Gampaha voters protest Paba’s ‘politriks’
Voters from the Gampaha District held a protest against Paba or Upeksha Swarnamali’s recent crossover to the government side in the township of Kirillawela in Kadawatha a short while ago.
The protestors claimed that Ms. Swarnamali had gone to Parliament through the votes of the United National Party (UNP) supporters and had betrayed them by joining the government for monetary considerations.
The protest was organized by Western Provincial Councillor U. George Perera and Opposition supporters in the area.
Recent media reports suggested that Ms. Swarnamali’s husband had forced her to support the government’s 13th Amendments to the Constitution and that another government member had offered a large amount of money for the crossover.
She attended the UNP protest at the Parliamentary complex dressed in black but later voted for the amendments in Parliament along with another few UNP members.
Ada Derana

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Our people do not understand what’s happening in the world.They do not have any idea of present politics in Srilanka, otherwise these chocolate girls will never be able to be elected to the parliament as MP’s. People!Do not blame her, blame your selves for voting for this type of girls and undermining the value of your vote.
Dear Citizen, all the other oppersition MP’s Join the govenment to Strenght MR’s Hand, Paba has joined the government to Strenght MR’s cock. That is the difference. Many people lives in Kuwait knows, who she was. Shame u bitch !
Weldon my friends Weldon, finely I have seen real singhala lion’s, who are love my country and who is honest speaking reality, welcome abort,
Past one month when I speaking out & when I commenting thiese type of our matter & issues some of uneducated bone suckers are telling me I’m a LTTE or SF or RANIL++ many..
Soooooooooo good here you my friends
Yes machans still our some of donkeys there for undermine value of low, otherwise how come paba,anarkale,sanath jayasooreya, comedian in kalany districts there in to “in the name of parliament”
Paba, anarkali sanath there are very good I’m not saying any wrong with them but there are good in deferent field may be actress(good or bad) sporting like that way not in politicks way, this is our money we paying for this type of donkeys. But apparently still there some buuruwo on rally for supporting,
in behind our country economy and food cost why higher then hemale mountain
Rasika, you are exactly correct… now there is no point protesting agaist Paba but just think what you did few months back and make sure it won’t happen again. We have live examples from Galle and Kegalle for not sending Geetha and Susanthika so it is purely the stupidity of naive people in Gampaha. I dont trust what Chris said btw.
Well done ..Paba..
Oyaa baya nethuwa inna… Ballo biruwata handa path wenne nehe..
Rasika, Chris, Ganesh and Suda have no understanding whatsoever of the trials and tribulations of political leaders.
I cannot understand why they insist on the clever lady from Gampaha joining the social and economic revolution being led by HE Mahinda Rajapaksa in the Democratic Sinhala Buddhist Nation of Sri Lanka.
The clever lady MP Gampaha can deliver social and economic emancipation to the long suffering Sinhala Buddhist residents of the Gampaha District.
Ther not a single valid reason to cling onto the rapidly sinking UNP ship led by Hon Ranil Wickremasinghe.
Democracy requires bipartisanship for its growth; the clever lady from Gampaha is following democratic principles ennunciated by the great Greek Philosopher, Plato, by her strategic relocation to the Government benches.
The ultimate beneficiaries are the Sinhala Buddhist Citizens of the Gampaha District.
May the triple gem bless Hon Upeksha Swarnamali’s in her long and arduos journey to uplift the Sinhala Buddhists in the Gampaha District.
UNP leader’s influence and money has bought a few people out to hold a protest in Gampaha, rather belatedly, against Upeksha for joining the ranks of the Government. A ‘rent-a-mob’ bussed in to Gampaha from Colombo by UNP does not represent the majority UNP vote in Gampaha. In fact the majority UNP voters are with Upeksha. Similarly around the country the UNP members are sick to their back teeth with the UNP leadership for corruption, mismanagement and apallingly poor leadership. The current UNP leadership has no love of the country, has no sense of our glorious Sinhala history, culture and traditions. They have been bought by the para suddhas and the paradesi kotiyas to dance to their tunes.
Upeksha, Rosie, and a host of other UNP stalwarts are now fast deserting the sinking flag ship like a pack of rats. Good luck to them! They are doing the right thing. Upeksha along with a few others did the right thing by joining ranks of MR government to lend their support to develop the country on fast track. This is a noble patriotic act.
A few misguided fools are trying to besmirch the good name of Upeksha and others, who severed ranks with UNP, as traitors. The real traitors are the UNP leaders who betrayed our country to evil VP and the LTTE by signing slavishly a peace agreement drawn up by the kotiyas. Let the UNP voters, rank and file members, desert the UNP and join the SLFP as true patriots to be share holders in this great economic revival journey along the Mahinda Chintanaya Idiri Dekma.
Upeksha did not join the government with ulterior motives. She knew she can best work to realise a better future for the people she represent from within the UPFA government than by staying in a rudderless, sinking UNP ship, led by a leader who is corrupt and has blood on his hand, the blood of JVP youths.
Well done Upeksha and like-minded UNP MPs, we all love and salute you! Please support the government’s effort to make Sri Lanka a truly great nation with a rosy future for all. In the ensuing year of Buddha Jayanthi let us make SL the spring board for spreading the universal Buddha Dhamma through out the world to bring peace and joy to all mankind.
I do very much agree or disagree with most my friends comments above in shifting their allegience towards from one party to another. Firstly; let us remind our selves; who changed this constitution ? it was UNP.(Mr. JR)…and UNP after post 1977 was very popular and powerful…and they messed our constitution big time and manupulated the way wanted it to be. Thy Ruled the country over a decade…and gave us a Civil War…that was unnecessary. We suffered for 30+ years…
Now that after so many years ..this President had the guts to eradicate and finish the Civil War…”Bravo” for that….but..the Powers that the People of Sri-Lanka has given to this government is somewhat similar to that of post 1977 to UNP or a bit greater than that…
On both instances the one similarity one must observe is that, the Governing Party always had a greater popularity and never had a strong opposition…
Back then when UNP was ruling…SFLF never had strong Leadership…and now we are experiencing the same thing with UNP with Ranil being the puppet Leader of the opposition.
If UNP expects to win back people’s support in at least after 5-years…they should change the Leadership now and immediately.
When you have a weak leader who is reluctant to give away his the younger generation…then why expect the smaller fishes not to change the party?
Every time…they talk of the constitutional powers only when they go back to the back benches in the Parliament.
The way Mr. President eradicated terrorism in our beloved Country…we all must pray that “One Honest Man” should come again to change the Constitution…in our Country.
A Third world country like Sri-Lanka…can not afford to have the kind of rules and politics with this Constituion. wonder…to whom we vote…? The person or the Party…?
How a Parlimentarian can change her Party at will ? then how? it’s all based on this Constituion my dear friends..
Democracy is “The rule of the people by the people”. It was realized by the MR government. People of all races voted for him and his co-alition in droves. Under MR, we are also winning the next wars i.e. the wars against poverty, disease, hunger, ignorance etc. These are more difficult wars to win. It cannot be won overnight. It will take not 6 years but may be 12 or even 18 years to win. But win we must, with the help of right-minded citizens.
The imperial West with th help of their lackeys/traitors in SL tried to erode the will of the people to win the war against the terrorist kotiyas. But within 3 years we totally vanquished them, whereas the imperial West is still struggling to erradicate the terrorist problems at their doors, despite their military and even nuclear prowess. They will never win, because they are even worse than the terrorists. The imperial West are the real terrorists in the world today, imposing their will on the third world nations for the good of the imperial West, robbing the third world nations wholesale.
UNP is a rudderless sinking ship. Its constitution needs to be changed so that there is democracy within the UNP. The current UNP leadership will not allow such a change in their constitution because they are corrupt and they do not want the extent of their corruption to be exposed. They are rolling in wealth from the dollars that poured in from the imperial West to betray the nation by signing a treaty written by the LTTE for their benefit to capture the whole of the island. MR put-paid to it. The traitors should now be rounded-up, tried and hung at Galle Face Green in public. The UNP leadership and other traitors know their fate. So they try to cling to power as long as they can by dilly-dallying any changes at the top. Perhaps, Sajith and Co. will need to take control by force. A little coup detat within UNP may not be out of place. Over to you Sajith.
what a Joke? who send Paba to parliament? It’s the stupid voters in Gampaha and don’t blame her. Blame your self for your stupidity.. fools!!
These days Paba is dancing ‘waka waka’ with ‘Maharaja’ in New York and showing ‘kana koka’ to her voters.
to jaya machan:there is people like”Nicholas Dias & Guru Sathyadasa” who are pin pade kaarayo there the one who stupidity.. foolsh votting gonnu