Gazette prohibits traders from refusing to sell 12.5 kg LPG cylinders

Litro gas Sri Lanka

A Gazette Extraordinary has been issued prohibiting traders from refusing to sell or compelling consumers not to buy 12.5 kg cylinders of domestic Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).

The gazette issued under the powers vested in it by Section 10(l)(b)(ii) of the Consumer Affairs Authority Act No. 09 of 2003 will come into effect from today (June 09).

According to the gazette, traders who are in possession, custody, or under his control domestic LPG cylinders weighing 12.5 kg for purpose of trade within Sri Lanka, are directed NOT to refuse the sale of 12.5kg domestic LPG cylinders; NOR directly or indirectly compel consumers not to purchase such cylinders.

The direction issued to all manufacturers and traders of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), is in effect from 09th June 2021.

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