Government pleads for donations from public servants
Dr. P. B. Jayasundera, Secretary to the President, has requested all government servants to donate their salary for May, fully or partially, to the government, taking into consideration the crisis faced by the country.
Jayasundara has written to ministry secretaries, provincial, district and divisional secretaries, heads of department, corporations, state banks, state owned enterprises and statutory bodies, making this request.
The current crisis has dried up government income and the government is under great stress to pay back foreign debt, the letter says. The government pays close to Rs. 100 billion as salaries and allowances a month, he states.
Jayasundara adds that he has asked his salary to be donated to the widows and orphans fund. While some people may not be able to donate the entire salary, they can donate a week’s or day’s salary, he has said.
(Source: The Island)

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To those who acquired luxury cars and luxury life, it is time to pay back.The government is under great stress to pay back foreign debt, Nothing come from nothing and this unearned bogus luxury life has to end and go back to starvation mode as in 1970/80.
It is time for the 22 former law makers to jointly donate a min amount of Rs.10 Mn for occuping the official residencies without any respect for the rule of law !
Ponniah brother… I agree 200%
Good point brother Ranjith! These days JVP leader AKD’s photo with his brand new Toyota Hillux is going viral in social media. These guys are concerned about their pension, free food and Continuation of their luxury life. This is one of the reasons they asking to reconvene the parliament. As Mr. P. Sivapalan correctly pointed out these 22 politicians hanging out in their official residents just like infants hanging and sucking milk from the Breasts of their mums. Charity begins from your own house. Yes, donate a minimum of 10,000,000 Rs. Then it will gather momentum.
Dear brother Me Amarakoon. It is sad to see this beautiful country going down the drain because of these corrupt, greedy politicians and as well majority of self centred people. Some of them don’t care to turn this country to a Casino or a mega br*thel as long they gain something from it. Disgusting.
Yo, “Ranjith” S*B….just hiding behind this “Ranjith” Sinhala name and taking delight at attacking Sri Lanka is not going to work as you are on record here saying “I am not Sri Lankan and I don’t live in Sri Lanka”…hahaha….. No true patriotic Sri Lankan, especially a patriotic Sinhalese who loves his/her motherland, will attack MotherLanka at this time the way you are doing…so you stinking bloody parasitic mf S*B, I say go back to your homeland Toiletnadu! Hehehe…
This is scarping the pan in utter desperation in financial crises because no bank will lend any money and printing money will have a devastating effort on poor people life and devalue the saving of these corrupted politician. I want be surprised after this they will ask you to sell your body parts like kidneys or sell blood to foreign hospitals to sustain their luxury life or to earn some foreign capital to save this poor wounded country going bankrupt.
Yo you crazy (or drunk :)) S*B “Ranjith”….what the heck are you babbling about here? No, despite your incoherent ranting here, Sri Lanka is not going to sink into the ocean ans she will survive as she has survived against all odds for the past 2600 years!
However, I think you need to be exposed here…
Firstly, your English is so bloody garbled and poor, and secondly just to see you taking delight at Sri Lanka’s difficulties at this hour of COVID-19 hardship (despite Sri Lanka has done marvelously well compared to the so called ‘highly developed’ western nations such as the USA or EU nations), tells me that you have to be another stinking Eelamist toiling in the west, likely washing toilets, just hiding behind this “Ranjith” Sinhala name and taking delight at attacking Sri Lanka. No true patriotic Sri Lankan, especially a patriotic Sinhalese who loves his/her motherland, will attack MotherLanka at this time the way you are doing…so you stinking bloody parasitic mf S*B, I say go back to your homeland Toiletnadu!
In any case your hiding here under “Ranjith” will not work as you are on record here saying “I am not Sri Lankan and I don’t live in Sri Lanka”…hahaha….
how can a poor government servants any portion of his salary unlike some government servants they do not receive 3 salaries and they work with corona patients risking their lives as well as their families
Please go to Angoda mental ward first, have your head examined and after due treatment, can you please come back and post your message again? Thank you.
Mr Kevin. It is true that I am not living in SL and I am not a Srilanken, But I an Sinhalese with a Sinhalese name. . I don’t have a stupid Irish name like yours. I am only giving positive criticism. The country is drowning with debt , Most people who got even a little bit of knowledge agree with what I say.
You stupid uneducated dog, I agree with Kevin.
You talk of debt? If you can read, I suggest you just read world news and see how even the ‘developed nations’ such as the UK, USA, Canada etc. are today going into humongous COVID-19 relief packages running into multi-multi Trillions and Billions of dollars – all done with colossal magnitudes of new national debt assumptions. Even with these massive relief debts, the COVID-19 devastating impact in these countries, in economic and human health/lives-lost is like tens of thousands of times compared to what we see in Srilanka today on a per capita basis (i.e. less than thousand infected, with less than 10 deaths!).
Nice try, but no true Sinhalese who loves Sri Lanka (whether living in SL or abroad) will attack SL today the way you do here, very craftily – which tells us that you, as Kevin said, got to be another mf anti-Sri Lankan eelamist/jihadist troll here!
We patriotic Sri Lankans, no, we do not condone blindly everything what GOSL might be doing, but in this case the overwhelming opinion of people in Sri Lanka is that it’s done a good job with COVID-19 and continues to do a good job. I said people in Sri Lanka – and that does not include a bloody anti-SL dog like you living abroad and just coming here to crap all over with idiotic but anti-SL statements, statements which you think can lead to toppling this overwhelmingly popular government, the government that was elected predominantly by us the patriotic majority Sinhalese. No doggy, that ain’t going to happen so pls. bug*er off to wherever! LMAO!
May be the government elected by the majority Sinhalese but is controlled by USA. UK and Iran. I am not making these things to win the argument but to explain the people of Sri Lanka about the dangerous it face, I have been to 54 countries in the world and I visit my country SL 4 times a year and go all over by public transport.
I know how to read in between lines. When I come out of Colombo and Kandy stations there is a toilet for “only” foreigners and another smelly toilet for locals.
Do I have to say any more about who is educated or who is not.
Hahaha…”controlled by USA. UK and Iran” hahaha, what a bloody uneducated idiot MF “Ranjith” you are!….especially I am laughing my head off about “Iran” !!! Here we have UK and US insinuating we (Sri Lanka) is today too close and appears to be controlled by China and you come here and utter this type of ka-ka, evidently being (judging by all your postings) an uneducated eelamist/jihadist MF that you are? hahaha
Anyway you undercover eelamist/jihadist MF (btw, all such MF’s have their roots going back to Toiletnadu I know), as I said before, please leave Sri Lanka alone for Sri Lankans (i.e. you are a confessed NOT a Sri Lankan) and so do go back to your cesspit Toiletnadu!
Also, it is not “may be” but this government WAS elected by us, the majority proud patriotic “Lion-Blood” Sinhalese and we did it against all you anti_SL MFs ganging up to assure that we will continue with Pambaya MaruSira + backboneless Ponil – which would have seen the DEATH of our nation with the COVID-19 horror we see today!
Hahaha… nice try MF, but how about another even a nicer try with another Nanthikadaal when we will delightfully ‘vaporize’ you terrorist maggots once again? Hahaha… I am truly amused today!
Ah You are like a frog in the well crying in wilderness. If you enter SL as a foreigner you can walk through “nothing to declare” entrance with out any checks. But if you are Sri lanken you have to don’t have that privilege. So the USA , UK and Europe demand these conditions.
Iran. Iran supply petrol at a reduce rate to SL. The conditions are that SL should support Muslim shops, mainly clothing shops. NO limit and other Muslim shops is supposed to employ beautiful Sinhalese girls but only Muslim boys. So no wander that 50% of Muslim children are born to Sinhalese mothers.
You can call me what you like. I am a proud patriotic Sinhalese. . I don’t like this country going down the drain.
2nd beautiful island in the world, 3rd romantic country in the world. Best beaches in the world. But travel in public transport. People begging for medicines operation food etc but on the other hand people driving luxury cars.
I am a engineer and I don’t care about grammar and spelling as long as you understand me. You can call me anything you like as long as my income is more than your prime minister and president put to get to get together.
I am not a politician. But you will amazed how many people asked me to form a political party because they are fed with your elected politicians.