GTF proposes two-pronged strategy for reconciliation
The Global Tamil Forum (GTF) yesterday proposed a two-pronged strategy to facilitate national reconciliation process.
GTF spokesman Suren Surendiran said that implementation of positive recommendations made by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) should be prioritized, while accountability issues addressed through an international investigative mechanism.
A true international effort, with the backing of key regional Governments, will bring real accountability for war crimes and reconciliation between communities in the island of Sri Lanka, Surendiran said. The Diaspora official told The Sunday Island on the sidelines of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) sessions in Geneva that there wouldn’t be peace as long as the government ignored the genuine grievances of the Tamil speaking people.
The following is Surendiran’s statement: “The United Nations Human Rights Council which is in session in Geneva right now presents a great opportunity for the international community to address the issues of accountability, for the alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity, committed by both sides during the final stages of the war in Sri Lanka.
Global Tamil Forum (GTF) welcomes the positive recommendations proposed by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) as practical first steps to creating the environment conducive to reconciliation and asserts that these need to be expeditiously implemented. However, it is almost three years since the end of the war and the Sri Lankan government has demonstrated no commitment to credibly investigate allegations of war crimes, breaches of international humanitarian law and to bring the perpetrators to justice. The failure of domestic efforts to adequately address accountability has given rise to the continuing culture of impunity and grave human rights abuses.
Even the LLRC observed that its own interim recommendations which were issued in September 2010, such as publishing a list of detainees and disarming paramilitary groups, have not been implemented. This consistent record of non-implementation by the government, and its refusal to take steps towards creating a social and political environment of positive peace and justice remains the most serious problem for the Tamil people in Sri Lanka.
GTF firmly believes that only an international, independent investigation can secure truth and accountability for what happened during the war and calls upon the international community to take a principled stand, to ensure that the positive LLRC recommendations are implemented in a timely manner and accountability is addressed through a credible international mechanism, as recommended by the UN Panel of Experts (PoE) in their report, in order to lay the foundations for meaningful reconciliation.
We will continue our work with international governments and non-governmental actors to bring just peace for all Tamil speaking people, all other communities in the island and justice for the victims of war. In this regard and various other matters affecting the Tamil people in Sri Lanka, senior members of GTF met with senior Foreign Ministry officials of Switzerland in Berne and UN Ambassadors for various African countries in Geneva this week, to discuss how a credible reconciliation process can be advanced between all communities in the island. GTF members will also be meeting other voting member country Ambassadors and senior Foreign Ministry officials in the coming days.
GTF has, and always will, support the efforts of the international community, with the backing of key regional governments, to pursue a binding commitment from Sri Lanka to seek international expertise and wider international participation to resolve the genuine grievances of the Tamil people, that underpinned decades of conflict, through a durable political solution.”
Courtesy: The Island

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What if ltte won the war..?
Wil anyone ask/propose /discuss/report or help srilanka..?
If it had been so then all these western oppetunists will be with tamil terrors & let revenge more from srilanka..!
What if ltte won the war..?
Wil anyone ask/propose /discuss/report or help srilanka..?
If it had been so then all these western oppetunists will be with tamil terrors & let revenge more from srilanka..!
Since in the past these tamils have rights to involve in all kinds of positions in govt & private sectors.!
What the shit more want while you were beneficering from those rights & experiencing such freedom in srilanka..?
Do you want freedom to make a killing field as you watch in most tamil films.?
Asking for justice, coming from a LTTE king pin is one of the biggest jokes.
Can he please tell what justice the LTTE gave tamil people over a 30 year period?
Wasn’t the LTTE the biggest killer of tamils? Where were you?
What freedom did the LTTE gave poor tamils under their crutches?
Was kidnapping tamil kids to sacrifice on the alter of megalomaniac leader, justice??
Did the LTTE give a grain of rice or a panadol to poor tamils depite collecting multibillions?
Why did the LTTE leadership hide behind the poor tamils and kept them hostages in the line of fire??Hence didn’t the LTTE leadership want to sacrifice poor tamils just to save his life ???
If you are so concerned about human rights, why did you let LTTE do this barbarism to tamils???
This man is talking about genuine grievences of tamils…. but for 30 yrs not only raised a voice but also supported when the LTTE, killed, trampled, squeezed, kidnapped, destroyed, humiliated tamils in most barbaric manner.
Try not become a saint….. first accept the Log in your eye before commenting on the spec in your opponents eye !!!
If you want a home land, police & other rights to handle yourselves for tamil speaking people as per population, then we let it have to you generously.!
BUT you must take ALL tamil speaking people in the island to be together.!
Because if you 3% tamils have own controled homeland then why we 90% others have home land before to you.!
So all tamils should leave from south of srilanka, if you want to seperate rights.!!!
You mind tamils that you’re not who think of others like we..!
You’re the most selfish, greedy, malicious & jealousy folk in this world.!
We Sinhala people are very Fair Folk in Srilanka. we’ve let you tamils to have live with your own properties & everything while within Sinhalese, although this’s the Sinhala Buddhist Kingdom since time of BC..!
But you 3% tamils ask home land while living within us also…!
You majority of 3% tamils want to live within Sinhalese & a seperate home land both..!?!
What kind of Chicken Shit you Stupid you tamil terrors…?!
There’s your “Tamil HOMELAND in HELL” & already your terror leader is occuping & he Welcomes all of you to join with him.!!!
Go there to Shit & Piss yourselves…!!!
I am sure Mr Dias will fly a flag for this nakedly racial outburst.
Mr Amden, you have terribly misunderstood the tamil speaking people. We want dignity and peace and if this dignity and peace can be achieved with a united Sri Lanka, we are for it.
But look, your own LLRC made some recommendations and your leaders and bureaucrats show no commitment to implementing any of them.
There are many good things on paper in Sri Lanka but when it comes to practice, they are nil. Can you please in the first instance, get rid of the white vans and military rule in the north and east. And also, get rid of ex-LTT killers from important political positions.
Machan… MP..!
Now you’re removing your ‘Rabbit Skin’ & become naked letting cynied capsul to out.! Although you can’t see my dress.
And why you hilariously against “Karu annan” & “Pillai annan”…? they stopped killings before you were peacefull…!
See the “jealousy” feeling of your own tamils in your mind which i mentioned above comment..!
And have Karu/Pillai/Kp beame “Selfish” as i told above..?
Then is that a misunderstand of mine or Not Understanding of YOU…?
But what if they were with you till the end..? Only some more people be killed by them too..! Do you wish that or what.?
Then the military will be removed eventually as mentioned here also in another news article.. Because no one wants to be happened terror again there.
“You can’t make cool instantly an iron bar which made hot upto
1000 degrees”
so be hang-on till things progress.
We Sinhala Buddhits are are very fair people by nature because of buddhism. We’ve no intention to harm anyone at all.
“Real Buddhists must wish happy & well being of all, while keeping kindness & patience”
so we’re fair people who ever trying to be so.!
But you mind that what did US for Osama.? And how did it..? Which country or people can agree to the way they did.?
Then how many people can agree with Osama.?
USA & Osama both killers..! But have they brought it to an end..? NO…!!!
So it’s not the way to find ends of problems.! You tamil people must learn the kindness, patience, cooperation, generosity, satisfaction, harmlessness, & so on.
But instead what did you do at 1st..? Choosed to win by killing.!
Then what’re you doing now at 2nd..? Looking help of irrelevant people from outside countries..!
So you’re doing wrong since before.! Can you expect any right result do wrong doings..? NO.!!!
So now you’re only making things WORSE by taking issues to the international & publishing false against srilanka.!
Do you know how many times gosl tried in peace talks with tamils.? And cheated by ltte.? But despite all this govt also tried once in peace talk. Is that not the greedy, selfish & malicious nature of you tamils which i said above.?
The summary is, tamils here will get what they want ONLY discussing with nearst & dearest SINHALA people, who can give what you want, not otherwise…!!!
This president MR is honest & strait forward person, not like others were before.! That’s why he did the war honestly, straitly & won.
So you’ll get peace & harmoney if you tamils come honestly & straitly to talk with him instead going around the world in vain while spending bulls of $ /= too..!
But Only we Can’t Interfere In Your Own “KARACHCHAL” of selecting tamil leaders for you..!
So don’t say to get rid of so & so because we care all of you as 1 if you all come to us for peace..!
And keep well in mind that now you’re doing completely wrong evil things at the moment..! You’re doing 1side war with false words against srilanka & request the f..king peace also from srilanka…!?!
You’ll not archive good by doing bad at all.!
You must care for others Dignity, if you wish to have a dignity..! Then no one can give you a Dignity & you must earn dignity by yourself. Dignity means respectable behaviour of the person.
Do you’ve respectable behaviour in your acts.? See what the tamil people are doing today around the world..? Damning, accusing & abusing all medias with false against SL..!
Heavy “karachchal” of tamils going around the world.! Will that “karachchal” give you a dignity..? You’ll have to SHIT & PISS yourself instead a dignity for your current ASS behaviour..!
Are you expecting to have peace & freedom also for you in same srilanka where you go against at same time..?
Look, We Sinhala Buddhists have earn a great dignity in the world for bearing Pure Buddhism & hospitality. So there’re many foreigners come here to study & practice the Buddhas teachings..!
Hilariously you tamil people only have earned a f..king “Damnity” instead a dignity for your shit & piss evil acts as follows,
1. World Most Ruthless Terrors are tamils.!
2. Founders of Suicide Bomber are tamils.!
3. Founders of Child solders are tamils.!
4. Founders of Human Shield in the war are tamils.!
Can you ask a dignity from the world for above 4 things..?
Can you
yourself now..?
So YOU MUST BE CORRECT YOURSELVES if you wish to have a genuine peace.!
Stop all the REVENGING acts before you ask anything from Srilanka..!
YOU MUST try to win the help of Srilanka by peace & not by force. we Srilankans have no such such necessity regarding who go against us.!
GTF is requesting GOSL for:
(1) Implementation of LLRC recommendations
(2) For a ‘Commission of Inquiry’ by UNHRC to investigate so-called ‘war crimes’ allegedly committed by the SL Defence Forces during the Humanitarian Operation, to rescue SL Tamils being held hostage by LTTE as a human shield.
My response:
(1) LLRC recommendations are already being implemented, slowly but surely.
Just as the 330,000 SL Tamils who were rescued were re-settled in their own homelands, with funding to re-start their lives broken by LTTE terror, after first clearing the millions of land mines that were planted by the LTTE (War Crime), had been cleared as far as humanly possible and continues to be cleared.
(2) Commission of Inquiry by UNHRC, to investigate so-called ‘war crimes’ by the SL Defence Forces for accountability, is unacceptable, as outside interference on an internal matter of a sovereign nation.
Infact, the LLRC commission was appointed by the Hon President of honest professional men of high integrity. Though the WTC rejected it at first, they have today accepted the Report by the LLRC as a genuine, independent and professional report, after the International Community accepted it, including USA. Hence, the first step should be, for SL itself appoint a Commission of Inquiry to alleged war crimes and accountability. This was a recommendation of LLRC Report. Hon President has already implemented it by appointing such a Commission of Inquiry. They have already started their work.
SL is a sovereign nation. International Community including the so-called WTF should respect our sovereignty and dignity. They should not make unfair demands for an outside body to appoint a Commission of Inquiry.
Infact, UNSG appointed a 3-man panel which submitted the ‘Darusman Report’ on alleged war crimes issues by SL Defence Forces. The panel was totally biased, because they are LTTE supporters. Naturally their Report was vitiated and unacceptable. UNHRC Commissioner, Navaneethan Pillay is a Tamil from South Africa who is pro-LTTE from the beginning. She deserve actually to be called, Navi ‘LTTE’ Pillay. She should be dismissed from her position to inquire into this issue because of her bias toward LTTE and diaspora Tamils. Hence, I request that the International Community agree to wait for the Report and accountability issues, from the committee appointed by Hon President recently, to inquire into alleged war crimes.
Regarding issue of Tamil nationalism and separatism for a sovereign state in SL for a Tamil nation, it is totally unacceptable. SL cannot pursue in this solution, for a mere 1.6 million Tamils in N & E, to be given 1/3rd of the island and 2/3rd of the coastal belt, as per map of VP/LTTE and TNA demand.
There is dignity for the SL Tamils today, more than what VP/LTTE ever gave them. The LTTE herded the 400,000 SL Tamils in the N, and drove them wherever they camped, to breed for the LTTE children, who were snatched from the parents the moment they reached age 10, to serve as gun- fodder and suicide bombers in the LTTE.
Do you honestly think in Tamil Nadu, the Tamil population live better-off in more dignity? The fact is, there is utter poverty for 40 millions of Tamils there. 30 million more struggle along in life. Only 5 million Tamils in Tamil Nadu enjoy extreme wealth and a life of luxury.
WTC and diaspora Tamils/TNA should shed their false arguments and come to a negotiated settlement soon with GOSL, instead of empty ploys such as above and mud-slinging at the GOSL, which would get them nowhere.
My dear AMDEN,
And keep well in mind that now you’re doing completely wrong evil things at the moment..! You’re doing 1side war with false words against eelam & request the f..king peace also from srilanka…!?!
You’ll not archive good by doing bad at all.!
You must care for others Dignity, if you wish to have a dignity..! Then no one can give you a Dignity & you must earn dignity by yourself. Dignity means respectable behaviour of the person.
Do you’ve respectable behaviour in your acts.? See what the tamil people are doing today around the world..? Damning, accusing & abusing all medias with false against SL..!
Heavy “karadara” of sinhala going around the world.! Will that “karadara” give you a dignity..? You’ll have to SHIT & PISS yourself instead a dignity for your current ASS behaviour..!
Are you expecting to have peace & freedom also for you in same ealam where you go against at same time..?
Look, We tamil hindus have earn a great dignity in the world for bearing Pure Hinduism & hospitality. So there’re many foreigners come here to study & practice the Hindu teachings..!
Hilariously you sinhala people only have earned a f..king “Damnity” instead a dignity for your shit & piss evil acts as follows,
1. World Most Ruthless Terrors are sinhalese.!
2. Founders of white vans and grease yakkas are sinhalese.!
3. Founders of JVP killers are sinhalese.!
4. Founders of 83 Koti Davasa in the war are simhalese.!
Can you ask a dignity from the world for above 4 things..?
Can you
yourself now..?
So YOU MUST BE CORRECT YOURSELVES if you wish to have a genuine peace.!
Stop all the REVENGING acts before you ask anything from Srilanka..!
YOU MUST try to win the help of Ealam by peace & not by force. we Tamils have no such such necessity regarding who go against us.!
Al least you’ve not been able to turn my comment opposite by changing words properly. because you’re a Dumb fool who can’t say anything by yourself instead copying me..!
Ada sollu onaka muula illay wa, paitthiyan…!
Who request f..king peace from others…?
We’ve won the Peace ourselves Forever in Srilanka by feeding tamil terror evil man to the fishes at sea..!
Remaining terror supporters only can Shit & piss themselves or join with own leader in the hell…!
Who come to see you hindus giving worship to the COWS…?
Who come to see you hindus bringing yourself alone the roads by hanging hooks..?
HILARIOUS da nee periya paitthiyan aala…!