If there’s a scarcity food will be imported – Aluthgamage
Posted by Editor on January 6, 2022 - 9:30 am
Agriculture Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage said, if there is a food shortage in the country, then food items will be imported just like Dubai and Singapore do.
He was speaking at a ceremony to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Eppawala Phosphate Limited.
“Many speak about food security and food shortages these days. Dubai does not have any agricultural produce. They import agricultural produce and the people never go hungry. The same applies to Singapore. If there is a food shortage, we will import it. This is standard procedure. Some people are trying to make an undue fuss about this,” Aluthgamage added.
(Source: Ceylon Today – By Tharaka Samman)

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Dubai does not have any agricultural produce but they have black gold called oil you stupide ask hole, So they
intern got dollars, euros and sterling’s tp import food stuff. We got fuck-all except you brainless basterds.
That’s excellent economic startegy.
Destroy all the food production and import food from overseas.
There is Komis there too.
Where are the $’s coming from?
Like rice from the Moon, $’s will also have come from the moon.
This is a stupide article from a a cabinet minister. If these are the people govern Sri Lanka no wonder people leave SL in millions. He cannot understand that to get some thing you have to get some thing. Sri Lanka hasn’t got any money to buy the basic stuff. But there is a solution to this problem. You have seen many graduates demonstrating asking for jobs, So why not sale these useless ideates as slaves to foreign countries. This will generate lots of Dollars .
Don’t have any delusion about SL people leaving the country as they like, unless it is to wash toilets, work as labouring donkeys in middle-east or eastern Europe. Because they considered to be lazy and arrogant. I am surprised to see Srilankans leaving for jobs in Rumania, which is one of, if not the poorest country in Europe and Rumanians go to UK etc to work as labourers in farms and abattoirs and get treated like sub-humans. The problem with Srilankans are having unrealistic expectations and stupidity to expect a government can develop the country within 5 years term which has become a sh*thole since independence. Public expect everything to be subsidised and everything to be the government’s or president’s responsibility. Soon the JVP will start blaming the government for the massive number on SL road deaths and the great SL public will be on board too! It is the blame culture instead of taking responsibility for own lives that led us to where we are. Now the great SL public is waiting for the next election to teach a lesson to Rajapakshas. Does anybody need to guess what will happen after the election, during the following 5 years?
I have been to Rumania. The infrastructure is very basic and lots of people leaving the country to work in EU and UK to work as farm labours doing back breaking mean jobs. So what will be the standard of jobs Sri Lankens get when they go to work in Rumania, Ethiopian. East Africa etc. The problem here is when they work in a foreign country they are prepared to do any menial job but not in Sri Lamka. Why? I feel sorry for these people. I have heard many stories from people returning from middle east. So why do they do it? I don’t know.
It is to go back to SL and to ‘Naya Danna’ to the rest of the people around. Nothing else. Then more try to go to the green field afar since they have no clue of the racism, discrimination and the work condition (ad severe winter to that too) they have to face. East Europeans think anybody with brown skin and looking Asian is a Muslim and to be Bin Lardon’s relative and treat accordingly. To them all India, SL, Bangladesh is a one big Pakistan and Afghanistan!!! If the skin is not white and looking south Asian, it is a terrorist and an uncivilised savage!!
Look Guys,
It is almost impossible to work in Sri Lanka.
I am a degree qualified engineer and I work for a private company building tall buildings and housing estates with turnover > SL Rs 10b per annum.
The salary is about 70% of what is earned by fellow graduates working in Govt. Never mind.
On the 28th of each month, the Boss takes off with his pretty Secretary and goes to a luxury resort and he work from there, remotely.
No wages are paid to employees; wages are paid only to the Boss’ Wife & Son & Daughter who are never seen at work.
The Boss returns to work around the 10th of next month and sends an email to all saying all are paid only 50% for the previous month because of cash flow issues.
Again on the 20th of the month, the Boss again say company cannot pay the remaining but will pay at the end of the month.
Again, at the end of the month, the Boss and his pretty Secretary have gone to another luxury resort.
The employees actually complained to a Tribunal in the labor Ministry about this behavior. The Tribunal wrote back to say there is no money in the Budget this year to conduct investigations.
Having read all this, don’ you agree working in Romania cleaning toilets is a much more worthwhile proposition?
Working in Romania or in similar places is worthwhile for those who cannot see opportunities and to stand on their own feet instead of living in the scenario you explained, always life dictated by the ‘boss’. Sri Lanka is an island 250 mile at the longest point now with a well built road system. Also, Sri Lanka has a massive food shortage, people complaining that the vegetable price going through the roof. SL has a weather that allow cultivation around the year. It is true SL is in dire condition. But everywhere in the world, after a massive earthquake, people haven’t left. They have rebuilt. There are always opportunities behind it for those who look for them. If most people have no money, what about networking and starting a website to barter skills and services and whatever excess people have for example? Then people put feedback. Honest people with high feedback scores and good comments will thrive . Lazy thieves will be filtered out after few months. What about a car share website to save both money and environment (of course I know the argument of criminals carjacking. But there is places like Air B&B people can how to do that kind of business safely. What about starting a ‘I do your shopping service’ for busy rich people? They are short of time. They can send you a list of shopping and where to buy. YouTube has anything and everything and a goldmine of ideas and knowledge. See how innovative are people in other poor countries doing independent business regardless of being poor.
Mr Jayantha Sena. I agree with you about Sri Lankens working in Romania cleaning toilets is a much more worthwhile proposition? It is a job they are doing and they get paid for it. It is better than being a couch potato in a Sri lanken office doing nothing and calling them self with bogus titles like “executive” ” engineer” etc earning a useless and worthless piece toilet paper called Rupees heavily subsidize with borrowing and the reviewee brought Sri Lanka by people working in Eastern Europe and middle east. Shame to those basteds who travel in Luxury cars and living in palaces, selling the country and other assets to keep their bogus living standards.
This is modern day slavery. Slave masters are our politicians. Selling people around the world to earn some dollars to have a luxury life. When they are countries like Romania or middle east they have no say. They are subject tomercy of their employer.