Casinos conflict with culture of Sri Lanka – Relocate them elsewhere
– by Shenali Waduge –
The religious texts of Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam all explicitly prohibit and discourages gambling and other such related vices. Nevertheless, numerous casinos have been operating in Sri Lanka over the years. It has now emerged that one of the world’s biggest and most famous casino operators is eyeing on setting up a mega casino complex in the heart of Colombo. A common census amongst the 3 main communities of Sri Lanka would like that due respect must be given to the cultures and values most of us still wish to uphold and would like to propose that ALL CASINOS be relocated to an exclusive area where foreign gamblers can even fly in and out without troubling the culture and affecting the lives of the people.
Many people who enjoy gambling as a form of entertainment don’t often think about the ethical or moral implications of their pastime but in a Third World country such as ours we need to look at the serious implications that such vices will result.
The question is not about the investment brought or the increase in the number of foreign visitors that would result. From the casinos operating already we know how ordinary citizens caught into the web of risk taking and gambling have ended up losing all at the cost of an entire family. This is an unbearable loss for any family whatever religion or race they belong to.
Of course amongst all the communities there are the elite few for whom gambling is a risk well worth taking and the losses are minimal compared to what they earn. Their number is miniscule in the context of the entire population of Sri Lanka. There is also a lot of black money floating which are spent on such endeavors given that banking such would lead to questions.
While we are aware that banning already existing casinos is impossible the best alternative in a win-win scenario is to have all these casinos relocated to a place like Kalpitiya where flights can operate for foreign gamblers in an area exclusively created for such activity but banned from local entry except for the local gamblers obtaining membership. This can be a Macau like scenario where large profits for the country can emerge but will not compromise on the culture and heritage that we wish to continue without tarnishing. The likely scenarios causing collapse of families promotes that we look into these ground realities first before resorting to damage control later.
From the rising examples of violence at nightclubs and the business accrued by brothels these are lessons that as a community we must come together and say NO to. We do not want our country to be turned into a brothel or casino paradise and we would remember at one time with the lack of monitoring of the tourists, Sri Lanka was once described as a pedophiles paradise and there were many catering children for profits.
These are all lessons that we need to learn from and not feel sorry afterwards. Every child is a child of Sri Lanka and we must nurture good citizens with good morals and values that respect the history and culture of Sri Lanka.
All governments should protect the most vulnerable in our society from casinos that exploit human weaknesses and addictions. This request is for the community leaders of all faiths to take up at higher levels
In the “Sigalovada Sutta: The Layman’s Code of Discipline.”, Buddha describes six evil consequences in indulging in gambling:
1. The winner begets hate,
2. The loser grieves for lost wealth,
3. The loss of wealth,
4. His word is not relied upon in a court of law,
5. He is despised by his friends and associates,
6. He is not sought after for matrimony; for people would say he is a gambler and is not fit to look after a wife.
The Bhagawat Gita says “No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication.”
The sacred text of Islam, The Holy Qur’an, says: “O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination, – of Satan’s handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper. Satan’s plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?” (Sura Ma’idah 5:90,91).

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Gambling appears to be an accepted social norm in Buddhism and Hiduism. Vellupillai Prabakaran was big “gambler” and Mahinda Rajapaksa is well on tract to overtake him.
Now, where is Bodu Bala Sena…..
Excellent Naration of Religious Scriptures…(hope the definition and interpretations are accurate)…
I am very certain…they will protest in this matter too…
Let’s see
If it’s in the interests of “protecting the vulnerable” it would be much better to do something about the gambling in the form of Betting Centers and the (state run) lotteries than casinos, because the vulnerables won’t make it past the bouncers anyway.
Good article with very valid suggestions. Thanks Shenali.
Even if the government can limit access to “Casinos” in a restricted area only for foreigners and paid local members that would be sufficient. Relocating to Kalpitya can be a good idea but we may be able to achieve the same results anywhere else too by applying the access restrictions.
Gambling provides good revenue to the state coffers; with the common man betting on big money to reach his dreams (which he has a legitimate chance of reaching with gambling gains), the revenue to state coffers can be used to support ventures such as Mihin lanka, Air Lanka, Mattala Rajapaksa Airport and the Hambantota Harbour.
Excess revenue can be diverted to support the Electricity Board which in turn can help the common man by bringing down consumer electricity costs.
Therefore, gambling benefits all and brings wins to society and to the State.
Dr N M Perera, the learned economist, ran the entitre nation on revenue for alcohol and cigarettes. the learned Dr who was our Finance Minister 1970-76 before indulging in “vituperative politics” was doing a fantastic job based on marxist theory.
As an extension of such brilliant economic management, why not provide facilities for gambling, where, as Chandini says, both state and common man are winners.
We can subsidise Electricity Board with gambling revenue and the common man can pay reduced tariffs.
Welcome, packer, we love you. You can have as many guys as you wish when you visit the Wonder of Asia.
It is very interesting that Shenali has all of a sudden realized that there are also Hindus ,Muslims in Sri lanka. In all her articles she makes it a point to put down all other religions.
Any way as o Sifan says how come no one has done any thing about the poor suckers who go to the betting centers that are like mushrooms in every town and spend there money on horses they have never seen and a form guide that is not even accurate. Any one who gambles knows that horse racing is the most corrupt sport in the world and yet for many years on one had any thing to say about this. Lets get off our high horse and stop this nonsense that every thing and any thing has to do with Buddhism. If you want to be a good Buddhist you still can be one. Even if the government does not allow casinos those who want to gamble will find away to gamble such as visiting on line casinos. At least this way the country will get some revenue. Wake up Sri Lankans this is the way of the world.
Chandini Pera says:
May 1, 2013 at 8:56 am
Therefore, gambling benefits all and brings wins to society and to the State.
Comments: Prostitution too brings revenue, even though it will break up families, introduce disease, destroy morals plus a lot of other things.
Writer Waduge is correct. This is ugly.
Everybody, including BBS and others fro the other communities and religions should protest. Turn Lanka into Sodom and Gomorrah is not needed.