The panel of experts appointed by the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon is arriving in the island not to give evidence before the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, but to confirm their recommendations, says the National Patriotic Movement.
This was stated by Dr. Gunadasa Amarasekera, Chairman of the Movement at a seminar titiled ‘Defeat the coup to turn back the victory’, held at the Sausiripaya auditorium yesterday.
“The panel as well as Ban Ki Moon have said that they are coming, not to give any kind of evidence, but to have discussions. In fact, many are confident that the main intention of these persons is to come into this country after getting some kind of permission.
“Once in this country, they will have discussions with NGOs. INGOs and LTTE sympathisers, and confirm their recommendations.
“As the National Patriotic Movement, we stress that these persons should not be allowed to come into the country,” said Dr. Amarasekera.
Courtesy: News First

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This is a very valid stand and must be supported by all nations within the shores of Sri Lanka.
The outcomes of the UNSG’s Panel will be irreparably biased and damaged beyond recognition if they are given an opportunity to meet with the Sinhala nation’s own commission of enquiry.
The two nations that lie within the shores of Sri Lanka are united in supporting the Sinhala Nation’s PNM on the issue of the UNSG’s panel meeting with or obtaining evidence from the LLRC.
I am totally dismayed, like all patriotic forces of SL and majority of the nation, by the President’s backing-down to the pressure of UNSG, and breaking his promise to the nation not to succumb to the enemies of the nation, by allowing the UNSG panel to visit SL. The President has hoodwinked the nation by claiming that the UNSG panel is coming ‘just to meet the LLRC for discussions’. This is totally untrue. The UNSG panel has a clear mandate. It is primarily to gather ‘evidence’ from the TNA, NGO, UNP, JVP, SF, LTTE cadres held in captitvity and other enemies within, to interview, investigate and gather evidence to be used against SL Defence personnel, Defence Secretary and even MR himself, to be hauled before The Hague as ‘war criminals’. This is an utter shame to subject our heroes to this disgrace and dishonour, heroes who redeemed our nation from ruthless LTTE who were the real war criminals, who have committed crimes against humanity in SL.
I blame the President for hoodwinking the nation in this manner. I call upon my country men and all patriotic forces to rally together to hold public demonstrations immediately to denounce the President for going back on his word to the nation to keep this biased UNSG panel out of the country. I do not know what is wrong with the President now. He has become too cocksure now with the top-heavy ministries he has created, another promise to the nation he has broken, in not keeping the size of the cabinet small. What a waste of public money! His trip to UK to please his ego by addressing the Oxford Union was a total debasement in the eyes of the world, and a total waste of public money. The diaspora LTTE are winning the political battle in the international scene. They are laughing saying, “The fun and games have just begun”. I am sad for my country because the President has now become sick in his head. He is making mistake after mistake. He has surrounded himself with sycophants who pander to all his wishes and are misleading him with false advice, dead ropes (dhirachcha lanu). This is not good for the future of our nation. Mahinda Chintanaya has been swept aside. We are now heading on a downward track to disaster again. Alas!
DC is a die-hard diaspora LTTE shithead who fails to accept that SL is ONE NATION of different racial mixes. He and the rest of the diaspora LTTE can cry for a Tamil nation till they are blue in the face but they will not get it. They can all go to hell to join VP and his cadres in stking the fires.
Dear Nicholas,
Sad to see you direct your anger at our illustrious leader, HE Mahinda Rajapaksa in this hour of need.
HE agreed with the UNSG on granting access to the UNSG Panel on the sidelines of the recent UN Sessions in New York. I consider this affirmative action by HE against nationalist forces including a Cabinet Minister which are threatening to disrupt Sri Lanka’s forward march in the post-terrorist era.
HE must be supported in this endeavour; he is a visionary leader who sees far beyond the capacity of a normal human being. It is his vision that lead to the eradication of terrorism against the wishes of the international community.
HE’s recent appointments of overseeing MP’s for various critical portfolios is another visionary strategy that is bearing fruit.
In recent times, there are two notable leadership deficiencies in HE’s Government;
(1) the current Ministry for External Affairs has been a disaster in developing an effective foreign policy in meeting with the growing cries in the western world and the beligerency of the tamil diaspora. The leadership in that area has been below the bar. External Affairs leadership is primarily provided by the Hon Minister and the Permanent Representative to the UN and by the Permanent Representative to the EU. Incumbents in these positions have failed in responding to the evolving international scenario.
(2) The current leadership to the cabinet has also fallen short of expected performance. This function is carried by the office of the Prime Minister. The Cabinet consists of Party stalwarts and UNP dissentors. The Cabinet has been ineffectual in dealing with grassroot disatisfaction which has been brewing over for a while.
Proposed strategies:
HE’s government is in urgent need of new blood for renewed efforts in nation building both locally and internationally. Two outstanding individulas who need to be empowered are (1) Namal Rajapaksa and (2) Sajin Vaas Gunawardane. Both have demonstrated excellent energies in discharging their responsibilities and have access to youthful resources that can shore the rapidly diminishing fortunes of HE’s Government.
Sajin VG is an ex baggage handler who singlehandedly elevated Sri Lanka’s Mihin Air to a prominent position in the international aviation map. His recent appointment as overseeing MP for the External Affairs Ministry has resulted in a quick upturn of events and a balanced approach to the incessant needs of the international community. It is recommended that Sajin VG be elevated to the position of External Affairs Minister to develop and implement a forward looking foreign policy and to rejuvenate the foreign service.
Namal R has demonstrated a capacity to provide effective leadership in whatever venture that has been assigned to him. The space in this column is not sufficient to provide examples. Namal R has built the Nil Balakaya as an extremely effective resource supporting his forward looking ventures. It is recommended that Namal be appointed Prime Minister and be given a free hand in selecting his cabinet to be able to free aging and tired party stalwarts and replace them with youthful, enegertic persons who can deliver development to the nation. The aging and tired party stalwarts can be utilised effectively in party roles. Namal R under the guidance of HE can also undertake the urgently needed land reform in the North and East by ensuring land that has been squatted on illegally by Tamils is returned to the rightful owners, the Sinhala peasantry.
Both Namal R and Sajin VG should draw on youthful Nil Balakaya resources to inject youthful blood in key overseas positions such as the Permanent Rep in the UN and in the EU.
I am sure HE has the vision to deal with current issues and the way forward suggested above provides an effective strategy.
UN Panel should go to Iraq and Afghanistan to investigate the war crimes, before come to Sri Lanka.
UN always play a double standard role between the west and other conflicting countries.
Mohamed Shareef Asees (PhD)
A brilliant strategy by the Guru.
The Ext Affairs Ministry is definitely registering major failures. A quick change at the top and in the representations at the UN and EU by youthful and energetic persons will definitely bear fruit.
PK though needs protection; his return to Oz will energise the Tamil diaspora in getting him to courts over War Crimes.
Youthful energy is also needed in the Cabinet to provide effective leadership and also to counter the likely change of leadership in the UNP from the hands of the Colombo 7 elite to youthful “down south” elite.
Moda Kamata Thamanma Toku Enaganna. Taruna Ayata Palapuruddak Nomethiwa Ratak bara Denawa Kiyanne Para Suddata Ohna viddiyata Ape Rata Palanaya Karannawa kiyanna Ekkai. Kalayak Oyade Wuna Chandrika Palanayata Denumak Nomethiwa Evith Yudde Dinnana Beha Kiyala Sudda kiyana vidiyata Rata Keewa. Rea Wetuna wale Dawal Wetenne Neha. Den Thiyenna Bedum Wadayak Jathiwadayak nowa Rata Sanwardanayak Pamanai.
Guru’s strategy is fantastic and the best I can think of in this hour of need.
An urgent shakeup is required at Cabinet level and in the Foreign Ministry including UN posts to survive this international onslaught.
As George D-G says PK is in real trouble if he is removed from his post and loses his diplomatic immunity. The Tamil Diaspora already has strategies to haul him in for War crimes and it will be extremely difficult to protect this person.
An extremely intersting conversation going on here. As a Gen Y’er I agree dead fish in leadership should be replaced by new blood from Namal R and Sajin VG and the Nil balakaya.
The Bodhi Ranasinghe group in the UNP will capture opposition leadership shortly. Bodhi Ranasinghe has kingmaker ambitions.
To counter this, UPFA leadership should be devolved to the youth lead by Namal and the Nil Balakaya.
Mahinda should get rid of all deadwood in his leadership structure. We need more GenY’ers in leadership today. Zippy guys like Namal are fun; you could bump into them in Colombo’s Night C’s any time.
The only zippy guy in cabinet now is that moustached guy; Kahuna his name is; been a top guy in the LTT too. Very zippy; can bump into him in a Colombo Night C any time and O’Man, he pumps you with honey like crazy.
Rani, oya kiyane de bohoma hari. Guru kiyana de mama piliganne nehe kohethma. Eya sinhala-bauddha anthavadiyek. DC demal anthavadiyek. Anthavadi adahas mama pilkul karanva. eva harda sakshiyata virodayi. Budun vahanse vuvada eyeta virodayi.
Mama jandhipathi thumata paksayi. namuth den ethuma veradi maga yanava. samaniya janthavage 2/3 chandayen balaya labagathe rata sanvardana maga yanna. eveni veda pilivetha den pasaka thaba anavashiya visala mathi amathi mandala bihi kala. eya janathavage pihitata nova. ehema vishala amathi madalayak nevatha bihi karanne neha kivu poronduva kada kala. engalanthayata yemath sahamulinma anavashya gamanak. Kopomana anavashiya viyadamakda! ema viyadamen dupath etha gammana valata kopamana sanvardana veda karanna thibunada! eva siyallama den amathaka vela. emanisa den janadhipathi thumage kriya pilivela gena mama kanagatuveneva. vivechanaya karanava, yali hari maga yemata unandu karanna.
pavulle samajikayek veradi veda keranavita vivechanya karanne eyava hari magata apasu genna, eyata thibena aadareta. ese vivechanya kirima hinda deyak. Janadhipathi thumavath mama vivechanaya karanne aadareta, honda magata apasu genna.
janadipathitumata Amathimandalaya Wedi karannawuna Akamethten hari, Mokada CK Methi Amathi Warunge Call karala Mola hodanawa, Etuma eka dannwa. Eheth Ape Deschapaluwantath Puluwan Sepaviharana Hoyanne Nethiwa Ratata Sewayak Karanna ,nam Amathai Kamakma Uwamana Neha.
I suspect Hon President has many bitter enemies within the UPFA and outside, such as CBK and her allies. They may be conspiring all the time to bring about his downfall by digging pitfalls and watch him fall into it. One such pitfall was the trip to UK to address Oxford Union. CBK, UNP, SF, JVP, TNA, OU, British and US politicians, diaspora LTTE may have all conspired with the President’s enemies within the UPFA. The trip was actually a ploy to get him to visit UK in order to get him and his security chief arrested on alleged war crimes. OU cancelled the meeting on the day before, in order to mark time as the diaspora LTTE had failed to obtain his arrest warrant through a local magistrate. It was issued 2 days later to arrest only the security chief. OU attempt to lure the President to extend his stay by 2 days with renewed invitation to address the OU did not work this time, as the President smelled a rat and scarpered in time. When the police came to arrest the security chief he had left UK already with the President and his party.
There may be more such pitfalls dug for the President to bring about his downfall. CBK, MS, SF, TNA and JVP hate him. They may be conspiring with the diaspora LTTE and the imperial West agents in SL to assassinate the President for all we know. So the President’s security division should be strengthened and be vigilant all the time.
I find fault with the President for having a jumbo size cabinet which was totally unnecessary as he has his 2/3rd majority now. He does not require a jumbo cabinet to solve the ethnic issue. Any solutions cannot be imposed on the minorities. Hence it is of paramount importance to discuss cordially with all the minority parties viable solution to the problem which is acceptable to the whole nation. By surrounding himself with a jumbo cabinet he has only found a stick to beat his own back. He has broken his promise to the nation not to have jumbo cabinets. He is wasting public money to keep the jumbo cabinet happy. The President must now prune the jumbo cabinet at earliest opportunity to get rid of the deadwood. The deadwood are those minsters and hangers-on, sycophants who do not do any work to deliver the promises made to the people. They lead a luxury lifestyle at public expense.
All ministers have to be given identified workloads to be attended to within a given timescale. They have to meet quality standards in carrying out their tasks. The junior ministers must be supervised regularly by senior ministers and the senior ministers by supervised in turn by the PM and the President ultimately. Anyone who is not pro-active and failing to meet quality standards in their work is deadwood and should be pruned without any fear of reprisal.
Mahinda Chintanaya should be put into action at rural level. There are many rural areas without proper infra-structure. That is tarred/concrete roads, bridges, electricity, fresh water, schools, hospitals, employment etc. These basic needs must be met on fast-track development. Loans obtained from IMF, World Bank etc are meant for development and not to be fritterred away on luxury lifestyles of ministers and jaunts abroad for them and their families. This is the corruption and waste the President must put a full stop to fearlessly. He will then have the love of the nation. He will then be living conscientiously. He will then be a true hero of the people for winning the economic battle for the common man so that they can have a better quality of life for generations to come.
Kathawa Ettha.