Freedom for Fonseka in January?
Imprisoned former Army is to be freed early next year on a presidential pardon, ‘Lankadeepa’ reports.
The newspaper says he will most likely be released on January 01, under the powers vested in the president through the constitution.
Religious leaders, including the Mahanayake Theras of Malwatte and Asgiriya Chapters, have asked the president to release Mr. Fonseka.
Ven. Galaboda Gnanissara Thera and MP Tiran Alles have met president Mahinda Rajapaksa separately to discuss his freedom.
The ex-Army chief lost his parliamentary seat and sentenced to 30 months in prison by a military court which found him guilty in charges relating to military supplies by Hicorp company owned by his son-in-law Danuna Tilakaratne.
He was given a further three years in prison after courts found him guilty in the ‘white flag’ case.
Courtesy: Sri Lanka Mirror

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Ha, Ha,
The Apsara initiated petition to the White House to release political prisoner Retd Gen Sarath Fonseka has sent shivers down the Blue Brothers regime.
Despite the tonnes of anti-imperialist talk, the regime is apparently attemting to appease opinion and policy in the US in view of the bungled LLRC report, likely State Dept influence on the US$ 30m case against the Voharathipathi and other matters.
This action is likely to lead to regime change in 2012.
Is Fonseka being brought back into society to complete the uncompleted genocidal Eelam War IV?
The magnanimity of the forgiver on the principles of MC Idiri Dekama must have a hidden agenda.
Don´t free him Sarath is traitors.Army soldiers never can lead democrazy way for country his mind always using GUN power.
When he got sucide attack from LTTE terror,honrable president kept take care him well but this fonseka forgot and kept knife against his trought.
PS:I am not anypolitcs supporter!
Munidasa has got atleast one thing right. The way he spells ‘democracy’ (Munidasa’s spelling is ‘democrazy’) shows a pretty good picture of SL.
Who is this Udurawana? He has apprently nothing else to do but to blog on Onlanka.
Nicholas, we need your zeal and intellect to effectively deal with Udurawana. If not nipped in the bud, Udurawana is bound to strangle all of us, the great Onlanka blogger family consisting of
Nicholas Dias
Demala Chelvan
Frederick Mahakotipitiya
Julian Siriwardane
Maybe we can get Retd Gen SF to fight this mass destruction threat to our blogging existence to extinction when he walks free on 01 Jan 2012.
It is easy to identify Udurawana.
If you follow the path of the Great Blogger, Conscience of the nation, Nicholas Dias and analyse the contents of Udurawana’s blogs, Udurawana must be a “traitrous, tamil diaspora LTT supporter living in white man’s land, bootlicking the white man for a living, throwing mud at patriotic Sri Lankan Sinhala Buddhists and financing the continuing terroristic initiatives of LTT Rump”.
Isn’t this identification good enough for Udurawana?
Thank you Julian for identifying Udurawana. The guy has already gone quiet. He hasn’t blogged for the past one hour.
Please add the following to your identification:
“Udurawana is a tamil diaspora living abroad, blogging under a sinhala pseudonym, not caring for noble principles enshrined in Mahinda Chinthanaya Idiri Dekama”
Many thanks Frederick.
We are doing a great job on Udurawana; the guy’s bolted from Onlanka.
I wish Manjula would take up the challenge too. She has an excellent command of pure Ozzie filth which she freely dispenses when replying to bloggers whose opinions don’t fit her agenda.
Manjula’s filth is more powerful than Shavendra’s guns !
Anyway, lets wait and see what this guy Udurawana does in the next couple of hours.
Please come to my rescue. I am sure we can make up in spite of our differences of opinion. These two idiots JS and FM are trying hard to tarnish my impeccable immage.Please help as I am lost! Hope you are not in hiding too as you have gone very quiet. I miss your long patriotic essays. Honestly.
Dear FM and all my dear readers,
I thank you very much for including my name in your list of useful and constant bloggers of this page.As for my opinion on this episode is “Let there be thousand blooms” meaning thousand opinions.We should never attempt to knock off anyone attempting to express their views even though they are contrary to ours.Let us LIVE and LET THEM LIVE also. I admit JS and FM are more competent in this exercise and do a good research to be well armed to meet any exegencies and as for our friend Udurawana,please try to stand on your feet ,not necessary to cry for help.Help will come when it is felt necessary.
Thank you for your wise comments. I now feel very much comforted and prepared to beat off any more onslaught from JS and FM the illiterate mongrels without hearts and feelings. However, I am very much worried about Nicholas’s prolonged silence. Hope he has not given up after the onslaught from these two mongrels and DC! The conscience of the nation should not giveup that easily to these whimps.
Dear bloggers,
Some masquerading phantom whimp is using my name posting comments willy nilly which do not always reflect my thoughts. Be ware.
We need the Conscience of the nation Nicholas to come out of his deep slumber to sort these unruly bloggers out before this site goes down the drain.
Dear All,
Udurawana made a mistake by holding to ridicule Munidasa’s English. This was pathetic. This forum is open to all and we welcome fresh blood. Munidasa please write more often and don’t be discouraged by poor English. It is not your fault. It is the fault of politicians messing-up our education in the ’70’s. You can also write in Sinhala using English script.
Udurawana, I welcome you to write even though we disagree often. It does not matter even if you are a diaspora Tamil using Sinhala pseudonym. I am sure there are others like you. However, you must not insult other contributors to this forum by calling them ‘idiots’. You must not consider yourself to be superior to others. Anyway, I value your opinion also. JS and FM please do not insult Udurawana in turn, but feel free to criticise him in a civil manner.
I am concerned at SF release. Surely, there are more deserving prisoners to be released on New Year’s day! Does it mean there kith and kin have to write to White House to have their prisoners released? Where is the sovereignty of SL? I also don’t like Buddhist nayaka theros interfering in criminal cases and appealing to have prisoners released. MdeS is another instance when 1000 Buddhist prelates from Kelaniya appealed to President to re-instate MdeS, who was sacked after the ‘tying a man to a tree’ incident. MdeS was re-instated with a ministerial post. These prelates are probably paid well by MdeS, who is a mafia leader, like kudu-D. I detest these mafia politicians. Why is the President allowing himself to be ruled by them? What hold have they on him? Where is law and order in the country then? Surely, only deserving prisoners should be released by President on grounds of compassion.
Does SF have sufficient grounds to be released? During his career as Army Commander, he held prisoner more than a thousand soldiers and officers for defiance against his immorality for sleeping with young female soldiers, who were given promotion as a reward. These soldiers were also cruelly treated. They were ordered to be released at once by President. He conspired with JVP against his Commander-in-Chief while he was still army Commander, against military protocol. He also plotted with our enemies the CIA in USA and other US State Dept officials to contest Presidential Election with their funding. This was treachery. On losing, he conspired with JVP to assassinate the President and his family by coup d’tat, from Cinnamaon Hotel where he was holed-up with more than a hundred soldiers, deserters and retired men. The evidence is strong. This case has not yet been heard. It amounted also to high treason.
I hope Hon President remain firm NOT TO RELEASE this evil man for the good of the country. If released SF will definitely be a dangerous foe to him, his family and the country. The imperial West will use him and fund him. SL will be another satellite of USA and a base. SL will be partitioned and the eelamists will win. That will be the end of MC Idiri Dekma and ONE COUNTRY ONE NATION. Hon President must consider the good of the nation, the voice of the silent majority and not the rabid calls of a few misguided Buddhist prelates and religious leaders.
SF was so proud, he refused to write to President for Presidential pardon. Instead, he said he will not object if others ask on his behalf. His wife and daughter also proudly refused and instead said they will appeal to White House. Only misguided Buddhist nayaka theros and a few politicians appealed to President.
I hope he will listen to the voice of sanity and not release SF.
Marvellous, that’s my feeling.
It’s good to have you back, dear Nicholas, you enliven this place and you bring sanity, pease and a gentle calmness to this place.
We missed you Nicholas, thanks for returning to our fold.
Welcome ,my friend Nicholas.You have been voted as “THE VOICE OF THE NATION’ uniamously with the consent of all your readers.I fully endorse your strong feelings about SF.He wii definitely be a monster beyond control with his salacous and unfulfilled sadistic desires.Those qualities may go with a war but never in a civilised peace loving society.Sure enough the JVP will be his first generouis General receipient of his KICK OUT from political arena.BE AWARE SUCH LEAN AND HUNGRY LOOKING MEN ARE DANGEROUS . (Shakespeare in Julius Caesar.)
I have a doubt about these two characters JS and FM. They always seem to be working as a pair and striking in unison the least when you expect. The hearless devils! Are you thinking the same way as I am thinking? I seek your advice as my mind is confused.
Both JS and FM seem to have gone into hiding after your re emergence. Only you the ‘Voice of the Nation’ can draw them out and make them feel comfortable and start blogging again
Dear All,
Thanks for all your messages. I appreciate it. I am 71 now and take a break now and then from TV and media etc, to re-charge my batteries. I recuperate by spending my time in deep meditation. If not for my family commitments, I would love to retire to an Aramaya in a deep forest somewhere to completely renounce the world and be totally detached from my self also, like Lord Buddha, to spend my last days in meditation and in peace with God. But alas it is not possible! Instead, next year I hope to go on pilgrimage to Bodhgaya to meditate at least for a few hours before the holy place where Lord Buddha attained his Enlightenment.
Dear Udurawana, please do not retaliate against JS and FM by calling them ‘devils’ but be civil to them. This way you grow in spirituality and be a better man. That is, better spiritually than you were before, and not better than anyone else. We have to be always trying to be a better person spiritually and live according to our conscience. This way you attain peace and joy within yourself, which no one can take away from you. I am also all the time trying to be better spiritually, through meditation, to rid myself of my faults.
Dear JS and FM, please do not say anything spiteful against anyone in this forum, or in your relations with others in the world. This way you become better spiritually and be at peace within yourself. Let us be focused on expressing our viewpoints only on the relevant news topic and not attack people who hold contrary views. We have to respect others views also, even though their views may be contrary. Brother Amden for example attacked my deep faith in God. He ridiculed God as a myth. But I did not retaliate. I felt rather sorry for him, because he missed out so much by not believing in God, our Eternal Father and Mother. I did not make personal attacks, but continued to express my viewpoints.
Dr Vickramabahu K was a tool of LTTE and had attended their public meeting in UK and even given talks in support of the LTTE. In my view he is a traitor, like Dr JJ.
I criticised MR and GR for their support of kudu-D ONLY, in the aftermath of the brutal killing of Bharatha. I haven’t changed my view about this. But it was constructive criticism, in the absence of a decent political oppositon in Parliament today. It is for us therefore to constructively criticise and not destructively, in order to try to correct MR and GR and to remind them of their responsibility to the nation and to our younger generation, not align themselves with gangsters and not to let the mafia infiltrate our government. That would be a terrible disaster for our country! However, I praise the Hon President for all his good works to build our country. Honda veda agaya karanna namuth naraka veda hela dakinna.
I hope to write to Hon president not to release SF, because he will visit USA on the pretext of visiting his daughter, but actually to meet with CIA and US State Officials to plan civil unrest on massive scale in SL as in Middle East, for USA and NATO allies to step-in to topple MR govt and plant their puppet govt, through SF. This would be a nightmare! All the economic recovery will be lost. SL will become a base of USA. All our infra-structure will be destroyed by bombing and missile attacks as in Libya, Egypt, Iraq and probably in Syria. But I don’t think Hon President will hear my pleading, if he is too full of himself and blinded to the truth. I don’t like his huge full-size portraits erected all round the country. Such people are vain. They end up becoming dictators such as Saddam Hussein. I hope he has the good sense to have these portraits of himself removed before people get fed-up of him and remove him from office.
Ordinary people in Sri Lanka are the best judges of whether justice prevails for them. Privileged people can remain aloof from the rest due to the positions they have, and are not the best representatives to voice the feelings of the people.
Courts must remain unpoliticised and free from interference by high-ranking politicians. Political opponents should not be imprisoned unless the person has been justly sentenced by a properly constituted arbitration or judiciary body free of political affiliation or agendas.
Foreign countries should not be invited to arbitrate in internal matters as they (especially the US)have absolutely no compassion for poor third world countries and merely seek to destabilise regions in order to increase their own influence against rival regional powers.
Absolute power must not be concentrated in the hands of one person, and would be better balanced between a group of persons who have the public’s welfare paramount, rather than self-interest or profit. People’s representatives chosen by the will of the people must always be made to serve the people and dismissed from office when they become self-serving parasites.
The country’s wealth should be equitably distributed to reach the poorest in the form of clean and modern rural hospitals, computer-facilitated schools in all provinces, good local roads (suburban and village), comfortable public transport and the like.
People who seem to have acquired massive wealth must be investigated by authorities and the sources of their gains made public, while those assets if found to be gained unethically must be publicly sold off and invested in public housing for example.
Merit must be the sole criterion on which jobs and positions are provided, rather than for influence or nepotism. Then we can say we live in a democracy!
Excellent, Dear Nicholas, Excellent.Your ideas are clear and absolutely ,honourable.Any right thinking person will endorse them in toto.Right along I was wondering how matured you are. Am glad you are a septuagenerian.Your apprehensions about SF are well founded and should be carefully analysed and proper action taken in the right direction .Wish you success in all your PATIOTIC and even in your personal life. You are such a wonderful person.May YOU LIVE LONG !
You confirm that we are living in a democracy only for name sake. How correct. I seek clarification on your last point. That is merit being the sole criterion for any admission to higher education/job selection/prmotion etc. Do you include the unfortunate minorities too in this regard or are they excluded.
Dear AUJ,
Thanks for your support. I know and feel you are a very good man yourself. May the Good Lord always bless you and long may you live to lead a righteous life!