Bus fare increased
Posted by Editor on June 23, 2011 - 9:17 pm
The minimum private bus fare to be increased to Rs. 7 from July, Private Transport Minister C.B. Rathnayaka said a short while ago. Accordingly every strata of fares will be increased by 7.6%.
The earlier minimum bus fare was Rs. 6. According to the new formula the previous fare of Rs. 9 will be increased to Rs.10 and the Rs. 12 fare to Rs. 13 etc;
Courtesy: Ada Derana

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Bus fare increased.
In Sri Lanka, the Private bus union is so concerned about the bus fare everytimes when oil price increase. But it never come out with any service that it can lend to the passangers. Private bus drivers and conducters are so nasty with the passangers. The Sri Lankan government should take some necessasry action on the Private bus services and put some conditions to them
Mohamed Shareef Asees
…putting just some conditions won’t be enough to solve this serious problem..!
Very Strict & Stern Terms should apply on every aspect of this fucking private transport in SL…! Even they should be trained to talk..!
By the way gentlemen who can accept to have fucking SCATTER BARK MUSIC by force in buses..?
We’ve to have EAR GUARDS to avoid get headache in traveling here..!
Well done.!!!!!!!!!!!!Congratulations. wHAT ELSE TO SAY
Amden I totally agree with your comments about teaching the private bus drivers and conducters how to talk. Isn’t that like the pot calling the kettle black.
Well replied Gamaya to ‘amden’ the lowlife. He is indeed the ‘pot calling the kettle black’. He is a virus that has vitiated this column with his foul language. He cannot open his mouth without a barrage of filthy words. I hope someone who knows this lowlife will give the creep his come-uppance, one day. The nutter has no morals. He is therefore a deeply unhappy man living in his own hell he has created for himself.
Hay Nico… i know abt all of abetting henchmen of gods myth, but leave it & tell me 1st that, could you ignore or isolate me here as you intended..?
You mind, that you’ll ignore others but you can’t ignore yourself…!
“While i focus on you & your misbelief – then you’ll never be able to focus on yourself”
because you’re misbelievers who go Out of focus of truth…!
I use this SDL (slave drivers lang.) deliberatly to condemn all belongs to the misbelief.
I’m also a POT, but not what you mean..!
I’m a Pot which carries the Pure Water with no colour.
This real POT can focus on anything on the spot..!
You’re like Troubled Water spilt on the muddy roads. You’ve troubled by misbelief of gods myth… You deserve this condemnation…!
Tell me if you know any moral… What’s the moral, as you learned by gods myth…?
My dear Amden,
Please stop calling lead blogger and patriot, Nicholas Dias, as “Nico”.
A person’s name is a sacred gift from his/her creaters and should be venerated by all.
Please stop referring to Nicholas Dias as “Nico”.
If you belong to the “dude” culture, you are entitled to belong to that culture but please keep that belonging and the stupidities that arise from that belonging, to yourself.
Hay koti… You’re all seem so frustrated recently even abt the nick names. What the name can do man..?
By that also you’ve proved that you’re misbelievers & misled by the gods myth..!
The respect can’t earn by force..!
The person who have truth & right view will be respected by Wise people.
So if you wish to be respected by wise ones then include the truth & right view in self.
But here my dearest call to him is nico, don’t worry abt it & nothing to do with just ones name ..!
Dear FM
Thanks for putting ‘amden’ in his place. I cannot make any sense of what he is saying. He rambles on and on about some ‘god myth’. He professes to be an atheist, but why try to shove his views down our throats. Those who believe in God and profess other religions should be respected. Amden ridicules all religions for believing in God.
All religions teach to ‘do good and avoid evil’ No religion teaches to do evil. Islamic terrorisdts who bomb their own people in the name of Allah, profane the holy name of Allah. Islam is a religion of peace. Terrorism is an evil condemned by Isalm. Those who kill innocent civilians by bombs are evil condemned by all religions.
If amden wants to live a life of no religion it is up to him. But I hope he lives by a moral code, according to his conscience. Otherwise he will be undisciplined and no better than a wild beast. His foul language is dreadful and ungentlemanly. I hope foreigners who may read this column do not get the wrong impression and condemn all Sri Lankans as uncouth, just because of this one rotten apple.
Nico… Are you afraid of what think foreigners abt this..? That’s because you’re a slaver of them, otherwise, what to do with fucking foreigners, if you’re right here..?
Then you say you can’t make sense here, that’s what i say too.
You’re senseless slavers…!
Then how do you say all fucking religions teach to do good..? Do all fucking religions at least KNOW what’s realy good or bad..?
These all told by you not me so what a nonsense is this.?
Then we buddhists never want to spread Dhamma by force as gods myth does.!
Your gods myth make new slavers giving money to them. Is that a good of gods myth..?
You’ve also became slavers of gods myth to day in that same way.
Gods myth is being selling like spoiled fish.
Gods myth brings the ruin to human kind, instead the heaven. That’s why we just inform to all to beware of misbelief like gods myth..!
Then you slip away from my questions always. Tell me the ‘Moral’ as you learned..! you may get any support of the hole world. But just tell me then what you know yourself & what you can prove yourself practicaly.
Define what is the good & bad for human beings..!
You’re with all of your supporters – I’m alone here….! Come forward to talk..!
Dear All
Amdenge Oluwe Wayar maruwela. Ekkak newe Okkomatika maruwela. tikakalakata Eyata vitharak Liyanna denna, ekko Meka karanne UNP Ekke Oder Ekkak, Agamakata Harawanawa Hema Matrukawakma. Pissu Pussa Mu–
Dear Rani and All
Thanks for your support. As Rani said, ‘amdenge oluve wire maruvela’. Angoda tika kalak hitiyoth re-wiring kala hekivevi.
Minhata mama directly pilithuru denne nehe. matath pissu vetyi evita.
Moderator is asleep. I have complained time and again to warn him, to mind his language and not publish his bloggs anymore due to foul language, which is disgusting. But moderator has done nothing so far.
So let amden rule. Foul language has won the day.
Ladies gentlemen and Idiots.
I am sure that any foreigners who read these blogs will know that there are more sensible people in S/Lanka than idiots.Every country has there share of idiots & people with loose connections in their brains.
From the comments that have been published recently it is very clear that most of the bloggers are decent people who like to share snsible ideas not jibberish from a fool who has very limited vocabulary. so let him keep on with his fowl language because they do not make any sense any way.
Amden, you are correct. Nico is just licking the government for all work they do. He is “kepuwath’ blue . He talks all crap. Dont given in to Nico, Amden
From his comments, Wimalasiri appears to be JVP.
I am not a memeber of any party. I fight for truth and justice. I support the government of Hon MR because he is our hero, who defeated the terrorists and the intervention of imperial West and their vested interests. His Mahinda Chintanaya and the Idiri Gamana is the right policy for our nation. It should be written in gold. Children should be made to study it in school, so as to stir-up patriotism in them.
We are on right track to develop our country. Everyone, who is a patriot, should join hands with Hon President in this immense task. All communities should live in harmony. We should leave no room for imperial pariah dogs to try to divide us, to rule us again, through traitors from within, like RW, JJ, KJ, RK and the JVP and TNA etc. Let us one day bring them to justice for treason.
Gamaya’s blog no:13 referred not to me but to the man whose wires inside are entangled and need to be re-wired. It is none other than ‘amden’. This fellow opens his mouth in a stream of foul language. He is in living hell, linked with the devil. That is why he is full of anger, hatred and uses expletives. He has no peace. His blogs make no sense. I only glance at it cursorily. I read only the blogs written by sensible, decent people.
Still you bloody fool slavers of gods myth are beating around the bush. Not come to the point.
You evil fools may support & thank each other like Frogs in an abandon well. But you mind well that Fucking Jesus Never be happy. That’s all i’ve to repeat for foooool misbelievers like you..!
Wimalasiri JVP ekke, Dututena Walaihaganna Hadanawa.
gamaya.. the abetting henchman soul..! You’re all in the limited & narrow path of gods myth.
Your all thinking/speaking/doing are just under the limited slavery of gods myth.
That’s why i’ve to use same limited vocabulary to condemn narrow misbelievers like you..! You’re all subjected to very limited story in Dhamma. You’ll never know how i circled you within few words..!
Get it or false God’ll never be happy with you..!
And here you blaming blindly to ONLANKA Modtr, saying as they asleep.!
You Mind that they’re well aware about what they do here, but you’re the fucking sleepers in gods myth, even can’t answer a clear question….!
Wimale. Have you heard the term “birds of a feather flock together”
Amden. Ballek biruwata kandak pahath wenne na. Eka nisa umbage birilla nawaththa ganing polburuwo.
Gamaya, Umbanam niyama gamaya ban, mole kadulakwath nehe. Nico knows better, but government licker. Guys be genuine see how the country is moving with a lot of Corruption all round. Can you see from your eyes and live silent on these. Iam not a JVP (Rani nangi) and I am a strong SLFP, but talk for wrong things. You all will learn a lesson very soon for supporting corrup moves.
Amden talks for wrong things and also praise for good things of government, that is why i support Amden. Mrs Rani, Mr. Nicolas Dias, Dear Gamaya talk for goth good and bad.
Here we go now further with so called “gamayas” decent language…
You’ve requested me to declare your birth here in your gods language…!
Anyone who write here as gamaya may born with wild Dog Fucking of his mother…!
You seem changed the letters & meanings of words “dog & god”….!
Easy mistake of same letters…
You’re the real fucking dogs of west, who has became slavers of gods myth by betraying SL to westerns.
You’re timid frogs now prais MR because of SF falling.
I know well christian folk voted to SF & they said that they like to see a deference.
Fucking deference just after bringing peace to the country..! That’s your “betrayel mind” since 100yrs ago..
You imagined a fucking deference just after defeating LTTE by this govt.
You imagine a western henchman to lead SL.
We don’t care your slave drivers stories, although fools feel those’re like mountains.
God made the sky & then the sea..etc..!
Then you pray to the sky for heaven…
That’s all you know bloody fools..
You can tell those terms each other & enjoy untill you go to the HELL, but not to any wise person..!
Guys.. i’ve Traced recently a man who comments here using fucking TWO names as two to back up himself. but doing so he just cheats himself now..!
You can Guess who’s he..
I’ve only deep sympathy of him on his fucking WEAK personality/ Inability / law cut confidence / law spirited soul,.etc…
Amden Mama Ahapu Ekkata Ko Utthara?
Pansil Monawada? ehi Theruma?
Amden Baha Teruweth Fuck Kiyalada?
Amden Pansil Wath Danne nethi maha Loku Buddagam Karaya. Peya Gannakata Passe Liyala Hari Neha Mokada Kagen hari Ahala Liyai. Mahadenamutha Wage Wedibana Kiyanawa. Adugane Poyatawath Pansal yanne Nethiwa ethi
Aiyoo,.. Mal Rani, oyata mokada me hadissi wela tiyenne aa..?
Innako Sudu tikak hemihita 5n sil gamu… Oya Hillary ge eke liwwata mama dakke dan.
Eka newei api nodanna dewal danna ayagen aha gaththama mokada wenne aa…? Oya hari jealous kenek wage…!
Oya danna de mata kiyala dendako… mama aasai oyagen igena ganda…!
Oya monawada me fuck eka gana ahanne aaa..? Habei fuck eka nisa ipadilaa deiyo nisa ipadunaa kiyana, mooda buuru, amanayange “musaawaadaya” harida..? Weradida..?
Oyala kohen aawath BORUWA kiyana eka oyalata issara wela enawa neda nagee…?!
Misbelief has kept hidden in blind fool people.
Misbelief itself prove the self “Falsehood” when it questioned from or to them..!
Feel all right now..!
No more crying…!
Lord i thank you…!