Bus fares in Sri Lanka to remain unchanged despite diesel price reduction

Sri Lanka Transport Board - SLTB - Red Bus

Sri Lanka’s National Transport Commission (NTC) has announced that bus fares will not be reduced despite the recent decrease in diesel prices.

NTC Chairman Shashi Welgama explained that although diesel prices have been reduced twice, the total decrease is only 2.8%.

The NTC requires a minimum 4% decrease in fuel prices before considering a reduction in bus fares.

Welgama also mentioned that an annual bus fare revision is still planned for this month. This revision will not be based solely on diesel prices but will consider twelve factors, including the reduction in the cost of bus spare parts.

Meanwhile, the All Ceylon Private Bus Owners Association confirmed that bus fares will not be reduced at this time. Similarly, the All Ceylon School Transport Vans Owners Association, led by Chairman Malsiri de Silva, stated that school transport fares cannot be lowered due to the high cost of vehicle spare parts, despite the drop in fuel prices.

This announcement follows a fuel price reduction implemented yesterday (May 31) by the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, which reduced the prices of several petroleum products effective from midnight:

  • 92 Octane Petrol reduced by Rs. 13 to Rs. 355 per liter.
  • Lanka Auto Diesel reduced by Rs. 16 to Rs. 317 per liter.
  • Kerosene reduced by Rs. 13 to Rs. 202 per liter.
  • The prices of 95 Octane Petrol and Super Diesel remain unchanged at Rs. 420 and Rs. 377 per liter, respectively.