Death knell of government imminent: JO
National Organizer of the Joint Opposition Dalles Alahapperuma said it is with disgust that the Joint Opposition rejects the shameless attempt being made by the government to postpone the elections of local government bodies for about 2 years and 7 months. We take this opportunity to sound the death knell of the politics of government.
Issuing a statement, he said, “When delving into the history of postponement of elections, it is the main partner of this government, the United National Party that has become unpopular. That was the action taken by them in 1982 to extend the term of Parliament for 6 years by holding a fraudulent referendum.
It was the UNP that has come to the second place without any contest. That was done by UNP during 1982 development council elections with the support of thugs. In 1996 , the advisor of the SLFP central committee and the partner of the present government, Chandrika Bandaranayke Kumaratunga has made an attempt to gain and infamous ‘ Black medal’ during election rigging in North Western PC election in 1996. That has to be appreciated by us. There are many occasions when the ‘ UNP election love’ can be quoted from the political history in this way. For example 1978 Mahara by election.
It is no secret that all of them are getting ready not to hold local government elections by joining with green and blue colors to commemorate the 3rd year of non-holding elections in Sri Lankan democracy. We named it as ‘ blue and green’ election fraud during the past budget speech.
(Daily Mirror)

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Of course. Romans thought their great empire will never fall, SLFP/LSSP government led by Sirimawo thought they will govern for ever; JR thought he will govern for ever; MR thought he will govern for ever. Same fate Yaha Palanaya will go soon. How soon I do not know. That is why everyone (all ‘henchaiyas inside and outside SL) keen on getting the New Constitution approved. That is why RW was summoned to India.
Brother Amarakoon,,
You great dreamer, mate.
Hope you are not on the white powder like the rest of them.
Redeem yourself mate, only way forward.
The Government will not fall if the UNP drop the President because of our Country’s economy as he does not appear to trust our Engineers to get investors to our country because of our President the moment he became President made a declaration about climate change to please the west he did this twice one of them recently when our per capita carbon emissions were one of the lowest in the world of 0.67 while the per capita carbon emission of 0.61 metric tons per year is very low compare it with Malaysia a developing Country (6.7) and the US a developed Country (19.78), is 10 times and 30 times more respectively and as such there should not be any concern regarding carbon emissions these are supported by the per capita carbon emission per year statistics from the internet .and also it can be stated from the data from internet it can be computed that even if we have 10 coal power stations the size of Norochoholai producing a total of 70 billion units per year, our per capita carbon emission per year will not exceed 70×109/21×106= 3040 Kg=3.04 metric tons assuming a population of 21 million and 1000Kg= a metric ton, as such there is no threat of carbon emission to our country by planning for accelerated coal power projects as many as required for our country. The President’s statement contravenes article 3,4,12, 27 and 33 (f) of our constitution and as such direct foreign investors are avoiding us like a plague and also his reliance on solar power can be established has the biggest fraud committed in our country’s history amounting to several hundred million US dollars which also has destabilized our country’s economy . This has been sent to cope by sending a copy of a letter to NEC address to all MPs in Parliament which establishes the above statements and also by our President’s avoidance of burning coal we the people are losing over a Billion rupees. per day. This document should be obtained from COPE by all Parliamentarians and studied and they will find the reasons no investors are coming to our country and the reasons our economy is so chaotic no investors coming to our country
Brother Piyungi Almaida, Please let me know what I am dreaming about. For what I should redeem? What is the only way forward?
Brother Amarakoon,
Yahapalana is a way of governance and not a government as such.
The Liily-White Gamrala will soon be out, lock, stock and barrel because he is not committed to Yaha Palana.
As long as the last remaining patriot RW is alive followed by a thriving legacy, we have hope.
Bro Almaida you said, ‘As long as the last remaining patriot RW is alive followed by a thriving legacy, we have hope.’ Sure brother. We saw that in the ‘bond-scam’ saga. Besides, this patriot in Temples of India seeking protection.