Fertilizer to be given to coconut farmers to solve crisis in Sri Lanka


Steps are being taken to provide fertilizer assistance to coconut farmers as a solution to the ongoing coconut crisis in Sri Lanka, the Minister of Plantation and Community Infrastructure, Samantha Vidyarathna said.

He mentioned that out of the 55,000 metric tons of fertilizer imported into the country, 27,500 metric tons will be allocated for distribution to coconut growers.

“Our ministry’s coconut plantations, spanning tens of thousands of acres, have not received fertilizer for the past five years. This has resulted in low yields. Ordinary people have also not been in a position to use fertilizer. A ship carrying fertilizer arrived recently and after discussions in the Cabinet, we decided to allocate a portion of it to coconut cultivation,” the Minister explained.

The Minister further stated that the current coconut crisis is expected to be resolved by 2025.