High-powered bureau to achieve Gotabaya’s economic targets
A National Policy and Plan Implementation Bureau is to be set up to achieve the targets of the economic policies spelt out in President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s election manifesto.
The bureau will be established under the guidance of the President together with Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa who is also the Minister of Finance, Economic Affairs and Policy Development.
Cabinet approval to set up the bureau was granted this week.
During the previous government, a National Economic Council and the Strategic Enterprise Management Agency were established but were abolished later, the cabinet paper noted.
The proposed Bureau’s organisational structure, employee’s salary scale and specific performance criteria will be presented to the Cabinet.
Accordingly, the Bureau will focus on achieving an average economic growth rate of 6.5 percent or higher, reaching a per capita income exceeding USD 6,500, reducing the unemployment rate to four percent, and maintaining the budget deficit as a GDP percentage of less than four percent, a single digit interest rate and the rupee at a constant level, the cabinet paper noted.
(Source: The Sunday Times)

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He must be having Aladine’s wonder lamp to do mission impossible
Engineer Peters.
Don’t be such an Ass. Try yo be positive. It’s nice to hear the new Prez not complaining that they can not do much because the previous regime has ruined the country.
At least they have a vision
. The Rajapakse’s promised to end the war and they did. There after they developed the highways and made Sri Lanka beautiful. I know the Rajapakse heaters do not like to acknowledge their work but those with a bit of commen sense can see the facts as they are.
Kudos Prez Gota for your vision and action! The former Yahapalanaya retards ruined the economy. When they took over the GDP growth rate was 7% and with steady mismanagement, waste, and corruption brilliantly brought it down to 1.5% at the time of being booted out!
Dear Stanley Fernanado, You have to know our educated Engineer only become positive if there is any matter concerning RW. Yahapalanaya came to power doing wonders within 100 days. Yes they did. You know what? Robbing the state bank. Take the case storing excess paddy in Mattala Airport? After two years of Yahapalanaya they continued to export rice from 4 countries and they were proud of it.
My Dear Amarakoon,
If Yahapalana’s CB Boss, Arjuna M, robbed the CB, why cannot the Government of the Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka unable to extradite the ‘thief’?
Next question to you, Amarakoon:
Why has the forensic audit report of CB Bond transactions been sent underground by proroguing parliament?
Some people in power are shocked by the revelations of the CB Bond Forensic Audit.
The report tells where the monies were lodged ( in Dubai, under account name YR??).
My Dear Amarakoon, the mega-corruption of 2005-2015 has reared its head.
Dear Mr. Fiery Fernando, Thank you for questioning me. In fact you should ask those from YP govt why Arjuna Mahendran was allowed to escape and was not pressing hard using all the channels available to bring this mega thief back to face trial in SL. In your second question you ask me about forensic audit report of CB Bond transactions. Why don’t you ask from the YP Govt why these transaction not investigated during their time in office and doing mega scams by adding a cherries on the cake! Are you still talking about Bank accounts in Dubai? Unfortunately you forget to mention about White Vans, Lamborghini and Golden Horses!
Mr Amarakoon and Mr Fernando. What is the point of attacking each other. It does not matter which ever the government in power the theory want work. First thing they have to do is to reduce the over employed work force in all categories from top to bottom by 95% giving little bit more than they earn and asked them to stay at home. This will reduce the conjection on the roads. Also should not borrow form the world bank and do not accept any foreign aids.
Now Mr Stanley please don’t call Sri Lanken engineer Mr Peters an Ass. You are insulting the brain capacity of Ass.
Thank you Ranjith, for your prophetic advice on this holy day.
The SL Public Service and State Owned Corporations are the only avenues available to SL Politicians to provide employment to their bottom lickers who are unskilled and good-for-nothing.
Downsizing public service will be politically disastrous.
Recently, the current Govt proposed 100,000 jobs in public service and 10,000 graduate managers prior the next parliamentary elections.
The whole of Singapore Govt has only 145,000 public servants.
Are we not the wonder of Asia?
Singapore 2019 population is estimated at 5,804,337 people at mid year according to UN data. Singapore population is equivalent to 0.08% of the total world populatio
Sri Lanka 2019 population is estimated at 21,323,733 people at mid year according to UN data. Sri Lanka population is equivalent to 0.28% of the total world populatio
Therefore, if you know what you are talking about and capable of basic maths, by the same measuring stick, there should be at least 4 X 145,000 = 580,000 public servants. That is assuming Sri lanka has developed to the same extent as Singapore (for eg, with computer systems in government institutions to increase efficiency and better educated better deciplined citizens).
Thank You Indra for your analysis.
According to Census 2017 data. Sri Lanka had 1.1 million Public Servants + 300,000 in the armed forces + 90,000 in the Police force.
Please refer to the following link from the MOST AUTHENTIC online news site, ONLANKA !!!!!
It is only a bloody idiot who wants to compare something taking Sri Lanka and Singapore as comparable countries in the first place. Then try to justify again.
Dear Indra,
For the past 71 years, the aspirations of the Sinhala Buddhist leadership of this country has been to reach the social and economic standards of Singapore.
There was one leader who was pretending to be the ‘Lee Kuan Yew’ of Sri Lanka.
Current aspiration is to reach 6.5% growth and high income country.
But our leaders have no idea of reaching that goal by effectively deploying resources to productive areas of the economy.
Instead, they have opted to employ 100,000 more in Public Service and 10,000 managers.
The dreams and aspirations of our society have never been realised because of inefficient leadership.
It appears, this will continue during the next 20 year horizon.