Bathiudeen threatens to take their case to UN, Islamic world
In a dramatic turn of events, local Muslim leaders, who resigned from their Cabinet portfolios, are now preparing to internationalise the issues they are faced with. They will shortly be meeting the United Nations (UN) Resident Representative in Sri Lanka and also the powerful Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – the world’s second largest inter-governmental organization after the UN.
“We decided to take several collective actions within the next few days …to meet members of the diplomatic community in Sri Lanka, to meet the UN Resident Representative in Sri Lanka and we will also meet Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – the world’s second largest inter-governmental organisation after the UN” said the Leader of ACMC Rishad Bathiudeen MP yesterday (7 June) in Colombo.
Bathiudeen MP, accompanied by MPs and members of his party, was addressing the media after he visited the Police HQ in Colombo to lodge his complaints with the IGP.
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation is the collective voice of the Muslim world. OIC has membership of 57 countries in four continents and works to protect the interests of Muslims across the world.
“MP Wimal Weerawansa has been irresponsibly and falsely accusing me and is creating an inter-ethnic issue by his actions. His conspiratorial accusations are divisive and creating ethnic hatred by their very nature” said Bathiudeen MP.
“Today I complained to the IGP against this, calling for an immediate inquiry and legal action by Police. We had no dealings with terrorist Zahran. I never met Zahran. I never saw him. Therefore, MP Weerawansa’s allegations that Zahran used vehicles belonging to SATHOSA, which was under me, for his terrorist activities, is totally false. It is also irresponsible. Also SB Dissanayake is exacting political revenge from me now since I did not extend my support to them during the 52-day coup in October 2018.
Today, we also lodged a complaint against Dissanayake MP for the false accusations he is making against me and his malicious propaganda. We Muslims have coexisted with all other ethnic groups of Sri Lanka and we never supported ISIS or any form of terrorism. Therefore, statements by Weerawansa and Dissanayake MPs are creating a new rift in our country where Muslims were attacked in places like Minuwangoda and Kuliyapitiya by some other terrorists.
“Muslim religious leaders, political leaders and Muslims in areas such as Sainthamarudu extended their fullest support to wipe out terrorists as well. We are also of the firm belief that ISIS terrorism should be wiped out from Sri Lanka. At a time we are trying to voice this consensus and helping to eradicate terrorists, it is very sad that such allegations are levelled at us by these MPs, and therefore we have filed our complaint today.
Muslim Ministers did not step down just because the Opposition asked us to do so; we did so out of out of our concern for the country. We respect the call by Most Ven Mahanayakes to former Muslim Ministers to re-join the government portfolios and see it as a slap on extremists. We met yesterday and decided to take several collective actions within the next few days. We will meet Most Ven Mahanayakes, the Opposition Leader Mahinda Rajapaksa, Leaders of Political Parties including the JVP and TNA and other leaders –Mona Ganesan, Radhakrishnan, Digambaram, all diplomatic members in Sri Lanka, UN Resident Representative in Sri Lanka, and we will even go and meet Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) –world’s second largest inter-governmental organization after the UN.”
(Source: The Island)

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The racist Sinhala Buddhists of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Siri Lanka will be stunned beyond belief by this move.
If Bathiutheen goes to the Organisation of Islamic Counties (OIC), that will hit the tottering economy on its soft belly.
LKR will climb to > 250 per USD.
Fuel prices will double.
The Mecedes Mahanayake’s and the Sinhala Bddhst politicians will not be able to fuel their vehicles.
Mr. Minister.. you can take it to any place you want, that is your prerogative … but in the name of islam and if you have any consionce .. act as a Sri Lankan.. and not a detached politicised muslim individual.
Think about it.. if you believe in compassion and care for all citizens of this country… we have very good muslim friends who act much more sensibly.
Sorry that you exist… suppose it teaches us the difference between good bad and the ugly… I’m tefering to being able to be objective and think objectively.
Do you actually live in “Sri Lanka” ?
If so… why don’t you and others find your “arshic land” in another country as according to you the objective is to make Sri Lanka and all communities including our islam /muslim friends suffer.
What is the root cause for this termoil… ? act of baberic terrorisum by a minority in the name of.islam who have twisted islam by to achive an objective.
Cannot you get this simple fact in to your a skull in the absence of a brian inside !
Finally, Mr..Minister is playing politics and creating further rifts between the communities for his advantage.
Sad..but true… and it is best if you remind your own self what this kind of stupudiry has done to many islamic countries in the middle east.
The mejoriry who have suffered by death, distruction and famin is muslims… !
Its a lot for you to absorb and digest probably.. but at leat many of our islamic and muslim friends will understand.
‘Mercedes Mahanayake’ the word you use here and in another comment reveals your animosity with our beloved logical well appreciated religion in the world.
Are you priest traveling in carts or public transport ?
Learn to respect to other religions/philosophies.
Can you do any harm to our country and should we tolerate any atrocity for the reason you have support of middle east ?
Why you guys don’t go to middles east and live their if you love so much to that country and could not live harmony with others ?
UN knows every well about Muslims in general and that is why they never helped to you guys.
Dear Karusha Bombe,
You dont sound Sri Lankan taking note of your utterances about Sinhala Buddhists. I am a very strong Catholic but having born on the soil of Mother in Sri Lanka it is our bound obligation to respect the majority and its culture.
We should respect all communities and not utter words of communalism and disgust. Being a Catholic and Burgher by race I have taken part in several Jamaths along with my Muslim friends and brotheren “not any sort of extremists”. Please learn the teaching of Islam with genuine faith, do not fail to also learn the preachings of the Lord Jesus Christ so that you will not talk religious communial words of enemity and revenge any more, its disgusting.
Not even did Hon. Baduideen talk so. “Ara Hamu Mahaththayatath wadiye Katu kana Balla sarai luuuuu”
Be decent, talk decent and behave decent. Lets think all of these happennings are towards good turning point (250+ lives has been lost not for vain) and let’s create a good understanding and harmony among all communities.
Let us think of it in this manner:
“Mata ‘Sinha Le’ walatath wadiya honda ‘leyak’ thiyanawa.
I am a better Muslim followed thru the teachings of Almighty Allah than an Islam Extremist.
Let us focus our attention on the future generations to come and live together in harmony.
May the Almighty Allah bless your poor thinking and the Lord Jesus Christ lay his hands upon you.
We are all sinners, it’s time to repent (or are we made to pay up for the sinful faults of willful sinners).
God Bless us all communities for the peace we pray for, and protect Mother Sri Lanka from every danger.
I stand by my comments.
Racism is rearing its ugly head in the country.
Accusations against any community en masse will not exacerbate the situation.
The Muslim Ministers have displayed high level of nationalism by resigning all portfolios.
The Parliamentary Committee exposes those who were not discharging their responsibilities; best to resign and let Lanka proceed on the pathway to reconciliation and prosperity.
Dear Basnayake,
Well said, in my previous notes I have been very lenient because of the writers ignorance in the world they live.
However, may the God that we all believe in help relieve them of the Brain Wash they may have undergone.
Thank you.
oh Sri-Lankans may All mighty god bless you all, please look at countries around you like Malaysia Singapore and learn from them how to live together, this racism over here will never end it started after independence and was the reason for a bloody 30 year war and will continue until day the world ends, it only can be stopped until politicians the main culprits do not use it as their political tool to win elections
Mr. Minister.. you can take it to any place you want, that is your prerogative … but in the name of islam and if you have any consionce .. act as a Sri Lankan.. and not a detached politicised muslim individual.
Think about it.. if you believe in compassion and care for all citizens of this country… we have very good muslim friends who act much more sensibly.