Death of 16-year-old girl: Police found note detailing “the cause of my death” on wall

Police investigation

Police Spokesman Senior DIG Ajith Rohana stated that the police are conducting further investigations into the death of the 16-year-old girl who was working at the residence of MP Rishad Bathiudeen.

While inspecting the room used by this girl while she was at the MP’s house, a note was made on the wall which allegedly gives the meaning ‘the cause of my death’. The note had been written using English letters, but that gives a Tamil meaning.

The Spokesman said that the investigation officers took a photograph of the wall with the sentence for further investigation.

In addition, the room was also inspected by handwriting experts from the Government Analyst’s Department yesterday.

SDIG Rohana said that investigators had found several books used by the girl during her school days and were examining them to match whether the sentence on the wall was written by her.

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