Caught Red-handed: UNHRC blank war crimes forms in the hands of TNA-LTTE


An UN investigation on Sri Lanka has been launched. The world was told that the UN investigation would be a transparent and fair investigation. The modus operandi behind blank UNHRC war crimes forms given by TNA to LTTE cadres to obtain signatures does not exactly fit into the criterion of transparent or fair investigation. The arrest of a LTTE un-rehabilitated cadre by Sri Lankan State authorities has put the cat out of the bag. With just days before the submissions to the Panel concludes while a TNA member (Ananthi Sasitharan) married to a key LTTE leader requests and appeals for the extension of submissions we really must wonder whether the signatures on blank UNHRC war crimes forms is because the UN does not have a solid case against Sri Lanka and therefore the dirty alternate option is to fabricate lies. We now demand to know in the UNHRC, in the TNA and how many others are involved in this fraud of fabricating lies because the UN has a ‘witness protection’ system that enables the liars to remain anonymous? The most important question is how many such blank forms have been falsely filled and sent to the UNHRC so far on which the 3 member Panel will base their final report?

The arrest of the TNA-connected LTTE cadre raises some valid questions.

Threat posed by Un-rehabilitated cadres – How many more unrehabiliated LTTE cadres are still living in Sri Lanka? How many of these LTTE cadres, murderers and with mind sets indoctrinated and brainwashed to kill are still around us? How many of these LTTE cadres are now living abroad posing a threat to foreign citizens? Such cadres trained in armed warfare and guerrilla tactics are just what the doctor ordered for other terror groups searching for men to carry out their terror tactics on foreign shores. With leaderless LTTE cadres galore across US, Canada and Europe these cadres are prize catches if fallen into the wrong hands! Ottawa experienced indoctrinated terror, Barqa-clad men have frightened Australia therefore countries should now start showing far more concern about curtailing terror than the lukewarm attempts currently being made.

UNHRC war crimes complaints forms

  • Are these for sale if so where can people purchase them? Are these available to a select handful, if so why and what criteria makes them the selected lot? When email queries were sent to the general email requesting how to make submissions we were told that there was no specific template or format the only requirement was to keep submissions to within 10 pages though the font size or font type was not given either. There is no automatic receipt mail generated for submissions sent or even acknowledgement as is generally done.  Now it emerges that the UNHRC has a war crimes form given to one side only. This is unacceptable.
  • How come these forms ended up in the hands of the TNA and who is this TNA member called ‘Sunmaster’ that the arrested LTTEr handed the forms to? Did the UNHRC post them, courier them or were they given by hand when TNA officials were visiting Geneva but why have they not been given to the Sri Lankan delegations? Who in the UNHRC had the authority to give such forms?
  • How many forms were actually given to the TNA? The apprehended LTTE cadre had on him 500 blank forms and 500 signatures.
  • Were other LTTE cadres used and how many signatures did they obtain altogether?
  • The UNHRC war crimes forms could not have been photocopied because there is a serial number to the forms. Therefore the Sri Lankan authorities must demand an official explanation from the UNHRC as to exactly how many forms have been given to the TNA.
  • The UNHRC must also explain how they were given and why and the Government of Sri Lanka must demand that every serial number form given have to be cancelled and the false war crimes accounts that is being compiled have to be declared null and void. But when UNHRC is the party going through the forms can we trust that they would cancel the forms bearing the serial numbers that had been sent to TNA in Sri Lanka to compile false cases?

TNA start explaining

  • If the TNA claims they were not aware of Ananthi Sasitharan’s letter requesting extension of submission deadline on a Northern Provincial Council letterhead, what official action is the Chief Minister taking against Ananthi Sashitharan? The Northern Governor needs to take up this matter officially and take action thereafter.

TNA-LTTE links

  • How many other unrehabilitated LTTE cadres does the TNA have personal contacts with and in what ways have they been utilized since May 2009?
  • On what grounds is the TNA’s Premachandran requesting the UNHRC to pressurize Sri Lankan authorities to release the arrested LTTE cadre who had been utilized by TNA for a month to obtain signatures on blank UNHRC forms?
  • The allegations of links between the LTTE and TNA need to now be formally investigated by the Sri Lankan State. There is little point in delaying for political gain. Political gains at the cost of the country is detrimental. There is sufficient evidence to launch such an investigation and it must commence now.
  • We are not fools – We are not naïve to read through the pretence of displaying beaming facing shaking hands with the Sri Lankan President while the next moment the same TNA runs crying to the UN and world leaders with tall stories they cannot match with evidence.

What is going on? UNHRC is handing blank war crimes forms to the TNA, the TNA in turns gets its associate LTTE cadres to obtain signatures ….who thereafter fills these forms?

  • We have a serious situation. The UNHRC that issues inundated statements about transparency and accountability needs to explain how its official forms have landed up with the TNA?
  • Having explained that the TNA needs to start explaining how it is hiring LTTE cadres to obtain blank signatures
  • Thereafter what now needs to be investigated is who is filling these forms and how many such forms have been falsely filled and sent to the UNHRC.
  • What percentage of the report has been influenced as a result of these falsely filled details? The answer is extremely important to the final report to be released in March 2015.
  • This shows a concerted plan is being orchestrated against Sri Lanka. The fact that blank forms are being used to obtain signatures upon which false details are to be compiled reveals that the UNHRC does not have a solid case against Sri Lanka. ….so the best way is to cheat the system which they are very much in control of. Why is an organization established to maintain world peace engaging in dirty below the belt tactics?
  • In all probability these forms will end up the ‘star witness accounts’ and be declared ‘credible allegations’ and ‘credible evidence’ against Sri Lanka.
  • Sri Lanka now needs to expose the lies, expose the connections and show the international community, the diplomatic circle, the world public that there is cheating going on inside the halls of the UN. The world needs to know that the UNHRC is cheating and for Sri Lanka’s luck the UNHRC, the TNA and the LTTE have been caught red-handed. What a shame that the UNHRC has stooped to such low levels of conduct.


  • If the UNHRC is resorting to handing blank forms to obtain bogus accounts and we are also aware that certain high powered foreign envoys are regularly visiting the North and giving handouts and encouraging people to make their cases against Sri Lanka, all these adds up to reveal that there is some mischief taking place and taking shape.
  • We should also recall how arrested LTTE members in Malaysia were found with UNHCR identity cards which opened another can of worms which the UN has managed to subtly brush under the carpet.
  • If the TNA is working in cahoots with elements inside the UNHRC that have handed UNHRC blank war crimes forms this is something the Sri Lankan nation should not and cannot take lightly. The respective line authorities need to take up this matter at the highest levels and make all the noise possible.
  • We have every right now to wonder if the Ban Ki Mon Panel report was compiled in a similar fashion because all the witnesses remain anonymous for decades …. And the question of whether these names are bogus is a very valid question which the UN Secretary General now needs to officially respond to.

When Sri Lanka is in the right we need not fear pointing fingers at the cheats, in fact we have every right to expose these cheats and liars. These are good lessons for the Opposition of Sri Lanka most of whom have never called LTTE as terrorists and should alert the Sri Lankan public at the dangers that continues to plague Sri Lanka inspite of defeating the ground LTTE force including the LTTE leader!

– by Shenali D Waduge

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