Chief Monk of Malwaththe and few of those towing his line will never be respected by a majority of the Singhalese
Lankaweb – Nimal R Melbourne Australia
Chief monk of Malwaththe chapter Thibbotuwave Sri Sumangala did not utter a word against retired General Sarath Fonseka’s recent statement to the BBC Sinhala Service stating that he was willing to give evidence as a witness at a War Crime Tribunal and he will not defend any one who committed war crimes and would definitely expose all those who have done so. However this chief priest along with few others is now making a huge noise after the arrest of retired General Sarath Fonseka. Isn’t this ludicrous?
As many citizens in Sri Lanka are aware, chief priest Thibbotuwave Sri Sumangala has always been a good supporter of Ranil Wickramasinghe and has never supported any activities in the past to counter separatist LTTE activities or helped the poor Singhalese in the East who used to suffer from atrocities of the LTTE. However after seeing the strong wave of support for the President Mahinda Rajapakse upon defeat of the LTTE in last May’09, he made a statement that Hon Mahinda Rajapakse should rule the country for the rest of his life.
I would like to ask Ven Thibbotuwave Sumangala and few of his colleagues whether a President and his government should act like deaf and dumb when some one who has commanded the armed forces of the country openly makes treacherous statements against the great soldiers who sacrificed their lives and limbs to protect their motherland. Do these monks love their political parties or individuals than their motherland? If so, ordinary laymen who voted the President during the last election are much more superior in their qualities than these monks.
Many Sri Lankans are aware that although these leading monks of the Malwaththe chapter are rich and doing business (Maiwaththe Chief Monk owns a leasing car business too and many who visit Sri Lanka lease cars through him), they have never supported the national cause financially.
When great monks of the Jathika Hela Urumaya were in the forefront with President Mahinda Rajapakse to defeat the LTTE, I doubt whether they at least supported them by words.
People in Sri Lanka who have given a clear mandate to President to Mr Mahinda Rajapakse at the last general election should send a strong a message to this chief monk and the others who tow his line that in this 21^st century, Singhalese people in Sri Lankan cannot be deceived by a few just because they don the yellow robe. As lord Buddha has preached one can be superior only by their actions but not their positions.
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Excellent !!!
Even for Lord Buddha they wiil say same thing
It is unfortunately corrupt monks like these who bring Buddhism a bad name. How can they preach Lord Buddha’s holy dhama to be detached from all desire to attain Nirvana when they of all the people practise the opposite. These corrupt monks kow-tow to corrupt powerful politicians to gain wealth and influence for themselves in return for their support to the corrupt politicians. They are bad role models for the young and old. The laity are easily misled by their bad example. As a result of a few rotten eggs the whole lot is judged as rotten. This is the way of the world and it will need another Lord Buddha to change the world.
I’m not surprised to hear all these things from the Sri Lankans.. Now they attacking to Mahanayake Thero…Simply because of spilling the truth….I ‘ve been expected this to be happened soon. I’m not a Buddhist person…Anyway they admired the Hela Urumaya Bikku’s action simply because of they are supporting to MR.
I couldn’t understand why the most of people making their comments while wearing political glasses.. It is very clear and evident that the present government is taking a revenge from the SF simply because accusing the government during the presidential election. I’m not agree with some of the statement made by SF, but simply because of this statement (ie. words) we cannot ignore his dedicated task he made during the war. It was an action than words…We cannot ignore that fact..Some of the people twisted their tongues simply because of the dirty politics. It is true for MR, SF and all others. As general public we should have to have a minute observation before commenting something.. That is called the critical analysis
If somebody can answer the following question that would be fine..
(1) Since GR is the defence secretary by law, he is a government servant…Does he able to talk politics according to Sri Lanka Law?
(2) MR son is a Navy officer. Does he able to talk politics while in forces?
(3) Please refer the following link..This is simply enough to indentify the mind setup of monks of JHU
(4) Who introduces the comic characters like Anarkali , Mervin Silva to SL politics..Mangala is also responsible for that
(5) If MR really wanted to abolish the corruption of the country Why did he introduce Sachin Vass to Sri Lankan politics who was the former chairman of the Mihinair.
(6) Now he tries to introduce actors, sport personal to Sri Lankan politics.. This is the real trajedy we might face in future
(7) What would happen to the country it you spent more than you need to spend. This is what happened to the most of the big projects now..
Suppose you have 10 ruppies on your hand. And you can do a work with 8 ruppies..But If you spend 35 ruppies for the same work who will responsible for 25 ruppies? MR or Ranil or SF or Somawansa? No poor Sri Lankan’s have to pay this money…
(8) How about Karuna amman and Pillayan..Who killed 1000 of civilians and bikkus…So simply because of being a separatist from the LTTE and supporting the government his brutal nature would have been washed out???? If you kill a person you killed it. Simply because of being a separate person you would not be able to wash your hand from this Sin….You have to pay the compensation for that…If president say SL law and order is same for every body why not for Karuna and Pillan…Is there any law in Sri Lanka that if a person made lot of killings and able to get the pardon??????????????? This is true for the lots of ministers as well..Most of the former UNP ministers made lot of corruptions and once they revealed in the cope they MIGRATED to SLFP..Now they are pure characters……
This is the bitter truth behind the politics.
I would never say that UNP or JVP are the best parties.. I strongly agree that MR is the best ever leader we had in Sri lankan politics. As the president of the country, the highest portion of the victory of the war should go to him…No body can argue about it…But the question is whether we support every action of him because of that. The answer is no…Support whatever is good and Reject whatever is wrong!!!!!!! Then this country would be a great place. Anybody think twice before taking an action…As people we should follow up the above theory to make a better country…..Rathey than being Empty vessels who make big noises without knowing the inside stories…..
RESPECT to Religious Leaders…They are more superior than dirty politicians……Do not try to criticise them. If you people do it, it is the end of this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neth, You are absolutely right and support your thinking…especially your quotes” I strongly agree that MR is the best ever leader…and the Bulk of the Credit goes to this President – support whatever is good and reject whatever is wrong” Hats off to you….
Many have forgotten, why Karuna broke away from the LTTE – and How he had contributed to killing thousands of innocent civilians in the past….
The moment Prabakaran enforced a layer between him and Karuna (by appointing a LTTE Major from Jafna) he felt isolated and realized his wings were broken….He even knew that he didn’t have a future with the LTTE..however,,
The only strong point the LTTE had in the past was their Unity under Prabhakaran…which made them more effective…and ruthless…where as they took advantage of the corrupt politicians, and others in the Capital to work for their own advantages….It was this split we were waiting for decades among the LTTE….
KARUNA’s split was a blessing in disguise…and Lucky we had a President who had guts and determination to finish this war….TODAY THOUGH I DONT SUPPORT ANY PARTY INCLUDING THE RULING PARTY….I SUPPORT THIS PRESIDENT WHATSOEVER FOR GIVING US HOPES ONCE AGAIN….TO LIVE IN PEACE…
I can drive around the City today and go anywhere I want…AND I WILL BLESS THIS ONE PERSON for standing up against all odds to give us a bit of peace….
This one factor for me is enough to give this President another chance to Rule this Country….
Let us see what development this President brings us in the coming years….
Let us see, wheat incentives he gives to people…
Let us see how he manages to cut taxes enforced on people due to war
Let us see what steps he takes for the development of this Country….
SF says that he is going to reveal every thing happened in battle field.He says that LTTE carders’ human rights have been violated because Gotabaya ordered to shoot them.When LTTE killed our innocent people,hadn’t they got human rights to line?But LTTE killed most of innocent people.No one was going to report it and LTTE was continuing killing innocent people.But now SF going to stand for LTTE’s human rights.He says many human rights violations had happened in the battle field.According to him killing some LTTE carders by our army is a human right violation.What a joker he is?Is he a hero?
@ Neth,Do you think that it it OK to say by SF that LTTE’S human rights have been violated by shooting them?Do you think that it should be revealed in front of the international?
If SF says he is going to reveal everything to Human Rights Commission, I think he is digging is own grave…if he does that…thats a big mistake….But I doubt he would do that…
Which Country has not violated Human Rights…Can anyone name it..?
The so called powers are the ones who violate by killing innocent civilians (children & Women) by bombing in countries like Afghanistan…Iraq and so on….
Human rights are for Poor Countries….being used by Western Powers as a Blackmailing Tool to Control Poorer Nations for the advantage….
However, I do not wish to undermine Human Rights Commissiions effort in other Countries…and they have genuinely done a good job protecting Civilians…and no one can deny it.
@ Dutugamunu
Have you ever heard any video or interview of Sarath Fonseka which tells that he is going to spill the bean (war crimes)…If so please send me the link…
Next thing is there was a serious allegation to him during presidential election against war crimes (Hope you well aware about it…I think it was based on interview with Daily mirror news paper..If am mistaken please correct)..But in a very public press conference he refused that claim raised by the government.. If a person publicly said that he didnt say it thats it..But for the benefits of election using media, government has given a big publicity for this….
Looking at the recent news articles, am given to understand that the major accusation is not the WAR crimes…Doing Politics while wearing the army suit…Also GR said at least SF should be in the prison for five years..WHo is GR to give such a decison..Is he the person of makes law in this country…So, from all of these incidents it is clear that the reason behind this arrest is not any thing rather political revenge….
If SF had been gone for shopping for the government during its Budget session. when JVP decided to vote against the government, government asked SF to go and talk with JVP and give them a clear deadline for fishing the war..So then the politics is good for him..If he talks with opposition it is wrong…Is this reasonable…..
He had a good opportunity to make a public statement about war crimes when he was in US..But he informed the government that US is going to question about the war…Also he said that until he wear his uniform he will not be talking about politics…
I agree, there were many more incidents going behind the curtain we never knows as Public…
But from all the information sources I have read sofar, I can say the SF has done some mistakes..But this is not the way of handling this…
NOw the latest accusation is that he was planing to kill the president…What a bulshit story is this!!!!! I’m sure no one is beleibving this…
Finally I can say no one is perfect …every one has dirty in their hand more or less…But they exagegerate all these things when they have power to do soo….So the people always look into this forgetting the attention of other corruptions…That is how the things going in Sri Lanka….
What has happened to Sarath N.Silva who helps MR to get into this position
What has happened to Managla and Sripathi
What has happened to prof. Dayan Jayathilake
What has happened to SF????
Finally I have to ask what will happen to our country…..
The answer is country is becoming fully politicized now covering all the sectors…..
SF or anybody else can say what he or she was told by some one else. Also one should not worry about political speeches if they are really not guilty or even guilty. They must not make a big issue out of it but ignore without showing a guilt feeling.
The reason why people are so worried about so called statmenet goes to prove that there is some truth. If so remember Dutugemunu, Sri Lanka Army as a disciplined arm has been corrupted. They should never have done that. If they have done it then it clearly proves that it was an act of a politically bised Army person acting under inexperienced person’s orders. They who have borught disrepute to the Army and the country not SF.
@ Nimal R,
I personally know you! I have no any anger with you..I know that you are doing a dedicated work to SL while staying Australia…It is highly appreciated..But I’m feeling really sad on your article as you sarcastically look at the Mahanayake Thero..Everybody may have their common political view on the current situation of the country..Since you are in Australia, you may not feel the real situation in Sri Lanka right now…
When writing an article, be polite and respect to others..
I’m surprised to hear these things from you as you’ve been lived in Australia for a long time..You know how well the political system is established in Australia..Even the prime minister was fined due to the over speed.. So knowing these facts, why do you look at Sri Lanka in a different vision…These countries are developed because they maintain proper law and order…But in our country we have a jungle law..That’s why people are screaming about the current political situation…
It doesnt matter you agree with the present situation, but do not point finger to Mahanayke theor because they are much much better than Patriotic politicians in our country….You admire about the politics of JHU…Please refer my above link to get to know more about them..I agree that they supported to the government during the war..I’m under impression that they are very racist…Have you ever, experienced these sort of political parties in Australia..Absolutely not…But we can see these kind of racist parties in countries like India, pakistan…And we can see how these countries are proceeding …..
Please identify, every nation should have to have the same right…It should not be confined to words….our leaders are using fake parasitism to grab the vote of Sri Lankans…But I’m not telling that every one is not a fake patriotic person…I mean their personal gains are at the top and patriotism is the second though they show it as it in the top priority…
I never say that Ranil or SF are the best…Truly speaking, if Ranil won the presidential election in 2005, we would not have been able to won this war..Mahinda did it very well…My salute for that…
For me, every leader has a different capabilities..
So again my dear Editor, donot personally attack anyone…Do it in an educated manner..Be crtical when writing an article..Because most of the people reading these articles are not the rural, un eductaed people, but the educated one…
So be bit polite in writing the article…Dont be biased. use the “VIA MEDIA”..Which is the vision of Lord Buddha….
Buddhist monks are supposed to do preaching damma to get people out of sinful activities.But unfortunately what most of Sanga including Mahanayak’s are doing is politics and going after politicians.Also, just like politicians they are taking additional privileges from their post and running their own businesses. I too wonder whether how many of these monks could have taken any single peace of cloth for war affected Tamil and Sinhalese .
What they should do at the moment is waiting for the judicial action in the case of Fonseka and avoid taking biased actions. Further, they too, respect to the low and order of the country, should concern harmony of all Buddhist and try to win,maintain, their respect over the entire Sanga.
@ Nihal,
Mahanayak’s are not doing any politics..A lot of people have been visited to meet them..They have no power to do anything. So what they are doing is to advice ruler’s to be in the correct path…They never credited UNP,JVP or SLFP…This Sanga involvement have been happened as a tradition from the ancient time ..So no harm to have this sort of activity without involving a political party..But seems that the government even does not allow them to hold this sort of a conference….
I think I’m also agree with the government present action towards SF if they followed up the same procedure to Karuna, Pillayan and KP…That is the question raised for the most of unbiased people to the government..Why the government treat to terrorist better than a WAR HERO……The Answer is this is a clear political revenge….
What is the law and order of the country at the moment..Using thugs and attack the unarmed people? Abductions? If you carefully see the country’s present situation MR tries to follow up Premadasa concepts…Let wait and see what will happen next……
@ Nimal
Feel sorry on you as even you dont know how to write the surname of the person whom you are accused…It should be FONSEKA not PONSEKA….before digging into other things please be aware of this 😉
Who are the citizens of US? Basil and GR..General only has the Green card….I’m not going to raise the question about it as GR did a great job during the war time..
True, the dirty politics destroy the reputation of SF all including MR,GR,Rani,Somawana and NOW YOU!!!!!….Whatever SF did we have to respect him as our war hero…It will be not washed out because of any action…..
Nope, Probably you may do not know, the most of the loans are taken from the government not from Libiya or Russia…They are from EU countries and Norway…All of us are owe nearly 75000 rupees /person to these countries..So don’t blame these countries now. Because most of the parts you are eating, wearing and earnings are coming from these people do not know about it…Feel sorry on that….All most all the presidents, ministers, opposition people’s sons and daughters are having eduction from these countries not from Russia,China, Iran or Libiya…Thats why I said that you people are not mature enough to understand that reality…These people are experiencing the benefits of these countries while showing their parasitism….But truly speaking their personal gains are at top (ie. number 1 and patriotism is number 2…though they show it other way round).
Please respect to people when you are writing..No need to write jungle words..As I said before, lot of educted people reading these articles not the village uneducated people..YOur writing style is not good!!!! follow up ethics,facts,statistics and logic when comment on someone articles.
Mahanayake thero has not supported any political party. They can keep silent when democracy of this country in a danger situation and also when opposition supporters ar harressed by the government. They want to have good governace in Sri Lanka. They requested president to release SF because he is war hero who has suppported Mahinda Rajapaksha to win the war.
Don’t blame our Maha Sanga, they always in our history also helped governerce to solve the problem.
I am so much suprise to tell that “If any Sri Lankan supporting to MR they are deshapremin, If any opposition complain or make a statement against MR they are deshadrohi. Very unfortunate situation.