High expectations for LLRC report: US
Posted by Editor on November 4, 2011 - 2:11 pm
The United States says it has ‘high expectations’ for the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) report due to be released this month and that it should be of the highest quality
Courtesy: DM Online

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Who cares what the US government expects from the LLRC Report!Is the US government the self-elected ‘conscience of the world’?
US govt is the most evil and corrupt government on earth. They have committed immense war crimes and crimes against humanity, quite blatantly. No one dares to oppose them. The UN has become a tool of the US government to carry out its bidding. UNSG is a slave of US govt.
Smaller nations have become spectators suffering this injustice, unable to prevent it, just as in the colonial days. What we have today is neo-colonialsm, led by USA. Their allies are the former colonial powers such as, Britain, France, Portugal, Holland, Germany and Italy. With Canada, Australia and the Scandinavian countries, all these neo-coloinialists form the so-called ‘International Community’, a name coined by USA, as if to mean the ‘whole world’. We need to counter this claim by USA and its allies by calling the other countries the ‘FREE WORLD’ that is, the countries free of US hegemony.
Don’t be disappointed if it isn’t so…!
We do care Mr Nicholas, we do care.
This is the result of TNA visit to washington.
An Mr Nicholas, you know what?
Mr VP was in the TNA delegation to meet with the Clinton woman.
Ha Ha Nicholas, are they getting there? They are already influencing US opinion.
Mr.chevan,i think Tna might get their Tamil state in USA, that is why they went to meet Clinton, Because they will never able to get anything in srilanka.
Mr Pillayan,
Are you happy to live in a kudu country with kudu leaders and kudu citizens where all the kudu people are allowed to kill each other and the kudu judges and the kudu policemen close their kudu eyes to all the kudu crimes?
Best of luck Mr Pillayan, when we get Eelam in Sri Lanka, you can apply for imiigration or come to our country as a refugee when you are running away from kudu thugs.
Excellent reply Mr Chelvam,
There are 20 million people leading kudu lives in Sri Lanka. We have no choice but to put up with the kudu politics and kudu leaders and everything is kud and kudu.
The kudu leaders with bullets in their heads are zoomed abroad in private jets.
Do you people know why? Because we have no kudu strength. Now the World is waiting for the kudu report written by the kudu commission. Of course, the report will full of kudu lies and kudu rubbish.
The kudu maharaja and his family of course, have excellent kudu lives which they kudu enjoy.
Hey Guys,
We are a proud kudu nation which supplies kudu toilet cleaners to Korea, Malaysia and to the poor arabs in the middle east.
Da, Chela…
If i were the president then i’ll give tamil/muslim separate state. But all tamils & muslims should go there. All tamil/muslim evacutate from Singhala state. You’re minority & we’re majority, so we need a separate Singhala state first.
I like to have separate ‘Singhala state’ to get rid of stinking people. And give a chance tamil/muslim to have their own stinking troubles for themselves..! What do you think da…? Appadi waanamaa…?
DC alias JS,
You can dream-on of eelam raj. You are totally deluded. You will never get an eelam raj. VP is setththapochchi, fed to the fishes. The fight is for a replacement between Emmanuel, Nediyavaran and the fellow in USA.
Look for your eelam raj in Tamil Nadu, with its 70 million Tamils and not in SL for 4 million Tamils, who are mostly in the South. Why don’t you call for a ‘Tamil Nation’ in India, which is more logical?
All the diaspora Tamils/LTTE efforts in the imperial West to tarnish the image of SL have failed. I wonder how many millions of dollars have been wasted so far, money collected by force from ordinary Tamils in the West. Some of these LTTE leaders have been sent to prison for this crime in Holland. The other countries in the West must follow suit.
Amden, Yours was the blog of the day. I think that is what we should ask all these interfereing idiots from all around the world. Are all the tamils in colombo willing to go and live in their seperate state. THer will be so much less people in colombe and weelawatte it will be great.
Nicholas and Amden,
Drop your kudu pride.
We do live in a kudu state with kudu leaders. But not sure all citizens are kudu citizens too.
On partitioning the country, the tamils living outside the traditional homelands of the Tamils may be given the option to revert to their traditional lands.
The Sinhalasised Tamils like the Maharaja Family, Douglas D, Col Karuna and Pillayan the CM, Eastern Province and KP, the rehabbed LTT 2nd in command and the woman who sits in the LLRC can opt to live in the Kudu Sinhala State if they wish.
I wonder where the new JVP’s Gunaratnam will choose to live? He appears to be a true believer in de-kudufying the kudu Sinhala state.
Sisi… You know, that idea make justice for all srilankans. Because tamils may came here as slavers but those “stinking KARACHCHAL” also seems so called human beings by the body. There’re much of them born in this land, So we must let those KARACHCHAL to live themselves. And be free of those KARACHCHAL. That’s the ultimate justice for all.
why we interfere with these KARACHCHAL..? Why we learn & hear useless KARACHCHAL UNDER DEMALA..? Why we waste our worthy time/money/freedom &ease in vain.
We can divide this land as worlds great generous buddhists upto the percentage of ethic. Then draw a line possiblly just above the Anuradhapura.
Then Chela…, ungal eelam adithita po da…! enna ida karachchal…?
We need to ease our EARS also from barking metal sounds of muslim churches. That’s an increasing KARACHCHAL in everywhere too. So i mean if we let these all KARACHCHAL to take care by themselves, then it’ll benefit us more than others.
If we singhala people be separate from this KARACHCHAL then we can develop so easily.
See now the business of sl running by them than singhala people. They’re like bugs who suck the blood of us. If we be more with them then they’ll only let remain our BONES..!
Then when we see this from the other worlds view, we can let India know & involve directly to this. they’ll be happy support us too.
India’ll never let these separatist KARACHCHAL to be a threat to them & India will keep reined these KARACHCHAL.
Then the time being the most possibility is these KARACHCHAL STINKERS won’t be manneged by anyone & they’ll fight & kill each other being divided into small groups till they vanished..!.
Amden, DC alias JS
SL is ONE COUNTRY ONE NATION. It will never be divided on racial lines. That is the beginning of the end of the Sinhalese.
India is not divided on racial lines. USA, Britain, Canada Australia etc are not divided on racial lines. These are all cosmopolitan countries. The trend is not further divisions and subdivisions but actually to get together as European Union has done, with common currency, free trade and even a common parliament and common legal system. This way these countries hope to develop together and survive natural disasters etc and economic upheavels.
Nico.. Then would you like to bear this STINKING KARACHCHAL & pass the same karachchal into your children also for the name of one country one nation..?
You mind that one country one nation basis won’t take you anywhere but more STINKING KARACHCHAL only be there.!
What’s better.? one country one nation or to live in a free country without KARACHCHAL..?
And these KARACHCHAL folk are heading to nowhere but be vanished definitly. So it’s better to let them be vanished by themselves separatly from us. If they live with us then we also be involved in that evil act of destruction of these KARACHCHAL…! Do you want to involve so..?
Also if we separate KARACHCHAL from us then we can dig a 1mile width canal across the country to make a separation by the sea.
…enna appaa ida karachchal…?
You refer to USA, UK, Canada, Australia.
They are not kudu states lead by kudu leaders. Hence they can be monolithic.
The pearl of the Indian Ocean is a kudu state lead by kudu leaders, one of whom was airlifted with your hard earned tax money in a charter air ambulance with 2 live bullets in his head. Thank you for paying tax to GOSL; your tax monies are in good hands and are used efficiently in carriering Kudu Leaders to Singapore to remove bullets from their heads.
If you and Amden would like to live in such a state, you are free to do so; no questions asked.
Machan, Julian Chelvin.. These kudu & stinking karachchal both problems created by westerns. Our ancient singhala kingdoms had no kudu or KARACHCHAL.
We’re capable of eliminating both problems same as we got rid of prabha. It’ll be done ASAP. Yet we respect & support public elected govts good efforts in country.
But STINKING KARACHCHAL will only be permanently solved by above explained way. So you can pack luggages now & be ready to EXODUS from south to north.
Meanwhile please help muslims to remove loudspeakers from toll churches which they’ll mount later in your state to alert you few times a day.
mr.chelvan kudu is better than bloody tamil terrorists,because when ever you take kudu you wiil be happy and enjoy,like the people from netherland.But what can you do with tamil terrorists?
Mr Pillyan,
The man who was taken in Air Ambulance to Singapore with two live bullets in his head is the King Kudu Man.
Those soldiers who massacred innocent tamils were also given Kudu.
Mr Pillayan, if kudu can make you happy, you stay where you are. Don’t come to Eelam.
Nicholas Dias is not blogging any longer. What a pity; I miss his contributions; after all, he is the conscience of the nation.
I can understand Nicholas. The past couple of months has seen a disgusting exposure of the foundations of the leadership of the Blue Brothers.
There are drugs in the scene, thuggery, intimidation and blatant wealth grabbing.
Leaders may come, leaders may go but we the people have to live. Nicholas, take heart, come back and lead us, we need your counsel. Please do not let us down in this hour of crisis.
In the meantime, I continue to meditate on the shores of the Nanthikadal lagoon with the Chinese incinerator spewing smoke relentlessly.
Justice is what I yearn.
Dear DC,
Thanks for your compliment. You are gentleman. Though we are on opposite camps we are not bitter enemies.
The events that happened in the past few weeks was a shock to me. It has brought me down to earth with a bump. Now I know the true faces of the man at the helm and his all-powerful brother. Their masks have fallen. It will take me a while to get over it. I will now fight for truth and justice, for a Lanka free of corruption and evil politicians. I hope one day we will have a real leader, a good man to lead the nation by example.
Like the rest of the nation, I was euphoric after the total annhilation of the militant, terrorist LTTE. The Tamil children suffered the most, as they were conscripted to the rebel army to bear arms and die for a cause, which was a pipe-dream of an evil man. Generations of Tamil children had missed their education and bright prospects. Their parents lost their children, who would have cared for them in their old age. Their future was blasted along with the future of others in the South.
I lent my whole-hearted support to the infra-structure re-building as a prelude to economic victory on fast-track. I hung on the wall, a portrait of MR, and was happy that we have a ‘real leader’ (so I thought) at last, to unite us all as ONE NATION ONE COUNTRY. But my hopes were dashed! I tore the portrait to shreds. I grieve that the hopes of the nation were dashed. I have now turned to fight for truth and justice, to fight corruption and evil among the politicians, for a better tomorrow for the whole nation.
The Judiciary should be totally independent of the Legislature and the Executive. We cannot have a country where the Judiciary lives in fear of the Executive, as in Zimbabwe for instance. Such a country has no justice and cannot develop.
MR has placed his family and a few cronies ‘above the law’. They can commit any amount of most heinous crimes but they are ‘untouchables’. Everyone knows what an evil man kudu-D was! He was appointed ‘Supervising Minister’ of GR. How ridiculous! He had control of the police. He had a freehand to ‘yaka natanna’ in the country. He became the ‘Godfather’ of a large underworld mafia gang. His associates were karate Dhammika and other notorious gangsters, killers. Money poured into his coffers from the evil operations of this crime syndicate. Did any of this black money go into the ever bulging pockets of the two bros? All the other underworld crime syndicates were eliminated by GR, on the pretext he is fighting crime. In actual fact, he was ensuring only kudu-D and his mafia gang alone ruled the whole country.
This crazy situation was disrupted by the foolish action of kudu-D himself by his assassination of Bharatha. He did not expect the bodyguard of Bharath to shoot back. He is now reportedly paralysed. I hope at least, God’s justice will prevail in this world itself. I pray and hope this evil man remains paralysed for life. He will then have time to repent and make ammends for all his sins, to be forgiven by God.
On leaving University, I spent six years in a Franciscan Monastery in Bangalore. I renounced all material wealth in search of becoming ‘one with God’. This was spiritual wealth for me. No one can steal it from me. I spent time in prayer and meditation. I learnt Indian Philosophy, Western Philosophy and Theology. I studied also Sociology and Psychology. When the Tamils were driven out from Burma, I worked among them, to help the refugees to re-settle in Tamil Nadu, in State land. I worked among the poor and the destitute in other parts of India as well. I finally returned to Sri Lanka to take-up a teaching post in a leading College in Colombo. My objective was to ‘BEAR WITNESS TO GOD’ by leading an ordinary life among people, through leading a righteous life. By living according to one’s conscience and and helping one’s fellowmen, we achieve peace and joy in our hearts. We achieve ‘BECOMING ONE WITH GOD’. On death, we achieve ultimate union with God for all eternity. This is a state of sheer bliss. People who lead an evil life and never repent or make ammends will live in hell in this world itself, though they may be rolling in wealth. They will never enjoy true peace and joy. When they die, their soul will live forever in utter misery and suffering. This is hell for all eternity. This is my belief. But others may hold different views.