Fuel surcharge on electricity bills from today
Posted by Editor on February 15, 2012 - 3:44 pm
The following will be the fuel surcharge on electricity bills from today for domestic users, 1-30 Units – 25 per cent, 31-60 Units – 35 per cent, above 61 Units – 40 per cent, while it will be 15 per cent for the industrial sector, the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka stated today.
Courtesy: DM Online

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It is time to launch an islandwide protest against the government of Sri Lanka. Why price hike for fuel, only to Sri Lanka? All these problems are intrducing by P.B Jayasundara and Ajith nivad Cabral. The are the leading laundymen of Mahinda Rajapaksha. One thing we can make sure is that the time of Sri Lankan government is very short.
Dayaratne Bandara.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
DB, you should know better that these price hikes happenned as a result of USA putting a unilateral fuel exporting ban on Iran. Nonetheless, fuel in SL is the lowest compared to the prices in India and the other SE Asian countries, thanks to Hon President keeping it low by subsidising it.
We should rise up against USA all over the world. Let all the people around the world rally against US embassies in their countries in mass protests, till the ban on Iran oil is lifted. This is the proper action and step to take. The Govt of MR is the best govt we have had in ages. Hon MR has saved Motherlanka from the evil VP and the LTTE. We are now on the road to economic victory despite all the hindrances by USA. We shall win eventually. So let us all be united with the GOSL as true patriots against the evil of USA, the great satan.
The LTT rump would love you Mr Nicholas for leading the tirade on the US.
The US are LTT’s worst enemies. In addition to being the country that imposed the ban on them in the first place, the US gifted four of its citizens to SL to lead the genocidal war. They are
SF and
In addition the US instruted its lackeys, the Israelis, to give that fleet of killer jets.
The US provided intelligence on arms movements to GOSL which resulted in gun laden LTT ship being blasted midsea.
So Mr Nicholas, with your daily call for uprising against the US, I suspect you are a disapora tamil masquerading as a SL patriot.
Thanks for your call to rise up against US; direct the appeal at the Transnational Govt of the terrorists and the GTF; they are with you Mr Nicholas.
Parakrama (arapkarma), my guns are trained against you the diaspora Tamil, the TNA, as well as USA, who tried to save VP and LTTE leaders’ bacon on their last days, but failed miserably. They must have shit themselves in fear as they were shot down! VP lost half his crown as the bullet ripped through. There was no brain inside. No wonder he was such a moron!
Nicholas, you are training your gun at the wrong place. I am not a diaspora tamil nor am I a SL tamil. I am a citizen of Sri Lanka with an unparralelled intellect to drive the nation. I call myself Arap Karma because Arap in Kiswahili, means ‘son of’ (eg: the past president of Kenya, Daniel Arap Moi in Kiswahili means ‘Daniel, son of Moi’). Therefore I have adopted the name Arap Karma because im the “SON OF DESTINY”. I was born to drive this nation. I desire no leadership role but using my mental prowess, I shall and I am destined to be the driver of the nation. An it is through this blog I shall do so. Soon. I will be determining who the President of Sri Lanka will be and also determine whether it will be one nation or two. I am gifted and I am destined to use that gift to betterment of the nation.
You should train your gun towards your balls hanging downstairs. You dimwit!