Onlanka News – By Walter Jayawardhana reporting from Los Angeles
Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe said the latest discoveries reported last week implying the existence of hundreds of billions of alien planets has an intimate connection with his theory that life is exceedingly commonplace in the universe.
Now Director of a new research Centre studying all aspects of Life in the Universe, the Buckingham Center for Astrobiology, Professor Wickramasinghe wrote in the online Journal of Cosmology that the new discoveries connect in an important way with recent work published in Volume 16 of the Journal of Cosmology in which it is argued that evidence for microbial life is everywhere in the galaxy. Astronomical discoveries in recent years have shown that exceedingly complex organic molecules resembling life chemicals are widespread in the universe accounting for about one third of all the carbon in interstellar space.
Professor Wickramasinghe and his colleague , the late Fred Hoyle fathered the revolutionary idea that microbes travelled on comets from deep space and seeded the life on earth distancing from the then existing notion that life originated on planet earth . The theory became known as panspermia – evidence for which has grown over the years.
Commenting on the recent discoveries of alien planets the Buckingham Center in a statement said, “ Precisely 50 years ago ideas relating to the extraterrestrial origins of life began their slow journey to the realms of orthodox science. The Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin had just circumnavigated our planet in a spaceship; a paper by Prof Chandra Wickramasinghe, Director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology and the late Sir Fred Hoyle on carbonaceous dust in the deepest recesses of space was published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. In 1962, and throughout a full two decades previously, astronomers had convinced themselves that cosmic dust was comprised of inorganic ice, similar to the ice particles that exist in the Earth’s cumulous clouds above which Gagarin had soared. The suggestion of carbonaceous grains caused instant and bitter controversy, and the possibility of a connection with life on Earth was outrageous heresy. This debate has taken nearly 5 decades to resolve, with new data from a fleet of space craft carrying sophisticated equipment, and thousands of investigators contributing new results and new ideas. The organic nature of dust in interstellar space and comets is now finally established, and the connection with life is also beginning to take shape. This scientific detective story has been published in an article by Chandra Wickramasinghe of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology in the online Journal of Cosmology.”
Wickramasinghe said “It’s been a long and bitter struggle to see a transformation of thinking from Earth-centered theories of life to considering the proposition that life could be a truly cosmic phenomenon. After 50 years of argument the picture is emerging that we are, in a sense, all aliens!”
In an email interview with this correspondent , he said, “The evidence for alien planets in our galaxy has become ever stronger in recent times. The discovery of billions of free floating super-Earths, not connected with any star was reported less than a year ago by T. Sumi and colleagues. The technique for finding these planets (gravitational microlensing) was pioneered by Rudolph Schild at Harvard in 1996, who already argued that dark matter (missing mass) in our galaxy was comprised of rogue planets. This week A. Cassan and colleagues argue again for hundreds of billions of planets orbiting stars in the galaxy. These discoveries connect in an important way with a recent paper by me published in the Journal of Cosmology in which it is argued that evidence for microbial life is everywhere in the galaxy, accounting for about one third of the carbon in interstellar space The discovery of trillions of alien planets, must mean that life is extremely commonplace in the galaxy. A large fraction of the rogue planets in space have habitable zones beneath thick hydrogen atmospheres. Microbes floating in space would take root within the habitable zones of hundreds of billions of super Earths in space.”
He concluded, “Billions of Earth-like planets imply Earth-like life. We are part of a chain of being that connects life of Earth with the most distant parts of the Universe.”(EOM)

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With the development of modern science, Europeans propagated the view that human beings were supreme among all animals, and that the Caucasian race was superior to all other races. With the domestication of animals and plants, the notion of domination by the human being, together with responsibility for stewardship of plant and animal life by humans, has by now destroyed the earth in many irreversible ways. This indifference towards animals (Christian concept of “soul-less” beings)acted as a licence to exploit our environment.
If human beings “discover” life in other planets which become accessible, they will invariably try to “dominate” or lock horns with such an entity. Hollywood movies made to-date provide ample examples of this tendency by the dominant racial group on planet earth. Therefore I would much rather we never get to meet these extra-terrestials!
The Jewish and Christian Bible story of the creation of the universe and the first man and woman is more allegorical than a scientific account.
It is impossible to believe that in this huge universe, with its many gallaxies and billions of stars and quadrillions of planets, we are alone. I am sure there are many other highly developed worlds with superior, highly advanced intelligent beings. There may be also other worlds in varying stages of evolution, just as we are.
The universe being so vast, interstellar and intergalaxy travel may not be possible for us, at the present moment in time, as we are less developed. If highly developed alien beings from a superior distant planet were to visit us, they may not necessarily be hostile to us. They may even help us also to develop. They may not necessarily seek to colonise and exploit us. Let us at least hope so! If they were to be hostile to us that would be the end of our civilisations on earth, for all of us. Spanish conquistadors destroyed the Inca civilisation through greed for gold. I hope no such disaster happens to us from superior alien visitors.
In 1948, an alien aircraft was reported to have crash landed in USA but the story was reportedly suppressed by the US Defence Dept. Various documentaries and films had been released based on this story. The current US stealth aircraft of spy planes, fighters and bombers are reportedly built based on the superior technology of this alien spacecraft, which is reportedly hidden in ‘Area 51’ in USA. If the story is true, then why haven’t these aliens visited earth again, to contact us? But if it is true, I hope they can bring peace on earth among nations, to help restore order on earth, to protect our environment, to develop earth for the benefit of the whole human race and not for the imperial West alone, with USA dominating and exploiting the rest of the world.
I think with the development of science religions like Christianity and Islam and Hinduism are beginning to collapse except Buddhism because of their false teaching of creation of the planet and the humans etc,but the only religion which is able to withstand the new findings are Buddhism, as Lord Buddha did not ever say the earth is a creation of GOD etc and lord Buddha has explained it clearly in the Buddhist scriptures how it began naturally. so the preaching of the Lord Buddha has been becoming true day by day with the development of science. If this planet and human beings were created by god then the problem arises as to who created the alines and also it has been found out that scientsit has discovered some plants which has the existence of of similar human beings like us, Lord Buddha has clearly elaborated about alines and also said that there are over 30000 planets which has similar human beings like us , one theory of lord Buddha has said that this everything in this world is uncertain but in the 19th century scientists said the atom is not uncertain as it is not breakable but in the 21 century scientist said even the atom is uncertain and the theory about the universe is Lord Buddha said the size universe in unimaginable which is becoming true as scientist has discovered planets thousand and thousand of light years away Lord Buddha preached all these 2500 years ago without any instrumentation or any other machinery, so that shows that science is still even below the preschool in comparison to the teaching of the lord Buddha. I don’t insist anyone to convert to Buddhism but at least try to refrain from the act of killing animals which other religions has said that i s created for food which is totally false , because all those false preaching will be the downturn of the people life as the preaching of all those religions are becoming false day by day. so think twice before u continue of the other doctrines and rituals of those religions like killing animals for festivals and food as those people who commit those evil acts will one day have to face the same consequences as preached in Buddhism (SIR Arther c Clarke once said that Buddhism is the only religion in the world which will not become false with the development of science which has become a truth today)
Dear Gayan,
Let me tell you I am a Buddhist both by birth and conviction. It is not fair to run down or cast aspersions on other religions.You may extol the virtues of one’s beliefs but to run down and say others are false is not acceptable in the present day set up. You are courting confrontation and stand to no gain.Let Christians,Moslems and Hindus believe in the creation of this Universe ( aliens also included) by a super Natural Power.Our Teacher is silent on the beginning of the Universe. Even our force of ‘KARMA’ is not proved by science as yet.It is therefore best to leave religion outside the orbit of modern day science,specially when there is a tendency to hurt the feelings of their beliefs.
I respect very much what Lord Buddha did to the mankind. But To my knowledge Buddhism is not a religion. It is a Philosophy or way of life. Lord Buddha had told the mankind not to worship him but to find the truth.If people know who God is they would not find fault with God. God had created the man. The man he created was just like him. To see or meet God you must die. The day that you die you see God with all his glory. If you commit suicide in order to see God you commit a grave sin.The universe that he created was unbelievable. That is to show his mighty. Can somebody answer:
1. Who Am I?
2. What am I doing in this world?
Buddhism is indeed a Phiolsophy, a ‘Way of Life’. Lord Buddha showed us an alternate way to lead a moral/spiritual life in order to be happy and at peace in this world, with oneself and with others. He was born a Hindu but felt that Hinduism failed to answer many questions he raised, such as the fundamental question, “Why is there suffering in this world?” He renounced his Royalty, his wife and child, his wealth in order to find the answer to his fundamental question. He eventually found it through his middle way, when he was suddenly ‘Enlightened’ as he meditated. Lord Buddha then preached what he discovered, travelling the kingdoms around him in India, with his disciples. He did not call his ‘Way of Life’ Buddhism. His philosophy became known as Buddhism, in time. It was spread far and wide through the dedication of Emperor Asoka, especially. It even developed into several schools of Philosphy, the main branches being Heenayana and Mahayana.
Hinduism is a religion, because it practises belief in the Supreme God and many other deities (supernatural beings) male and female, with human characteristics. Even holy sages were by popular belief turned into deities to be worshiped, such as Rama, Sita and Hanuman. The transport of these deities were also worshiped by Hindus, such as cows, peacocks and monkeys.
In ancient Greece and Rome, there was a pantheon of gods they worshiped. Jupiter was the head of the pantheon. They all had human features and human natures, even bad natures.
Christianity and Islam evolved from Judaism. Their sacred scriptures is the Holy Bible, the Koran. These religions worship the one, true, living GOD. According to them, GOD created the universe in eons of time. God was before time. When God created the universe, time began. God is a spirit. God is omnicient, almighty and eternal. God is loving and righteous. God can do no evil.
If we live according to our conscience, the voice of God, we grow in the image of God, that is according to God’s attributes, such as being loving, righteous, kind etc. We will then have peace and joy in our souls as we become ‘one with God’. On death, we become untimately united with God forever to live in peace and joy.
We should not knock other religions and consider one or the other religion as superior. What is important is that we lead a moral life, a virtuous, righteous life, at peace with oneself and others. We should be selfless and not selfish. By leading such a spiritual life one experiences an inner joy, a spiritual wealth which no one can take away.
Because God is a spirit we cannot see God. Hence we cannot prove God exists. But we can EXPERIENCE God’s presence within our selves, our soul, as we lead a moral, righteous life according to our conscience, the voice of God. Then you will know for yourself, God does exist. It is an individual experience. Such a person has inner joy and peace, which no one can rob. Such a person is not afraid to die as he/she knows he /she is one with God and will merit eternal peace and joy in God forever.
Sinhalese losers discussing about aliens while they finish of their genocide in srilanka!