Country at low level: Leaders empower criminals, drug dealers
Former Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga yesterday said change was vital for Sri Lanka as the country had reached such low levels with leaders promoting criminals and drug dealers into power.
Kumaratunga made these comments at the Sirimavo Bandaranaike Memorial Oration organised by St. Bridget’s Convent under the theme ‘Educating Women for Leadership.’ Kumaratunga said she was devastated about the present situation of the country but she does not have a recipe to take the country out of the situation it is in.
Speaking about the present political situation of the country Kumaratunga said it had reached such low levels that she didn’t want to talk anything about it. “The barrier of ethnicity and everything else had been taken over by the concept of animalism,” she said.
Referring to the qualities which make a good leader Kumaratunga said true leaders possess the gift to inspire other persons to subdue and control the animal within and to lift out the good and humane in them.
“I believe that good leaders are the ones who make better humans of others, giving them a vision of a better world, inspiring them to greater achievements. Such a leader has the ability to give a nation the strength to reach unconquered heights. On the other hand bad leaders have destroyed not only individuals but also entire nations” she said.
Speaking further Kumaratunga added that a true leader was fully aware that the power bestowed on him was held by him in trust on behalf of those who gave him power and does not abuse that power for his personal benefits.
“He should possess the humility to heed the voice of others, even his opponents and generosity to engage with them in free discourse and the courage to say “I was wrong” and self-confidence to arrive at compromises. We need to do some hard work to bring forth the good in us and to subdue the horrid,” she said.
Kumaratunga also said that women can become corrupt when in power but that morality and ethics is what would make that person honest or dishonest. “The gender is irrelevant when democracy is concerned. But it is the morality and ethics that matters. Today the value system has completely broken out and unfortunately the only thing that seems to matter is money and more money,” Kumaratunga said.
Courtesy: DM Online

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Former Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga yesterday said change was vital for Sri Lanka as the country had reached such low levels with leaders promoting criminals and drug dealers into power.
Dear Madam, it is you who nominated the Present President Hon. Mahinda R. to contest the 2005 Persidential Elections and now you are saying a change is vital. Whom do you recommened to take over from Mahinda? Are you aware that there is no proper opposion leader in Sri Lanka to defeat Mahinda? so will you come forward under the UNP to take over power at the next Presidential Elections defeating Mahinda? to do this you will have to obtain the UNP Member ship now. And your faithful friend Mangala Samaraweera will support you at the UNP’ working committee meeting? People of Sri Lanka need a clarification from you on your above statement about who is the capable person in Sri Lanka could contest Mahinda Rajapakse next year at the Presidential Elections???
everybody knows that when your were in the power this country was at a low level.see what has happed to your face, because of you insulted Choksey
Why she don=t correct her perioud times sri lanka law and justice well?Now she try to speak much about sri lanka situation.When she before coming president said i will end LTTE war soon but its never happend.
During the tenure of your presidency you did the worst damage to the country,allowing LTTE to attack Katunayake airport,Kolonnawa oil storage,Dalda-Maligwa,Mulativu army base,Eliphant-Pass.What did at that time was havng paduru-parties with your hench-ayyyas.You are the most horrible LEADER we ever had
Hallo Chandrika, the property and wealth which you have in England, of course not in your name, but in your children’s name, please bring the wealth back to SL and help the needy. In your article you have mentioned “that women can become corrupt when in power but that morality and ethics is what would make that person honest or dishonest.” Are you talking about yourself, then be honest and bring back the money which belongs to the people of Sri Lanka.
Mrs.Chandrika B.,
You are talking about criminals and drug dealers. What do you have to say abot Beddagane Sajeewa, Sanath Gunathilake and etc. Don’t expose your naked to the Sri Lanan people again. They have not forgotten your wrong doings. Keep your mouth closed and stay away from the Sri Lanka politics. I think you are making all these commets while you are intoxicated with “Johny Walker”.
Dayaratne Bandara.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
If Sri Lanka is at a low level, it is the doing of all past and present prime ministers, governments and parliments. Human rights and press freedom seem to be the stick they along with their colonial masters beat the currnt government. The where were these people during the era of JR and Premadasa regiemes?
Did these dedicated Bar association of SL, US, UN human right, free speech, newspaper saviers not exist in the world?
Not only in Kelaniya but even in Hambantota see the drug lords who are taking the law into their own hands. In the parlors of everyone their pictures taken with the great lord is hanging. Even lawyers are attacked with sticks when the police is watching. Forget about Baddegane Sanjeeva. It was the past What about Merv the Nerve. He carries an open license to kill. He carries an open license for corruption and bribery. He is always there to protect the royal-paksha dynasty at any cost.He goes to stage with them to describe how he cut the kurumbes for the royal pakshas.I am no fan of Chandrika. But she speaks the truth here.
Yes, Machan Appuhamy,
I agree with you. This government is worse than that of Chandrika’s time.
We are suffering since 1977, we did not get honest leader with fair, transparent and open minded person.
Democratic nation become Kingdom without any debates. From JR to today we did not get honest leader, just couple of leader came front finally pay the price with their life. I assumed Lalith Athulathmudali was in right direction, but pay the price.
We do not required Dynasty to lead the nation. Better to have American slection system, first choose the candidate by the party election then come for General election. All american leaders selected by their political party election first, that is Democracy. In Sri Lanka not a democracy, it is Kingdom rules.
I had noticed, peoples opinons different styles, showing enger is not the solution, we have to find a option for change. NO HONEST LEADER CURRENTLY IN PARLIMENT IT COULD BE ANY POLITICAL PARTY MEMBER.
Exciting comments; are we being driven towards an “Arab Spring” type of uprising?
Corniche, we have not been suffering since 1977; we have been suffering from 1948, my dear; endless suffering it is, my friend.
The UNP has been the bigger bastards since 1977. They started wrecking our society and the idiot who is now the head is a dreamer. I fear the day he comes to power, if at all he could, the idiot he is.
She is the one how responsible for the situation of the country , few of the things she has done as follows
1. Taken defeated Mervin to parliament and use him
2. Appointed useless people to the high ranks like Santh Gunathilake ( he is a good actor but not a good adviser )
3. Given un official powers to ministers like SB, Mangala , Anurudda ratwate …etc
4. Note taken any actions against the culprits of her government –(anuruda ratwate money case in the bank)
5. Keep underworld people like Badaganen Sanjeewa with her .
6. Making a decisions to withdraw UNP government under Ranil ( instead of that she had to USE Ranil as a PMTo Handle economy while she taking care of others under the guidance of ministers like kadiragamer ) She had no such vision.
7. She is not punctual and never listen to the people who talk about her poor punctuality. ( Never change her arrogant attitude)
8. Appointing IGP like koddithuwaku /ananda raja and other military heads who had no ability to do anything but given the priority to other things.
9. Appointing Mahinda is not a bad decision at that time .(but he also in the same pit after sometime following chandirkas same stupid path unfortunately is another issue )
10. No law and order in this country is apparent , Mahindra is trying to keep his power and does not care about the poor people in the country he is only protecting some segment who walk with him . ( (90 %) most of them are culprits )
11. After the independent from white people what we have gain is nothing this has been deteriorated by all the leaders ruled the country after JR.
They just think only the power and keep the power by crook . ?????????
People of this county are divided to nationality , religion , cast , region wise (udarata , pahathrata) school wise , status( rich and poor )and to political parties so how can the country can go forward . people who talk about the country ( mawbima ) buying houses from rich countries, send their children’s for education to rich countries , they go for holidays to the rich countries , they bank their stolen /corrupted money from poor peoples In the bank of rich countries . since people are politically blind and partial this can be done easily and no body to questione.
Do you think we will be able to develop as they ?? if we talk about in 100 years in our next birth we still have to talk the same subject. This is a beautiful county and all politicians ruin the country with the blessing of politically blind people.
Thief is telling others not to steel ! How funny.
Chandrika you are a failed politician. Please mind your own business. People did not want you and that is why they sent you home.