Baratha killing: Family ask why Duminda is not a suspect
The family of presidential adviser Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra yesterday asked why parliamentarian Duminda Silva was not a prime suspect in the investigation into Mr. Premachandra’s assassination and said they had no confidence in the probe carried out so far.
Mr. Premachandra’s brother Asela told a news conference they had urged the authorities to carry out an impartial inquiry into the killing of their brother.
“According to one of the eye witnesses, Duminda Silva shot my brother. So how can they say he is not a suspect? This means that they pick and choose whom they think should be a suspect in this case,” he alleged.
Asela Premachandra claimed that though Media Center for National Security (MCNS) Director General Lakshman Hulugalle had said Silva was not a suspect in the case, the CID had informed the Premachandra family that investigations into his assassination were still going on.
“Various contradictory statements are being made on the inquiry and we are very disappointed with the government’s response to this tragedy,” he said and added that since their brother’s killing, President Mahinda Rajapaksa had not spoken to the family nor had he visited the funeral house at Kolonnawa.
Asela said there were threats to Mr. Premachandra’s life in February this year and that the family had written to government officials including Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa requesting for more security personnel but nothing had been done at the time.
He said Silva was receiving a lot of backing from an influential force within the government. “We do not blame the government but we feel there are certain elements within the government that are protecting him,” Asela said.
“Why are the authorities afraid to take any action against Duminda Silva? The man who shot our brother is being protected in a hospital,” Mr. Premachandra’s elder sister Swarna Gunaratne alleged.
She said there was mystery and suspicion surrounding Silva after the shooting incident.
She asked why Silva was rushed to the Sri Jayewardenepura Hospital after the Mulleriyawa shooting and said if he was in a critical condition he should have been rushed to the closest hospital. She said it was also suspicious as to how two suspected people received visas to go to India two hours after the incident took place.
Ms. Gunaratne said if Silva was in a critical condition how come he was eating solid food just days after the shooting took place.
“He had miraculously survived after supposedly being on the verge of death but we do not believe this to be so. We have doubts about his health condition,” she said and questioned why the Sri Jayewardenepura Hospital Board was dissolved and why the hospital was surrounded with security personnel after the Duminda Silva was admitted.
Ms. Gunaratne who is a Canadian resident said when she returned to Sri Lanka after her brother’s death investigations had not even begun. “This is a situation where politicians have taken the law into their hands and do as they wish,” she said.
Courtesy: DM Online
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Some people believe that DS is not seriously injured as claimed to be but actually alive and well and not in a coma. What is the truth?
Is DS being protected from prosecution at MR and GR orders? Why? There is ample evidence that DS assaulted Bharatha and then shot him on the leg while he was down. There is evidence that he had then ordered his mafia thugs to shoot Bharatha on the head. The evidence is from the driver of Bharatha vehicle and also from those independent witnesses close at hand. Police should therefore act with Court Order to place him under arrest in hospital. MR and GR should not interfere with the due processes of the law, which applies to all equally. No one is above the law. We want clear and transparent action to uphold the law of the land. DS should not escape justice. This is the will of the people. If MR and GR are protecting DS, we want to know why they are protecting this criminal. If so, they are equally guilty of an abominable crime.
Kudu Duminda, a criminal was protected by the very top and even appointed ‘Supervising MP for GR’. What cras stupidity! How can a criminal be appointed to such an eminent position, as supervising MP of the Defence Sec? Surely this meant a criminal was given a position of power over the police! The mafia who provide DS with ‘protection money’ are laughing.
Kudu Duminda was then appointed Organiser of Kollonnawa Ward for LG polls. Bharatha was former MP of Kollonnawa and lives in Kollonnawa. Bharatha was opposed to kudu Duminda’s evil criminality, and rightly so. MR should have anticipated that these two bitter rivals of the same party would definitely clash at the polls at some point. Did MR fall-out with Bharatha and wanted him eliminated? Only he, GR and kudu Duminda knows the truth. Is this why kudu Duminda will never be charged of murder and the eye witnesses silenced? Is kudu Duminda hearty and well and protected in hospital, with false news bulletins that he remains seriously ill?
This is not an isolated case. We have seen the cases of rouge journalist Radaliyedda, murderer Chandana Kathuriarachchi and others who support MR beging exonerated by the courts with the interventin of the attorney general. Kudu Duminda is not only a drug peddler but a rapist and his record stinks. But MR and GR, who are the law of this country would go to any length to protect their power. There is no criminal justice in Sri Lanka, It is gone to the dog house. All the judges including the chief justice, AG, IGP etc. should honourably resign their posts and go home, than being very obedient slaves of MR. This era of Sri Lanka would go down history as the era where Sri Lanka sunk to the very bottom of ignominy in all aspects, in the annals of Sri Lanka.
“There ain’t no answer. There ain’t gonna be any answer. There never has been an answer. That’s the answer.”
Live by the sword; die by the sword.
The Late Mr Bharatha did live dangerously and there’s a price to be paid for everything we do in life.
The price has been paid.
Bharatha fought for justice. He was a champion of those people who were victims of kudu Duminda. It is right and proper that we fight for truth and justice even if we have to pay the ultimate price for it. Evil has to be abhorred.
I support Gehan’s views.
I hope the evil criminal mastermind, kudu Duminda, is brought to justice without State interference with the due processes of the law. If they do interfere I fear for the Motherlanka. There will be another era of State terrorism as in the past under JR and RP.
What a shame! MR, who started off so well, is now drunk with power and lost his way. All the offerings at Buddhist temples will not wash away his sins. One day he will die and surely go to hell to suffer for all eternity.
No Nicholas No!
MR will not die.
We will be lost without him.
Imagine Hon RW in Janadhipathi Mandiraya?
I would rather commit suicide.
I’d rather WW of NFF is the next President. He seems to be an honest broker. I think he will make a good leader to take Mother lanka forward. I like his policy booklet, ‘Deya dinavana gamana’. He won’t sell-out Motherlanka to the diaspora Tamils/neo LTTE nor to the imperial West. He has a spine. He has courage. He cares for the poor. He is a pragmatic socialist. He will not rob the treasury and have private Swiss Accounts. He will not have private armies of villains for State terrorism. He will be the scourge of villains and corrupt politicians. He will lie low for the moment, biding his time for his day to dawn, as MR did with CBK.
Nicholas Ethathama, wimal weerawansa, enawanam hodai,hebai Eyata den Mr Kapanawa, Colombo walata wenama eyage Pakschayen illanna heduwata.
Denthiyenne MR-GB-BR-NR yugaya. Me yugayata tharjenayakvana siyalu aya, thanathura nobala, munheththa marala damayi, Bharatha men. Mun kudu-D araksha karanne, uge pathalalova heththagen palaprayojana ganna maththata. Oka abbagathayek venavanam jeevithetama honda vipakayak. rajaye viyademen uva bereganna balai, MR-GR kalakanni heththa. Unta deva danduvama lebei me siyalu aparadavalata.
Ada kale Ohnama kenekge janapriya thawaya redie pawathinne tikka kalayai. Mokada tenakata awama tikka kalayai mula mathaka thiyenne, epara thanhawa enawa balaya pitupasa, Thamage ha Pawule bada kata vitharai multenata enne, Ape rate Rajakale idan ena puruddak, Praba Wunath kale ahinsaka minnisun yuddeta yewwa, Thaman ha pawwule udaviya rajasepa vinda,Anika
den Deschapalanaya kiyanne Ohnama ugath ho nugath Naluwek, Bolada Telinattyawala Niliyan Criketkarayek ,Sallalayek, ho kudukarayekuta puluwan enna, Hebai Ethanin thama ape minnisun Waradda ganne.
Ada aluthma news ekka , uthurumedaha wayamba Palathsaba mantree relak Rata sawariyanna hadanawa. kage viyadaminda? Unge Ammage appage budalayakin nowa mahajanayage badu salliwalin karana netum thama, parawal, Pansal Kovil, Pasel hadanna salli neha. Kattiyak Italy Kattiyak Thayland Yanawalu. minnisuntath Ratatah Deyangema Pihitai. Thawath Horurelak Labana sere chandedi Path wevi, Mathakada eka Emathikenek USA gihin Duwage upandina sadayak aragena lokubilak Parlimentuwata dunna, gewwada nedda danne neha, hebai eya ilaga wathawe peraduna, Minnisun hithana tharan moda neha. Ape ratata wuna vipathtiya hari vipakschayak nethi kama. mewa katha kara paraddanna .
Lee Kwan Yew is regarded as ‘Father of Singapore’. Over a twenty year period he built Singapore to be a highly advanced rich country. Then he retired. He was not greedy for power. He let a younger man take over to continue the good work.
Mahathir Mohammed of Malaysia did likewise, with Singapore as the model. He was a brilliant success. He denounced bravely the imperial West and their evil machinations to sabotage Malaysia’s progress. His deputy was used by the imperial West to denounce Mahathir Mohammed and subvert the country. This fellow was morally corrupt. He ended up in prison. Today Malaysia is a highly advanced country with a healthy economy. China buys durian fruits from Malaysia. This deal alone is worth US$14 billion. It has huge farms exporting fruits and veg all over the world. Its car, Proton, has a huge market around the world. Mahathir Mohamed stepped-down once he had set Malaysia on the road to economic victory. He was not power-mad.
I thought MR will also lead the country to economic victory, on the model of Malaysia and Singapore, fiercely resisting imperial West attempts at subvertion through INGOs, NGOS and the CIA. But alas! It is not to be. I was wrong sadly. MR has chosen India as its model, with all its flagrant human rights abuse, political murders, waste of public money and corruption. Worse still, not satisfied with a 2/3rd majority at general election and local elections, he has bought MPs from opposition parties also to defect with offers of ministries and other favours. As a result there is no effective opposition to counter UPFA misdeeds. MR is a victim of his own greed for power. He will never step-down like Mahathir Mohammed. He will remove all opposition through private armies of thugs, as JR and RP did. He will seek to continue in power like Gaddafi until removed by violent upheavel, aided by imperial West. The country will be in utter ruins. Neo-LTTE will take over and grab the whole country for themselves to set-up their eelam raj, with Tamil Nadu, Central Govt and imperial West’s support.
I lament for Mother Lanka. Who will save her from this terrible disaster? I hope MR will take up this early warning call to change his ways, shed all connections to kudu-D and MdeS and their private mafia armies. Bring kudu-D to justice (if he survives) and punish MdeS severely if he steps-out-of-line. I hope he will remain focused to build SL to be economically successful as Malaysia is today.
Excellent pipe dream Nicholas; your dream however fails to recognise the national aspirations of the communities in our land, the sinhalese, the tamils, the muslims and others!
I am sorry to disappoint you. The national aspiration is to be one united Sri Lanka, all races living together in harmony.
However, the diaspora Tamils/LTTE and the TNA brigade have their own petty, narrow aspiration, which is for autonomy for the 3-4 million Tamils in SL, in a narrow strip of Land in the North. Muslims live mostly in the East, so the eelamists cannot include East as part of their so called eelam raj.
Most Tamils live in the South with a larger proportion in Colombo in ghettos which they have ‘colonised’ over the years. Most Tamils reject eelamism. They want to live in harmony, with Sinhalese and Muslims able to settle in Yalpanam just as the Tamils live in the South. Tamils reject the call for a separate so-called country in the North and East for the Tamils exclusively. What will then happen to the larger proportion of Tamils in the South? Are they to be up-rooted and forced to settle in the North and East? What rubbish!!!
Appended below is a line by line response to your blog:
“The national aspiration is to be one united Sri Lanka, all races living together in harmony.”
Sorry, this is an assumption; it has not been tested.
“However, the diaspora Tamils/LTTE and the TNA brigade have their own petty, narrow aspiration, which is for autonomy for the 3-4 million Tamils in SL, in a narrow strip of Land in the North.”
Again, this is an assumption. The tamils including the diaspora have lived in fear for over 60 years both under militaristc Sinhala regimes and the late Mr VP’s autocratic ‘rule by the bullet’ state. The Diaspora’s call for a separate state is a call for the safety and security of the Tamils.
“Muslims live mostly in the East, so the eelamists cannot include East as part of their so called eelam raj.”
Here agin, the call for Eelam is a call for protection.
“Most Tamils live in the South with a larger proportion in Colombo in ghettos which they have ‘colonised’ over the years.”
Agree, the lack of opportunity and development in the North and east drives the tamils to Colombo. For example, there has been no industry sponsored in the North since the KKS Cement factory. There is no free trade zone.
“Most Tamils reject eelamism. They want to live in harmony, with Sinhalese and Muslims able to settle in Yalpanam just as the Tamils live in the South. Tamils reject the call for a separate so-called country in the North and East for the Tamils exclusively.”
Again, this is an assumption. It has not been tested.
“What will then happen to the larger proportion of Tamils in the South? Are they to be up-rooted and forced to settle in the North and East? What rubbish!!!”
Well, the only paralell in history is the creation of Pakistan and subsequently the creation of Bangladesh.
In conclusion, Nicholas, I do agree with you that allmost all tamils never yearn for a separate state. What they yearn for is security and freedom to pursue economic, social and intellectual advancement. The tamils cannot find that in Sri Lanka.
I am glad you finally agree with me that most SL Tamils do not seek autonomy of an ‘eelam state’ but their security and progress. I wonder whether the 70 million Tamils in Tamil Nadu enjoy better security and progress than SL Tamils. To tell you the truth, I have spent 6 years in Chenai, Bangalore and Cochin. I have studied Indian Philosophy and Western Philosophy and spent time in meditation. I lived like a hermit. I have helped to re-habilitate Tamils who were driven out of Burma in the 60’s and ended up in Chennai as refugees. Though I am a Sinhalese, I helped as a humanitarian gesture. Hence, I knoe from experience the utter poverty in which most Tamils in Tamil Nadu live.
I couldn’t complete blog 16, as strangely, it was submitted automatically. Hence I am completing what I meant to say, now.
I had raised several issues which you have dismissed off-hand with a barren response by saying, “It is an assumption, not tested”. DC, I expected from you a rational argument to state your case and not a barren response. You responded with a barren answer because you know what I have stated is true, in your heart of hearts, and you have no reply to it.
After the liberation of the North, when the Sinhalese started to return to their lands in the North from where the LTTE had driven them out and murdered some brutally in order to terrorise, the diaspora Tamils/LTTE and the TNA started screaming the Sinhalese are ‘colonising’ the North and that they are ‘aliens and not welcome’. This is utterly ridiculous because North is not a foreign country but one Sri Lanka, and we are one sovereign nation. It is actually the Tamils who had been ‘colonising’ Colombo since the 70’s, to borrow a term from your lexicon, and have formed Tamil ghettos in and around Colombo. However, we Sinhalese tolerated them because SL is one nation, one Country, and people are free to move and settle anywhere in SL they please. However, we are opposed to the Tamils and Muslims grabbing private lands belonging in these areas. They should settle down in the South on State lands with government permission, for legitimacy. I decried in an earlier blog, for some Muslims being granted land by the Muslim Mayor of Colombo, by grabbing private land belonging to Abhayasinharamaya Buddhist temple in Maradana. How dare they? This land was donated by my ancestor in the 18th C and a Buddhist temple built. I had palns to build a wall around it and a Health Centre to provide free healthcare to all the poor communities in Maradana. But this has been prevented by the Muslim Mayor of Colombo and the UNP government of the time, to gain Muslim votes.
You cite creation of Pakistan and Bangaldesh as an example to divide SL also to separate countries for Sinhalese and Tamils. This is a false analogy. SL is one island geographically. While Pakistan and Bangaladesh are separated by more than 2000 miles of India in between.
The British colonial power created East Pakistan and West Pakistan with 2000 miles of India separating them. This is mischief on the part of Britain to create a rift one day. It is utterly ridiculous to have one country Pakistan separated by 2000 miles of India in between! SL, on the otherhand is one island geographically and cannot be split to please the eelamist few Tamils. In that case, isn’t it more sensible to ask for your own Tamil ‘nation’ in Tamil Nadu for the 70 million Tamils there, from the Central Govt of India? Hence, I call all those diaspora Tamils and TNA et alia, to agitate for the creation of a ‘Tamil nation’ in Tamil Nadu, where there is utter poverty.
The few SL Tamils who fled VP’s fanaticism, fled to Tamil Nadu, to escape from their children being grabbed for his useless military adventure. They are now returning to Jaffna in droves as they have suffered enough for 30 years in Tamil Nadu refugee camps, in dire poverty. It is paradise here for them in Yalpanam with all the fast-track economic development. I hope you will drop your silly arguments and join to make SL one nation, one country.