BBS give two-month duration to change fate of Sri Lanka
The Buddhist hardline organization Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) Friday said that the country’s fate would be changed within two months. Addressing a press briefing held in Colombo, the secretary of BBS Ven. Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thero said that a conference of Buddhist monks would be held soon to decide the future action.
He further said that the Buddhist monks would not allow under any circumstance the country to be converted to a state like Thailand. BBS said that it will not allow the casinos and other betting businesses to surge in the guise of developing tourism.
The BBS secretary criticized the several websites, including the websites linked to Minister Wimal Weerawansa, leftist Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara and Minister Mervyn Silva for criticizing BBS and acting against it.
Bodu Bala Sena’s hardline attitude towards other religions has drawn concern from moderate Sri Lankans who fear that a Taliban like group is in the formation if the government and the society fail to take action against the group.
(Courtesy: Lakbima News)

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BBS should have a look at lankaenews. Lanka emews is using disgusting headlines abusing Buddhist monks. Some even cut and past them in Face Book!
It is a good thing that the venerable Clergy (in all religions for that matter) take firm stands when it comes to moral and ethic development on a nation. however, no group should exceed the limit of democracy and the rule of the democratically elected Government. Especially when the present Government is successively fighting many fronts in developing the Country having won the battle of Terrorism (which prevailed for 30 years)which has given the freedom even for the Clergy to act the way they are doing now and a Government which is promoting Buddhism that any Government before.
Everyone should perform what you know best and Governance is definitely not for Clergy as it involves so many dilemmas and spheres that a normal citizen would not comprehend.
We have had enough trouble by short sited persons, groups’ even political leaders who have been genuinely mistaken and misled.
Let us not revert the peace which was obtained with great human sacrifices but channel our patriotism in a positive manner adopting tolerance and compassion to one another irrespective of cast creed religion or ethnicity and shun all types of animosity and hatred that is totally contrary to the teaching of greatest of them all, Lord Buddha
I am speaking as a Sinhalese Buddhist born in SL and have the right to say what I think. If I have the power to do it, I will de-robe and kick out all these monks who want to do politics. The purpose of becoming a monk is no to do politics. If they want to do politics, they cam leave the robe and do so without abusing the privileges of the yellow robe. If they stay in robe, onlyi If the politicians go to them and ask for there advice, they can give it.
These idiots in the BBS, stir up racial/religious hate, make minorities feel insecure and provide more than ample ammunition to the anti-Srilankan – anti-government forces abroad. There is one thing these religious donkeys in robe can do to make themselves useful. That is to advise Sinhalese Buddhists to stop fighting among each other after forming so many stupid political parties.
That is the Trojan horse colonialists left with us and the stick use to hit us with the UNHRC etc. The way around it is to be united and have a genuine common front.
M.R. has a backbone. It is time for him to say he has been given the power to protect not only Buddhists, but also all the other religious and ethnic minorities live in SL, and fully capable of doing it without the help or advice of the BBS. If the British recently could changed the Queens role to the guardian of the ‘faiths! rather than the ‘faith’, SL government can emphasis the same as it is already in our constitution. Following the good thing is always good, regardless where it is coming from.
The Bodhu Bala Sena (BBS) and the Ravana Balaya (RB) are leading the moral regeneration of the nation which is recovering from the scrooge of terrorism which gripped the fabric of the nation for the past 35 years.
The BBS and RB should be given all the encouragement to further thier efforts including saving the Sinhala Buddhist civilisation from Wahabism which is widespread in our midst.
The successful campaign for abolishing the halal certification is a case in point. Likewise, prevalent unfair trade practices that provide an advantage to Wahabists should also be eradicated.
BBS / RB representatives should be co-opted into Government policy making bodies and in Government administration. BBS representatives should participate in parliamentary committees, Central Bank, all commercial bank Boards, all Parastatal boards. BBS representatives should be appointed to Public Services Commission, Judicial Services Commission, Government Departments as Deputy Directors and in all media organisations.
This way, we can ensure that the moral regeneration will penetrate the fabric of society and ensure the blooming the Sinhala Buddhist nation into the Wonder of Asia.
Name itself fearing other religiones.Isnt it the best to discuss with other relegiouse leaders regarding the issues buddhist have. rather than making statments.
hakeekm also is doing his politics with this issue
One can achieve so called ‘moral regeneration’ only by taking SL some 500 years backward in time and barring the internet, mobile phones, TV etc. etc. Many people in SL have gone out to the wider world and seen and experience how the other nations do things and what they have achieved. They can compare, analyse, understand and decide for themselves rather than being preached by a gam muladaniya, wedamahattaya, cunning politicians or the monk in the village how to run their lives.
Both the world and the humanity have moved forward. The essence of the Buddhism is about change and the uncertainty. Nothing or nobody will succeed in reversing the natural process. Only understanding, adaptation, collaboration, logic, quality control etc. are the way forward. Just regurgitating memorised Pali texts in front of unquestioning devotees will not get us anywhere in the current world.
unfortunately I can see the country is heading for more violence because of a bunch of hooligans in yellow robes. THeir rightful place should be in the temple eating ping bath. As Indira says they should give up their robes and go to politics if they want to rule the country.
Wonderful suggestion by Chandini Pera.
For starters, the Northern Provincial Council should be handed over to BBS/RB as an interim administration for at least five years prior to an election being conducted.
“The successful campaign for abolishing the halal certification is a case in point”
But it alomost cost us the relation shhip of all muslim countries (not only the arab countries that are supporting us in many ways but the african muslim countries aswell)if not for Rt. Ven. Belanvilla Wimalaratna Tera and Defence Minsiters mediation avoiding any unwarrented incidents during UNHR sessions thus evading a major setback for the country.
The Success was definitely due to the efforts of above respected persons and goodwill of shown subsequently by gentlemen of ULAMA organization (who started the issue in an unwarranted time)
Any incident then would have isolated SL (as wanted by many) and use it to send IPKF or UN peace keepers and match over therein.
Of course you can be rest assured there will be someone to mop up the mess created by others.