Gnanasara thero released on bail
Posted by Editor on May 26, 2015 - 1:01 pm
The General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) organization, Ven. Galaboda Aththe Gnanasara Thero, has been released on bail by the Colombo Magistrate’s Court, after he was arrested on a pending warrant earlier today.
Colombo Chief Magistrate granted the bail on a surety bail worth Rs one million and a cash bail worth Rs 5000, Police said.
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This is the biggest “Tsunami” which ever hit the Buddhist society since 1948.
Ven Galgoda Atthe Gnanasara is the the conscience of the Sinhala Buddhist nation. He is the mouthpiece who fearlessly expresses the aspirations of the Sinhala Buddhist population of our land.
The services he has rendered surpasses the services renders by approximately 5 Presidents and !3 Prime Ministers. Compared with Ven Galgoda, previous Prime Ministers were only “toilet cleaners”.
Rev GAG is a hero, the mouthpiece of the nation, the hero who offers comforting words when all else is lost.
Ven GAG should be preserved for posterity to lead the Sinhala Buddhist youth against the economic warfare of the White Man.
This is premaditated drama.No justice even in this govrnmnt.
This galaboda is also responsible for degrading pure and genuine Buddhism in front of the world with nasty and filthy words, ugly and uncivilized behavior and also for introducing the lowest possible way for a Buddhist monk to behave in public.
All who blindly argues for this man should compare this man’s behavior with Lord Buddha’s behavior. Buddhist monks are there to bring forward Lord Buddha’s behavior and teaching to the future rather than to create new versions of Buddhism.
If he wanted to do politics or to “fight” for Buddhism, he could have done so as a lay person rather than as a Buddhist monk. Take an example of Anagarika Dharmapala who fought for the protection of Buddhism without any insult to Buddhist monk hood.
I think he does not even know that he is being pawned by an Anti-Buddhist elements in the west to split and crack Buddhists into separate camps. He thinks he is fighting to protect Buddhism. But he doesn’t have the brain to understand that he is only a hook used by western non-Buddhist elements to create this new hard lined Buddhists so that soft minded Buddhists will not support and thereby creating two Buddhist camps. . Western non-Buddhists laugh from their back sides at this guy behind the screens after every step he takes to divide Buddhists without knowing that he is dividing Buddhists.
White man has maneuvered him so much in a very subtle manner so that he thinks he is fighting against the white man.
This creation of a Buddhist against Buddhist division is exactly similar to what the Americans do in the middle east in creating Muslim against Muslim fights in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Pakistan etc.
Manjula, I totally agree with you that this guy is not a very good example of Buddhism. How ever I think that we should stop blaming the white man for all our stupid acts. It is fair to say the white man hood winked our ancestors but if we can still be hood winked and influenced by the white man we have not any wiser that our ancestors.
The problem is our people are trying to live like the white man and some even forget their mother tongue. It is time we blame our selves for our mistakes and stop licking the white man’s bottom like RW.
Only useful thing this regime could have done is to keep the racist monk behind the bars!