I act in accordance with the Constitution – President tells Commonwealth Chief
President Maithripala Sirisena told the Commonwealth Secretary General, Baroness Patricia Scotland that he has acted in accordance with the Constitution of Sri Lanka and would continue to stand for democratic practices.
In a telephone conversation with Baroness Patricia Scotland, he explained that he has very clearly asked the Speaker of parliament to follow the Parliamentary Standing Orders and conventions and take any vote on a No Confidence Motion using the electronic voting system or by name.
Baroness Patricia said that the Commonwealth values Sri Lanka’s adherence to democracy as one of the oldest democracies in Asia and as a long-standing member of the Commonwealth.
She assured that the Commonwealth would continue to work in close cooperation with Sri Lanka. She expressed confidence that Sri Lanka would solve the current political crisis amicably.

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The LIAR; how dare he say this while the Supreme Court is not satisfied with the validity of the prorogation and dissolution order and has issued a stay order.
The Lilly White will be forced to eat his own s*** when the SC overturns the prorogation and dissolution order on 07 Dec.
Oh My Dear Lilly White Leader,
Your daughter’s book ‘Janadipathi Thaththa’, is my Bible; I read it every day, at bedtime; what a cut-throat life you have had; and the lies, Lilly White, they are stupendous.
Now, Lilly White leader, I shall wit for your own book, ‘Ranil Samaga Asarthaka Deshapalana Deegaya’ to be published in Jan 2019.
Dear Hon. Pierre Sleiman, In that book pl do not forget to include the details about the infamous New Constitution where there will be 9 Federal sates) and the bill passed to pay compensation for members of a terror out fit, BTW, book you are referring Janadhipathi Pappa’ was not written by Chathurika baby. It was written by someone else.
Dear Sir,
Can you plese let us know why the Malwathu and Asgiri Mahanayake Theros refused to meet with you?
Is that you don’t accept the majority in the parliament your constitutional procedures ?
Your democracy is the p*ssy of the b*tch !
I can understand your partiality .
Chatu Baby😀
Forget about democracy
This is Demonstrating craziness
the commonwealth is bamkrupt of resources and the very idea of resolving the problem amicably is preposterous. What the baroness ought to have proposed was to allow the democratic process to work and be guided by the outcome.
as is no party has no mandate to govern. The UNP with 105 seats and the president called upon the UNP to form a government and they formed a coalition in partnership with Sirirsenas party and a few others to give them a likely two thirds to promote a promote an amendment without going through a referendum.
There were major obstacles to this constitional refoem.
meanwhile the government was many scandals the main one being Central Bank scam in which the Prime minister and some of his cllegues were involved. The inspite of the Commission set up to investigate the magnitude nor those involved were never officially declared!
This was followed by a trail of corruption and abuses at the cabinet level again the maginitude of these were considered colosal.
Provincial Coulncil elections were post poned indefenitely under various pretext howeve willage council elections were held and the UNP led by ranil was lost so badly that it was reflection of no confidence in the UNP and also the SLFP lead by sirisena, However the government refuded to accpte the verdict given by the elctorate and was not reallally reflection of the peoples confidence in the government.
Sirirsena the president misguided by poor advise and stupid judgement unilaterally declared MR to be prime minister called upon to form a government. There was no provsion in the Constitution to do so.
This followed by an equally sumb decision to prorogue parliament then dissolve and call for fres elections.
Meanwhile experts took the constitution to task and for the first time lot more peaople started reading the constitution and this was steeped in contradictions and my conclusion is that Sirirsean is right in being wrong.
The MPs petitioned the supreme court and the supreme court went against Sirirsenas descisons.
Baroness do not waste your time reading our constitution for the english version is not the olfficial one maybe you could send a team to resolve contradictions in the english version and then look into the sinhala version
They are all ultra corrupt, the Flower Bud, the Blues and the Greens.
The Man in the King’s Chair has been listed as the 3rd richest in the Island by the Forbes 2018 report.
They are all jostling for positions to perpetuate wealth.
Think it is time for that Arab Spring; unfortunately society has not been able to create a sincere leader.
You are acting like a jack ass from the day you were elected as a so called puppet president. So the best thing you can do without causing more damage to the country and Sinhalese people is do the thing you are good at.
So ware a “amudey” and start working in a rice paddy.
To Ms. Kamala Nadarajah, You asked why Asgiri & Malwatu Maha Nayaka refucsed to meet Hon. Sirisena. Because these monks are old and only there to fill ‘Padikkams’ (after chewing beelte-nuts)and warm easy chairs! They are there to receive Ata-Pirika and that is all. Besides, they also revive luxury cars from politicians. They are divided according to political parties. Masses are now losing faith and respect for them. I give you one example: important Buddhist philological sites are being bulldozed in the East. Have the ever open their holy mouth in this regard? So pl. do not ask why they didn’t meet the Hon. Prez.
You failed to mention the No 1 rich politician in SL with estimated wealth at $18 billion listed by Forbes.
If this is not true, why hasn’t the No 1 rich politician sued Forbes?