More than 3000 Sri Lankans residing in the foreign countries conducted the Sathyagraha in front of United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva on 19.03.2012 at 6.30 pm Sri Lanka time.
This Sathyagraha was conducted against the United States of America for submitting a resolution against Sri Lanka and against the local and foreign forces engaged in activities against Sri Lanka .
Sathiyagrahists loving the Motherland requested them to hands off Sri Lanka without endangering it’s integrity, freedom, and security.
This Sathyagraha was conducted against the United States of America for submitting a resolution against Sri Lanka and against the local and foreign forces engaged in malicious activities against Sri Lanka .
Sathiyagrahists loving the Motherland requested them to hands off Sri Lanka without endangering it’s integrity, freedom, and security.

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Sit and wait! Nothing is going to happen. The resolution will come to pass with a huge majority.
The problem here is that the government is blinding all the people. Does anyone who is seated know anything about the LLRC? It is our government that produced this report not the UN! If UN implements the report produced by them, then Sri lanka will be nailed. Tamils, very well know that the implementation should be supervised by a third party. Well, nothing has happened in favor of them anyways for the past 60 years. Look at the state of the country now…..Yah… Ambantota is getting all the uplifts…..millions of $$$$$ are spent for no reason but for his personal votes. Come to Sri lanka and go outside of Colombo, take a cab/Auto ride, the roads will tell you. Bitter poverty! People have only one meal. Because the next wonder of Asia claimed by the lunatic brothers! are screwing every inch of this wonder of Asia.
I tell you, for Tamils the best thing that happened was putting an end to LTTE- militarily. But, if you think the tiger is dead, then you are a lunatic like our president. You see, the Tigers are very smart very much alive around the globe, what they have done is to channel every resource they have to capture the heart of the young expatriate Tamil children.
I don’t need to tell you, go to any high school/university or colleges in the west- the student bodies are very well taken over by these children. They are canvassing to the grass roots to the mega stake holders.
I hear every Bachelors/Masters/PhD thesis done by Tamil students on political/law/economic/social anthropology are focused on Tamil problem/ discrimination and ethnic cleansing. These are encouraged by every Tamil parent. So the outside world knows very well that there is discrimination towards the minority Tamils. We Sinhalese should accept that! Please swallow the pride and accept it. Where in the world you will find one brother is the President, big brother is the speaker of the house, middle brother Mr.10% is the Economic development minister, little brother Defense minister and Son the idiot MP, running around the world talking village diplomacy. Shame on our Law College to have recognize this guy’s Law degree. I mean he is roaming around the world talking to the heads of state on Trade and Economics!!!! For God sake someone wrote his Law exam!!!!. So the world knows that this is a perfect dictatorship. Saddam Husain, Gaddafi did the exact same, putting all his family members into power. Look where they are now…taking diplomacy with the demons I suppose!!!! So, what a meaningful government should do is to allow an Independent body to give an independent report on War crimes committed by the Sri-lank. If you have nothing to hide then why this drama at UNCHR? The way the government is behaving is though they are hiding a monster under the sheets. So actually the war crime happened. Killing of innocent Tamils in carpet bombing, not providing the food and medicine to the war victims! If you think the government could do an excellent job in doing their own war crime and killing of Tamils investigation, and they are honest in their judiciary system then you should stop and reconsider what has happened to General Fonseka. War hero to a War zero with all these allegation shoved up his throat. Our once great judgers are bedfellows of the clan. So, wake up all Sinhalese….do what it’s right! The west has the hands on the throat of this government. There is no escape. Come to a conclusion, the Economy is downward spiral. No jobs, increase in prices on all things and our little brother’s white van roaming around every corner killing everyone who is against the clan. They have killed the journalist, taken over the Law College and universities, killed the public who are against them, slept with all the Judges….trying every day to buy a politician what else……so get up, stop this nonsense of supporting a moronic government …..call your loved once living in the villages…..they will tell you the real seen.
This moron De-alwis is undoubtedly a diaspora Tamil masquerading as a Sinhalese under a Sinhala pseudonym. LTTE were very good at that. They infiltrated the South on genocide missions dressed as Buddhist monks also.
He is undoubtedly living abroad, that is why he is not aware of the huge development taking place around the island including N and E on fast-track. We have suffered enough for 30 years under the brutal LTTE genocide killers released on us by the bitch Indira Gandhi, and after her assassination, supported by her son Rajiv, who was bumped-off by the LTTE themselves. Serves the bitch and her son right!
But has India learnt a lesson? Not at all. India continues to pander to USA and imperial West, to secure its own self-interest. Afterall, what is a little minnow like SL to them! India continues to be our enemy and stab us in the back, century after century for thousands of years. India also continues to sell us shoddy goods and out-of-date goods are dumped on us at huge prices. It is a lop-sided trade deal with huge gains for corrupt, crafty India.
The moron D-A does not seem to be aware of the millions of starving slum dwellers in India, about 500 million of them! The rich film stars and celebrities and the repugnant corrupt Indian pot-bellied politicians and corrupt businessmen do very well in the present capitalist system in India. Just 5% of them are billionaires, enjoying life in the lap of luxury while 500 million Indian slum-dwellers and poor are starving! Then the ultra rich Indians go on pilgrimage to bathe in the polluted waters of Ganges river to ask forgiveness for all their evil from their mythological gods. They return to commit the same evils. What a laugh! India’s infrastructure is hardly developed.
The moron D-A is not aware that USA and its Allies deliberately caused the oil prices hike by imposing a unilateral sanction on oil trade by Iran. This in turn led to the price hike in all the consumer goods around the world, not only in SL, because transport costs rise with the price hike in oil. 95% of our oil comes from Iran. Our President sheepishly agreed to stop importing oil from Iran in compliance with US ban, while India and China defied such unilateral ban and continues to import oil from Iran. What is USA going to do against China and India? Is it going to sink their oil tankers in mid-sea?
Diaspora Tamil moron D-A, along with other diaspora Tamil morons and the TNA and other traitors in SL, should be taught a bitter lesson by SL, by hardening our attitude to the TNA and eelamists.
1. Ban the TNA as the mouthpiece of LTTE appointed by VP.
2. Ban all Tamil political parties with the name ‘eelam’ in it, unless they ditch that name.
3. Abolish the 13th Ammendment to our Constitution as having been enacted under duress from India by JR. 13th ammendemnt is detrimental to our development due to the enormous costs of running Provincial Councils in a small country.
4. Close down the Indian Consular offices in Jaffna, Kandy and Hambantota.
5. Get back our giant oil storage Tanks in Trinco hired out to India cheaply.
6. Sign urgent Defence Pacts with China and Russia, with China also allowed to build a military base in Trinco in return for our defence against attacks from India, USA and the NATO allies, and to write-off our loans to China.
7. Do not auction any more oil exploration rights off the SL coasts in the North to India, and also to imperial West.
Well done de-Alwis, your spirit will keep the racists at bay.