Gnanasara Thera surrenders
Posted by Editor on June 21, 2017 - 10:33 am
Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) General Secretary Ven. Galagodaatte Gnanasara Thera surrendered to the Fort Magistrate’s Court a short while ago. Recently the Court issued an arrest warrant against him for not appearing in Court.

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No worries mate,
He will be remanded and then declared “sick” and transferred to the Merchant’s Ward in the Colombo General Hospital (similar to Basil Rajapaksa).
What happened to the 4 Police battalions who were instructed by the Top Man to search and arrest this innocent Monk?
How much overtime were they paid and what were their transport costs?
Sinhala budhhists continues to constitute an electoral majority therefore a serious threat to the establishment that is made up of people are clueless as to the art of government. We have a situation where the government is bankrupt of money and ideas apart from hounding anyone trying to forge sinhala buddhist solidarity nationally and internationally even if it means extermination of the buddhist population. Historically this sort of thing has happened else and is happening in the arab world.
Persecution of Ven Gnanasara fits in with this objective alleging for extreme racial policies which does not exists. Beruwala incident is something reminiscent of what happened in 1915. The Beruwala investigation was not fully investigated for there was no evidence of it. Aranthalawa case need to be reopened where over 50 bhikkus were masscared.
Hi Guys,
This Buddhist monk is in no way and innocent guy. He acts like a rowdy and looks like a thug. Looks like he is being well fed with ‘Ping Bath”. He should be preaching peace as is that what Buddhism is all about.
Lets not start this rubbish about religious hate.
I am sure most Sri Lankans agree that we should live in Harmony except for a few ignorant, uneducated thugs who like nothing but to create trouble and beat up people. Any one who attacks another human being causing bodily harm needs to be dealt with according to the law.
We certainly do not want another Prabhakaran in Sri Lanka. Have we forgotten the misery our people went through during the LTTE attacks.
Who like Ven. Gnanasara? Christians do not like him. Tamils do not like him. Muslims do not like him. Many Sinhala Buddhists do not like him. That is the reality. There are thousands of Monks engaged in evident activities which tarnish the image of Buddha darma in Sri Lank. But those people who are against Ven Gnanasara do not see them and do not talk about them. Ven. Ganansara knows Buddha Darma more than us. By doing these kind of activities He is prolonging his ‘SANSARA”. That said, is there any Buddhist leader talk about on going activities against the way of life of Buddhist People in Sri Lanka? Not a single leader. We talk about Ven. Gnanasara’s behaviour but we refrain to talk about the things he utters. Kuuragala, Devanagala, Muhudu Maha viharaya, Deegawapi… can go on. Then the harm done to Bio-Diversity of Sri Lanka. Environmental damage done by disruption of Vilpattu National Park. Ven. Gannasara is not creating or imagining these things. Since Sri Lanka does not have a credible leader to talk about these things, many think putting Ven. Gnanasara behind bars will resolve every thing. Sure, it will resolve everything because there is no one to come forward and address these pressing issues. Just food for thought.
stan a nmae that speaks a 1000 words. i can imagine him to be a runt of a man if a runt can be called a man and he speaks of intellect and iam sure this bum is masquerading for what he is not and he is himself is not sure as to whom he is speaking for. Stan and the likes of him has shot his last bolt and half wits like him would only help budhhist to develop a solidarity movement. y. srisena/mahinda coalition is bankrupt of money and ideas. the only thing that the likes of satn can look forward isrelative poverty with inflation and the falling rupee valuet