook”, the problem is a crook is a hero to one while he is a crook to others. So who is right? Like to hear from your “balanced” view that you think you have.
Anyway, don’t call names to others when you comment!
Well replied Manjula to Udurawana or whatever his real name is. It is a waste of time to reply even to this man henceforth. He is too full of himself. He has no open mind. His arguments are all hollow.