Current government prevented bankruptcy and economic downfall of country – PM
Posted by Editor on August 18, 2018 - 5:13 pm
The current government was able to prevent the bankruptcy and economic downfall of the country, after it came to power, says Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.
He mentioned this at a public meeting held in Matara, today (18).
According to the PM, to stop the country going bankrupt and the economy downfall, they had to borrow from the International Monetary Fund, cut back expenses and increase taxes.
Although the current government is accused of increasing taxes, the country’s economy is now stable and has the capability to pay off the debts, he further said.
(Ada Derana)

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How??? By the BOND SCAM ???? Why is the investigation stalling ????
How ??? By selling parts of the country to China and India. He thinks he is clever. Bless him.
We cannot do so unless the UNP drop President Sirisena for the following reasons
Our Country cannot get investors to our country because of our President the moment he became President made a declaration about climate change to please the west he did this twice one of them recently when our per capita carbon emissions were one of the lowest in the world of 0.67 while I wish to state per capita carbon emission of 0.61 metric tons per year is very low compare it with Malaysia a developing Country (6.7) and the US a developed Country (19.78), is 10 times and 30 times more respectively, also the Carbon emissions in Singapore which country our leaders are attempting to emulate is 30 metric tons is about 20 time of that of our Country and as such there should not be any concern regarding carbon emissions these are supported by the per capita carbon emission per year statistics in countries in the world in 2007 down loaded from the internet
.and also it can be stated from the data from internet it can be computed that even if we have 10 coal power stations the size of Norochoholai producing a total of 70 billion units per year, our per capita carbon emission per year will not exceed 70×109/21×106= 3040 Kg=3.04 metric tons assuming a population of 21 million and 1000Kg= a metric ton, as such there is no threat of carbon emission to our country by planning for accelerated coal power projects as many as required for our country. The President’s statement contravenes article 3,4,12, 27 anf 33 (f) of our constitution and as such direct foreign investors are avoiding us like a plague and also his reliance on solar power can be established has the biggest fraud committed in our country’s history which also has destabilized our country’s economy. This can be established from the following details given on energy sources of our country by clicking hpt//
The country is bankrupt and in economic down fall and it is obvious. How this man can make a bold statement like this is beyond me. I give up with this guy.
At least, he is honest in saying the country was debt ridden and is now trying to recover.
The previous regime gambled country’s wealth (Eg Greek Bond Market) and kept telling stories to keep common people believe in Bull Shit.
The Bond is actually not a scam but they had to borrow to keep the economy going.
Some CB officials leaked bid amounts to PTL to enable them make a quick buck.
In the previous regime, 90% of the economy was controlled by 3 members of a family who had no idea of economics. It was nothing but how to earn komis.
Wait till the election day comes. Isn’t that few minutes ago I read that the Train fare going up?
Fiery Fernando. Debt of this country started with that basted J R Jayawardana. You are about the previous regime and it was a ruthless dictator ship with all relatives around him. Some times I wonder who runs this country. Thugs, senile old man, or rogues.
Because you two senile clowns have’t done anything , you are pretending to show the people that the country is doing well by this bogus claims.