‘Drastic measures must be adopted end violence against children’ – Opposition Leader

Sajith Premadasa

Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa has released a statement in view of the World Children’s Day celebrated today.

The full statement by the Opposition Leader is as below:

Today’s children are facing a peculiar situation that is unprecedented in history. The corona disaster has restricted children’s world to a limited extent and for two years children have been experiencing many problems in their education as well.

This is an unprecedented situation and all of us have an inalienable responsibility to strengthen our children physically and mentally.

The current challenges need to be identified and a national policy for education and children must be formulated and drastic measures must be adopted to end all forms of violence against children.

Child abuse, child marriage and child slavery have become a serious threat and the pure dreams of a generation of children who have survived them have to be realized.

We believe that the Universal Convention on the Rights of the Child, which protects the rights of the child for his maximum wellbeing, his right to life and the right to development, and the need to respect views of the child, should not be violated under any circumstances.

There is a glorified saying as ‘the best for children’, but it is important to ask whether it has become a reality in practice.
Meanwhile, this year’s Elders’ Day has to be celebrated at a time when the Corona Challenge poses a serious threat to the world’s adult community.

The adult is also the mechanic of a country and there is a responsibility to create the environment necessary for him to live his life more productively.

Everyone has to celebrate both World Children’s Day and World Adult’s Day on the eve of a world catastrophe.

Being able to celebrate Children’s Day with adults at home and Adult’s Day together with children is unique in a way and I wish maximum protection and good health for the world of children and adults.

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