Govt. responsible for Geneva debacle: JVP
The Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) said today the Government was solely responsible for the adoption of the UNHRC resolution because the Government was unable to win the confidence of the 12 countries that abstained because of human right violations and the inability to uphold democracy in the country after the war.
“The Government did nothing to secure the support of the member countries. Even countries like Indonesia and Kuwait which voted in favour of Sri Lanka last time abstained from voting this time. It was not so much about alleged war crimes but also because of media suppression, human right violations and been unable to establish democracy after the war. If the resolution was only about the alleged war crimes, the Government would have won,”JVP General Secretary Tilvin Silva said.
He accused the Government was attempting to gain political advantage out of the Geneva issue rather than trying to defeat it and said it did not have a proper vision or an action plan to defeat the resolution. (Daily Mirror)

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“…..because the Government was unable to win the confidence of the 12 countries that abstained ……”
Oh Really! There is no behind the scene arm twisting and threat to cut aid by US, UK and EU?
Basically the government has not appointed suitable people as ambassadors.
My dear not only the Government….we all Srilankan have to get together and the time is come to open our eyes against the world ruthless terrorist call Tamil Tigers.
Sri lankan to get together? Specially Sinhalese to get together? Pigs will fly and fly and fly! They can not even learn something by watching Tamil diaspora giving them a run for the money!
Mu meehareka
Mouth is there to eat,talk ,smile etc-but not to shit !,
this stupid TinTin always call for Media and blame Government .if they are thinking of mother land why not go front of US and European EMB and demand to respect the diplomatic rules
It is sad and pathetic you lot resort to the same excuse and barking up the wrong tree and hiding your head in the sand.
The facts are:
1). It is not the government presentation or the ambassador’s role during the debate. Come out of the hole mates. US put the resolution for the vote since they already had secured enough votes by threatening or bribing with aid. If there was any chance of them losing it, they would not have put forward it. That is the way US do things in the UN forums. Only India had been the surprise.
2). Why do Chandrika, Ruki Fernando and all the rest of Sinhalese human right activists had a planned, timed campaign along with numerous LTTE terror supporters in the West and the North of SL to coincide with this vote? Did they not know what the outcome will be? How many of those have at least tried to use Sri lanka’s judiciary least few time just to see whether it can remedy their grievances? Are they happy now with the outcome that Pillai has been appointed to do the job and judge SL from now on? Have they achieved the fairness and unbiased divine intervention they strived for?
3). Where have these video clips -including a recent one going around in the west just before the UNHRC meeting showing ‘torcher’of female recruits to the army? Have they been not filmed by sinhalese soldiers and given out? Have they seem have learnt a lesson ?
4). Mouth is to eat,talk ,smile and also state the truth and the obvious. Is there one occasion in the recent history that Sinhalese have got together in the face of common threat to them? Go on show me? What did the UNP did during the CHOGM? Remember the era JR made Amirhalingam very happy by giving everything he asked for, just to keep Sirima away? What had been the return like? What Sinhalese have chosen is to swallow the poisonous pill or the Trojan horse left by the imperialists called democracy to make sure constant in-fighting and interference and proxy rule by them.
As I have written many times, democracy is a very good thing like a Mercedes Benz, but developing countries can not afford to have it before having a good strong economy. Institutes like independent judiciary,uncorrupted police, can not maintain in a society where people struggle to find the next meal. MR is doing the right thing after defeating terrorists and he should be allowed to do what he plan during his term in office without constant interruptions by way of human rights or another. There is a regular vote to put him out of power and can then haul before the court for bad things he had done as we did to Sirima to answer for his misdeeds.
I may be stupid and a meeharaka. But I will never shy away from criticizing or asking difficult questions as long as I give reasons. One of the most difficult thing to face is the truth and accepting something is wrong with us. It is time to accept that you lot are in a deep hole of your own digging.
These buggers only knows to bark…..
Always waiting for someone to fall in a ditch, then to climb up with a shit.
This is for Silpa, not for Silva, Sorry for mistake
Dear Indra,
1. If there is evidence of US bribery in the UNHRC, please make it public.
2. If there is evidence of Chadrika, Ruki and Fr Praveen conspiring with “resurgent” LTTE, please make it public.
3. The uTube Video of Army traing of women recruits was accepted by the Militaru hierarchy as authentic and is under investigation. Indra, we are living in a new world where there is universal freedom of expression. If anyone in the world has evidence of (1) and (2), please post it in uTube or even in the Onlanka blogsite !
3. The UNP is dead as a dodo. SL citizens must realise this fact. There can never be a turnaround; the rebels within the UNP will be better off if they walk out and provide an alternative opposition party.
3. The Sinhala Buddhist civilisation includes consultative democracy which is much older than the Westminster system. SL will be better of creatig a Iranian type of democratic structure wher a Supreme Council sits on top the parliament. That Supreme Council shall be the BBS where Ven GAG is leading a moral rejuvenation of society.
1. make me laugh. I think your imagination tells you I indicated that US had been giving bags of money to the reps from the countries that voted for resolution buy the votes. I suggest, you find the answers for yourself by reading what Edward Snowden has released. The same will answer and shed light on ‘living in a new world where there is universal freedom of expression’.
2. sorry, you did not understand it either. It does not mean anybody conspiring with another, though it may well be the case. Please re-read.
3. Again wrong. It is about spitting into the wind. It is about When people are looking for any excuse, providing them. May be you can tell me, where the clip first appeared – Where did it surface from, first foreign media or local media?
Second 3. Wrong. This morning news says UNP had won Colombo district PC election. That is the most populated area in SL. It is certainly acts and behaves like a dodo – I agree with you. That is why UNP is the darling of the West.They may be in power/installed to power as soon as one way or another US, UK and EU manage the ‘regime change’ in SL. Then srilankans can be where we were 10-15 years ago, and our Norwegian friends will be back to mediate.
Third 3. If it is so good, why on earth the hell had broken out in SL during the last few decades?