How will Narenda Modi balance Hindu Nationalism against neo-colonial corporate agenda

Narendra Modi

Majority Hindus in India are happy. They have elected an Indian to lead India. An Indian that Indians feel will protect instead of balkanize India. Modi himself is a man of dreams. He aspires to script a glorious future. There is an issue. Modi may have a dream but there are ground realities about how the world runs. The world runs to the dictates of a handful in whose hands the worlds wealth, the global leaders, politicians, the corporate, the monetary system, the banking system are all concentrated. Modi’s Gujarat model, needs money. Those eager to fund the money are not those interested in Hindu heritage, Indian culture, Indian civilization or Indian nationalism. Money loaned comes at a cost and even the money that funds election campaigns by Indian corporate are all linked to the neo-colonial network. In such a scenario, where does that leave Narendra Modi?

Let’s not forget that India had a civilization and one India should be proud of. India became a pauper because the East India Company drained out its wealth and pauperized it. East India Company was owned by the Rothschild (original name Bauer) family who became rich engineering the opium wars and through opium trade. They are the same family that established a Jewish homeland in Palestine and the same family that created the present banking empire. The world’s banking system comes under the 10 central banks – Rothschild Bank of London, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazar Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York (now Shearson American Express), Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam and Chase Manhattan Bank of New York. Even the US Federal Reserve Bank is private and owned by 13 shareholding banks who lend to the US Government on interest but it never gets audited or pays taxes.

Mainstream media is owned by less than 5 multinational corporations and these are all tied to the Rothschild and Rockefeller families. CNN is owned by Time Warner which in turn is owned by JP Morgan Chase. Those that sit of the boards are also members of think tanks that steer the world policies like Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission who are all in turn funded by the elite banksters headed by Rothschilds and Rockefellers. All are linked to each other and hold positions as either members, trustees or serve on the boards. It then becomes a piece of cake to steer corporations that are in their control and politicians who cannot run a country unless they are given handouts to do so. With central banks (except for Cuba, Iran, North Korea) all under the control of the banking elite it is they who determine the flow of money, the debt and world transactions.

The examples to highlight the connections are many. The League of Nations was a Rockefeller/Rothschild funded initiative, so was the International Labor Organization and the UN. When mainstream media is owned by the very companies that run the business world and they in turn have a major influence on how the UN itself is run, Third World nations and in particular India must awaken to some hard facts that steering a nation is not as easy as one aspires. Those that have challenged the ‘rulers’ have often found themselves either dead or discarded from the rest. It then becomes easy to understand the manner entities end up funding both parties of wars/conflicts and even political campaigns.

Where does Modi of India fit into all this? India or for that matter any country cannot live in isolation. The global village concept ensures that every country is connected to a network. Who controls that network is the issue at hand. Which explains why economies of countries are often controlled from abroad – and those controlling can destroy the market, cause credit crunches, collapse nations and create chaos. What we need to realize is that the world’s currencies and economies are under the influence of a handful.

Modi’s dream may be what inspired people to vote for him. How far Modi will be allowed to realize his dream would depend on how far he is willing to compromise to ensure that the coffers of those that run and control the world continue to be filled. Therefore, the dream of reducing poverty or eliminating it is a distant and unlikely dream. As we have seen even in the Third World the poor have become poorer and the rich have gotten richer and India is no exception to this rule with statistical data to prove.

In terms of the elite that run India and their own aspirations to develop their country is also a notion only and no different to the jargon of politicians. Proof is in the pudding. If the colonial rulers developed roads and bridges to facilitate their selfish interests how far have that changed in modern context where infrastructure development is always to the requirements of the businessmen’s interest and agenda.

In taking a look at the Indian companies and the foreign business concerns that run India’s economy, it is not hard to link these with the globalist elite clan. Del Monte is one good example where its ties to Mittal’s Bharati Airtel does not highlight the Rothschild shareholding connection unless one visits the Bloomberg businessweek website. FieldFresh Foods, is a joint venture between Bharti Enterprises and Rothschild.

The opinion generated immediately following Modi’s victory was to urge the new Modi Government to keep nationalists at bay. The only message to be read from this appeal was because the deals that Modi will be offered would have nothing to do with keeping the heritage of India in tact except turn everything into money generating avenues that are not really meant for the general populace but to continue the same quest to fatten the coffers of a handful. The elevation of segments of society is purely to increase the returns for them by opening newer opportunities to make money.

In the light of the ground realities that Modi will be faced which are tied to the dogma of domination and acquisition of lands as well Modi cannot overlook the neocolonial challenges tied to the economic goodybag of investments promising him his dream come true. How Modi will weigh his options is one in which the entire Indian nation will watch, for ruling India is not as easy as running Gujarat. Charisma is one thing but Modi’s enemies from whom he would have to obtain help to get the economy running are Indian business leaders who are either directly through business ventures or indirectly through their links/tied to the very elements covertly trying to balkanize India.

It will be a trying period for Modi and his Government and one in which he needs to play an astute role in.

A good question to ponder is how far foreign investments actually help a country to develop and how many countries have actually developed in real terms?

– by Shenali D Waduge

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