Increase in bread price will only cost as much as two bulath vitas -Wimal

Wimal Weerawansa

Minister Wimal Weerawansa said though bread prices would go up by 5 or 6 rupees after the imposition of a Rs. 15 tax on a kilogramme of wheat flour, the most unfortunate family that eats bread for all three meals would have to additionally spend only a sum equivalent to the price of two quids of betel (bulath vitas).

The Minister in a statement said “as a nation we should encourage local food production, while facing challenges posed by the price hike.” He also said that it was time to change eating habits, as anyone could find enough rice and rice flour in the market at lower prices.

The minister also said the government had decided to impose a tax on wheat flour during the last budget in order to encourage local food production. “But we are unable to implement it yet and as a result farmers are unable to sell their harvest,” the minister said.


Courtesy: DM Online

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