British Prime Minister sends his best wishes to all Buddhists celebrating Vesak
– by Janaka Alahapperuma –
British Prime Minister, David Cameron, sends his best wishes to all Buddhists celebrating Vesak on May 14, 2014. This is the first time Mr Cameron has issued a Vesak message since he assumed office in May, 2010.
In his message issued by PM’s office the British Premier said;
“I’d like to send my best wishes to Buddhists in Britain and around the world celebrating Vesak, the sacred festival commemorating the birth, enlightenment and the passing away (Parinirvana) of the Buddha.
For millions of people it is a time to reflect on the Buddhist teachings of tolerance and compassion, and to make offerings to those in need. It is a special occasion that reminds us of the sincere and enduring principles espoused by Buddhists throughout the world.
At this time I’d like to especially praise Britain’s Buddhist communities for the outstanding contribution they make to our country. You play a valued and important part in our Island story and I thank you for everything you do.
To Buddhists in the UK and the world I wish you a happy and peaceful Vesak.”
However to commemorate “Sri Sambuddhathwa Jayanthi” which marked the 2600th year of the Enlightenment of Lord Buddha, which was celebrated in the year 2012, British Government organised a first ever Vesak celebration under the patronage of Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, Senior Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Minister for Faith and Communities.
Earlier in 2009, then Prime Minister Gordon Brown surprised British Buddhists by issuing the first ever Vesak message which was highlighted as a very rare occasion in the UK history by many Buddhists scholars.

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Please do not trust him.
This bugger disregarding the sentiments of this country’s Buddhist majority (whose even child-monks were axe-hacked & slaughtered by the LTTE Tamil terrorists) runs to Jaffna to pamper the Tamil-separatists and pro-LTTE propagadists as soon as he lands in Sri Lanka for CHOGM (read: to bag the Tamil-votes in the UK), and now he has well wishes for the Buddhists of Sri Lanka? What a laugh! Yes, the fact that one of the Tamil women who grabbed his attention (of course, she claimed her snow-white-pure-innocent son had disappeared after surrendering tonSL Army) was later found to be harbouring a “new & rejuvenated” LTTE terrorist who fired a pistol and injured a SL policeman must have been a awkward embarrassment for him. Indeed, what a laugh!
Dear All,
I am a Sinhala Buddhist, an ardent supporter of the BBS.
I cannot stand this rubbish of LTTE revival.
If GOSL have arrested the woman who was harbouring a “LTTE revived Terrorist”, why is she not in courts?
The story of this incident, beginning how a decoy was posted under a bed and how a pistol was fired and how no persons were injured and how 3 innocent tamil Army workers were shot in the wilderness, is all in the public domain.
Whoever is concoting this story of LTTE revival, they are living in a World of make-believe, in Alice in Wonderland.
Jerome, do you know that during the pre-May 2009 also we saw a whole lot of your type “I am a Sinhala Buddhist” type of ghost in this type of forum and their do-or-die mission was to, like a virulent cancer, eat from within and demoralize the Silhelas of Sri Lanka who were finally on the road to liquidating the vile, racist, sadistic LTTE terrorist dogs once and for all…but most saw through your type’s sinister ploy and thankfully to your own deception-obviousitus (LOL) we ended up giving MR not just 100 but 200% support to finish off the LTTE terra dogs. So, I say nice try but it has not worked yet again! LOL…looks like your kind is addicted for another Nanthikadaal…well, You got a minor dose with this Gopi, but if you want more, just ask for it and you’ll get it bellyful I am sure.
Oh Jerome, I forgot to mention…if you are a “Sinhala Buddhist, an ardent supporter of BBS” then I must be Santa Claus! Truly LMAO!
Hey Simon Aiya the Santa Claus,
How long is your white beard?
Gobi was made a hero and taken to Geneva as evidence to support our cause against Nazi Pillay’s resolution.
What happened? Nothing Happened; the IC is fully aware of the machinations of the Sinhala regime. they are no longer suckers for our dim-witted propaganda.
C’mon guys, admit Tamil diaspora is miles ahead of us, well on their way for a UN supervised resolution on separation.
” Thanipolgahalaga” ? – where is that, in muddy Nanthikadaal? “Machinations of Sinhala regime” ?!?! Spoken like a true Kotiya!!! Like the “sahabandhu” earlier, poor attempt at posing as a Chingalaya! Idiotically hilarious!