DCD in four varieties of NZ milk powder- ITI


A recent report issued by the Industrial Technology Institute (ITI) reveals that four brands of milk powder imported from New Zealand were contaminated with DCD. One brand, Milgro Infant Full Cream Milk Powder, had contained a sufficient quantity of the contaminant for ITI to quantify its DCD content. The other three varieties were manufactured by Fonterra; these contained too little DCD to quantify.

The ITI report issued on Monday, September 9 concerned samples of nine brands of milk powder taken from the Hambantota area on August 12. It says that that the sample of Milgro Infant Full Cream Milk Powder contained 0.53 mg. of DCD per Kg. of powder, while three other brands, Anchor 1+, Ratti (sic) Full Cream Milk Powder and Pediapro Mama too  contained traces of DCD.

On releasing the report, ITI had recommended that three brands be sent for an advanced test as ITI did not have the capacity to quantify their DCD levels accurately.

“We clearly observed the presence of DCD in these brands; but we cannot measure the exact amounts with the available technology,” an official from ITI said.

The report released, with ITI reference No. C1307753, related to nine brands of milk powder taken from the Hambantota area.

The reports pertaining to samples milk powder taken from other sources, including Matara, Kalutara, Yatiyantota, Gampaha, Nuwara Eliya, Kaduwela, ‘Nestle Lanka’ and ‘Fonterra Brand Lanka’ plus several pharmacies and supermarkets, during the month of August, are also being tested. However the results of these tests are still pending.

(Courtesy: DM Online)

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