India doesn’t support any country specific Resolution at UNHRC- Indian Minister
India has never supported country-specific resolutions at the United Nations Human Rights Commission Indian Parliament was told by its External Affairs Minister on Tuesday.
When the matter with regard to US sponsored resolution against Sri Lanka was raised in the Lok Sabha, the Indian government made it clear that it would not be able to accommodate the demands.
“India does not support any country-specific resolution at UNHRC,” Pranab Mukherjee said.
Even as Tamil Nadu arch-rivals DMK and AIADMK joined hands to disrupt Parliament on Tuesday, demanding that New Delhi vote in support of the resolution against Sri Lanka at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), Prime Minister Manmohan Singh wrote to the leaders of the two parties clearly indicating that such a course was unlikely.
Instead, the government would continue to “engage” the Sri Lankan government to ensure that allegations of rights abuses against Tamils are investigated and normalcy restored in its Tamil-populated areas, the PM said.
“With regard to the resolution in the UNHRC, we are engaged with all parties in an effort to achieve an outcome that is forward-looking and that ensures that rather than deepening confrontation and mistrust between the concerned parties, a way forward is found,” Singh said. He also claimed that the “modicum of normalcy” that was returning in Tamil majority areas in Sri Lanka was the result of India’s engagement with Colombo.
Source: Government News Portal

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That’s because India knows the “bitterness of terrorism” & have got experienced.
It’s unlike USA which supports “tamil terror” but against “al qaida terror”. Because westerns are Evil Invaders who seek advantages for them by troubling other nations.! US tried “fishing in troubled water” but they failed.
Well said Amden, I support you.
The seeds of separation are being sown by actions such as this, in India.
I am very heartened by this foreign policy of India against US sponsored resolution at UNHRC. But I do hope India does not limit itself to mere sound bytes. I would like India to prove by action, by voting against this malicious US resolution, and not remain neutral by abstaining.
Unlike what PB-D asserted, the seeds of seperation is not sown by this sane foreign policy of India, but by US and imperial West action in UNHRC in support of diaspora Tamils (who are not citizens of SL living in SL), due to corruption and hypocrisy, against SL’s efforts to unite all communities in SL to live in peace as ONE NATION ONE COUNTRY, for the common good to develop and progress, to be shared by all alike.
Such Tamil Terror Seeds of separation only can make trees of “Bitter Taste”..!
And the “Bitter Taste” also could feel only after growing of the “Tamil Terror Tree”.
Then it’ll be too late to destroy Terror Tree in simple way as USA holds a branch of Tamil Terror Tree..!
This reminds us the saying that’s..;
“got late till it become to be cut by Axe, which could be cut off by nail”
where’s that Tu Tu guy..? Is he on holiday somewhere spending $ he got..?
From where did you terrors find that Blabbering Blackleg..?
Anyway Tamil Terrors have become good Donaters also now…!
India still remember that who killed former indian prime minsiter mr:Rajiv Ghandhi
I agree with Blog 3 and Blog 5. Who else in the World other than the US would love to watch the break-up of India.
Well done India – our big brother.
thak you very much big brother,
PP and Mangala, please do not call India, “Big brother”. It is a hackneyed label. India does not deserve to be called our ‘big brother’, suggesting it is looking after our interest. Is that why Indira Gandhi nourished, trained, funded and armed LTTE through RAW and released this blight on poor SL to destroy our infrastructure, our economy and kill more than 70,000 Sinhalese and Muslims in genocide, over 30 years? Rajiv Gandhi too followed his mother’s policy in aiding LTTE by threatening JR and GOSL if VP and LTTE were not released, when they were surrounded by SL army in Vadamaarachchi. Ultimately, when Rajiv paid with his life in revenge for killing LTTE through the IPKF, India backed out of supporting LTTE.
SL did India a big favour by the vanquishing and total destruction of LTTE and VP. Had we failed to destroy LTTE, they would have controlled and even conquered SL, committed genocide on a terrible scale of many millions of Sinhalese and Muslims, which would have paled into insignificance, Ruwanda and Cambodian genocides. After which, LTTE would have helped Tamil Nadu gain sovereignty from Indian Central Govt militarily. That is why they were building huge bombs and manufacturing submarines. Tamil Nadu nationalists, such as Vaiko and Nedumaran, were in close collaboration with VP. They were most bitter when India failed to support LTTE against SL Defence Forces, unlike on previous occasions.
I hope India will be grateful for the favour we did in rooting out this evil LTTE, which was such a threat to India’s sovereignty! Hence India is in our debt to vote in SL favour always in UN discussions and resolutions. I hope India will compensate SL for the destruction LTTE caused in SL, because of the foolish and hostile policies of Indira Gandhi and Rajiv towards SL, in nourishing, funding, training and arming the LTTE.
Dear All,
Nicholas Dias is not my big brother.
Pora Dias
Anyway the origin of sinhalese people & great Buddhism is india. Then the Great King Asoka kindly sent The great Buddhism to SL. And We’ll pilgrime in india continuesly. So we’ve to be friendly towards india despite Indira & Rajiv facts. We’re not revengeful folk like tamils.
It is important to understand India for the country it is, in the proper perspective.
We are Aryans who migrated from India around 500 BC, according to Mahavansa. Dravidan Tamils migrated from South India, from around 200 BC onwards, with frequent invasions by S. Indian kings. They destroyed our infrastructure, palaces, temples, and pillaged our villages and towns and brutally massacred our people. Some settled down. Most Tamils migrated from S. India in the recent centuries, some as kallathonis, even today. Estate Indian Tamils were brought in by the British in 19th C. Just because we migrated from India we do not owe India any allegiance nor should we call India ‘big bro’. King Asoka propagated Buddhism not only throughout India but also to SL, Burma, Nepal, Afghanistan, Sikhim, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and China. Buddhism then spread to Japan. It is utterly ridiculous to call India ‘big bro’ for this either. Angles, Saxons and the Normans migrated from France, Germany, Normandy, Denmark to England. That does not mean England should regard Europe as ‘big bro’. Catholcism was also propagated from France and Spain to England and Ireland. That does not mean England should regard these countries in Europe as its ‘big bros’.
India exports to us all their shoddy and out-of-date goods without any compunction. They dump these on SL at a great price in unfair trading practices. It is high time Hon President say to India, ‘Enough is Enough’ and cancel all trade agreements with India and turn to China, which is fast developing, so much so, that even Europe is now importing vast amount of quality goods from China, even pharmaceutical items.
Hence, I hope that we have this proper perspective of India and stop calling India ‘big bro’.
USA has now warned India for continuing to import oil from Iran defying US unilateral sanction against Iran. Let us watch what India’s reply to this is! I hope India learns its lesson and vote against US resolution at UNHRC in our favour, just to defy them even more.
There’s nothing wrong in calling india as big brother when we’ve originated from india & it’s the biggest closet country for us.
Getting rubbish from india for money is a fault of dealers & procedures of SL. For instance, We’ve taken worthless military items from india & european countries also wasting lot of money by commis officers. It’s not a fault of india & no one can sell by force.!
What about the most public buses & almost all 3wheelers we use majority people here from india..? Can we get them for less price from another country.? But do we get most cars also from india.? No, we get cars from japan or elsewhere & it’s upto us. Look the 3 fingers pointing at you while you point 1 to others..!
Then how do Nicolas compare The Great Buddhism & catholism.?
Simply buddhism & we both came from india but they didn’t invade us & remain as decent country in the world. But catholism throwned by force of westerns who invaded & destroyed here while they still remain as Leagal Evil Terrorists in the world.!
Then what SL has attained by catholism..? Keeping & killing & eating pigs/chickens, etc..! So, the animal instincts attained SL by catholism, because beings eating each other is an animal instinct.! Then the Ltte terrors have got help from church to destroy SL.!
What’s more from catholism.? The never ever experiencing promises of heaven after death, the great myth in the world.! What a shit more to talk about it.?
It’s not we but the people in england/ireland say “f..king jesus never be happy” instead saying ‘brother’ to where catholism came from.!
Then what SL has attained by The Great Buddhism.?
You mind that We’re Srilankans today because of buddhism.! What if we all had embraced catholism thrown by westerns as spoiled fish 100yrs ago.?
If it were so then this will be the south asian Farm ceylon of england, where sinhala/tamil slavers like YOU are working..!
But we’ve SL today as sinhala buddhits resisted westerns & kept our identity here in the past.!
What’s more need about what we attained by buddhism.?
Even the buddhism teaches us how to eat/talk/think/work/live & everything without harming self or others. Those lead us not to be condemned this world & heaven after death.!
So you mind that the Base of Srilanka is Buddhism which origined in india. SL respected in the world as Buddhism & not otherwise. There’s nothing wrong of ties with china but we must know our state in neighbouring india well too. you’re ignoring even to “love your neighbour” which is famous saying of yours because you only say it without meaning.!
Amden has not read my earlier comment, BLOG 14, properly. I had clarified that just because we had migrated from N. India 2500 yrs ago and that King Asoka propagated Buddhism to SL in his mission to East and SE Asia, it does not mean we should consider India as a ‘big bro’. It is the most stupid and hackneyed label given by some misguided naive people.
As I stated earlier, Angles, Saxons and Normans migrated to England since 300 BC, in waves, from France, Germany and Denmark. Celts lived from an earlier time in Wales and Scotland. Vikings invaded Britain several times from Scandinavian countries, to pillage. Some settled. Just like the S.Indian Tamils.
England is seperated from France by 22 miles of the English Channel, just as SL is separated from India by the Palk Strait by 22 miles. However, Britain does not call France, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries ‘big brother’. That would show a dependent status. Similarly, we in SL should not naively and stupidly call India ‘big bro’. We are an independent, sovereign nation with our own independent Constitution. It is Rajiv Gandhi of India who imposed his will on SL by enforcing the 13th ammendment to our Constitution. JR who was weak, meekly accepted it. Isn’t it time we rejected this 13th Ammendment altogether. It is costing us dearly. SL can develop without such interference from India. India interferes in order to prevent Tamil Nadu 70 million Tamils from agitating for autonomy. So, India cunningly diverts Tamil Nadu attention by promoting SL Tamils ‘eelam’ call.
ND., I know what you said in UK & france but it’s not a same situation between india & SL..! We could develop also as you say & that’s not a problem too..!
Then i’ve been closely with various indian nationals from labour to above, so i’m not telling that they all ‘love’ to SL either.
What i mean is to not have ‘deferences’ with our nearst neighbour & where majority of SL going to give worship for the the BUDDHA.!
King Asoka’s son & daughter both came to establish the Buddhism in SL which we experience the truth & be proud of today..! The Great Buddha’s birth place which we respect is india. So we had received more than enough from india to be thankfull forever. I don’t mean the present folk of there.
Then this small SL couldn’t fight for independence from UK but india fought & got it. After that UK only “Left” SL by themselves as they were unable to keep under them at that time. So we got independence also following india & as UK failed in india but not otherwise.
Here india refraining of voting is enough as they’ve to tie tamilnadu also.
Lord Buddha is an Indian Prince, who through his ‘enlightenment’, discovered the way to live a spiritual life through renunciation of desire for worldly wealth, power, carnal pleasures and even self. Such a person is truly ‘liberated’ and has peace and joy in this world to attain ‘nirwana’ ulimately. Lord Buddha did not establish a religion but taught a way of life, a philosophy. He is not a ‘god’ to be worshipped, though misguided people regard him as such through excessive veneration.
The world owe it to Lord Buddha for having discovered and taught Buddhism. We in SL also grateful to Lord Buddha for showing us this ‘way’. We do not owe anything to ‘India’ for this nor does India deserve to be called ‘big bro’ for this. King Asoka propagated Buddhism when he was converted to Buddhism. As penance for his terrible sins of immense bloodshed and suffering he caused throughout India, in trying to unify all the kingdoms of India to one empire under his rule, King Asoka spent the rest of his life in propagating Buddhism throughout the the then known world, and building Buddhist universities and temples, shrines at holy places associated with Lord Buddha for veneration on pilgrimage by Buddhists. For all these, we owe it to Emperor Asoka and not to India, as we know it today. Hence, we should not call India ‘big bro’ as it is utterly ridiculous. But if you still cannot accept my reasoning you may continue to call India ‘big bro’. But the rest of us who know the truth will not do so.
Please also do not type endless diatribes against Christianity. People in England/Ireland do not say blasphemies, ‘ Jesus never be happy’. That is your wrong view.
Do you intend to teach abt Buddha to Buddhists while you being slave to evil western given spoiled fish-like god view.? Don’t just be a joker here.!
The BUDDHA deserves highst respect & worship of human kind & all gods both.!
The Buddha is the one who born as a human & attained the state beyond all gods & humans both while living here. It’s done by the practical attainment of highst wisdom which everything can be seen.
The way Buddha did it starts by purifying/perfection of self. The word of “Buddha” means “known” everything.
So, the Buddha obtained highst/ extreme perfection & wisdom than all living beings including gods, humans. There’s nothing hidden anywhere from Buddha.
Hence,The Buddha status ever has its power above all & that power helps anyone who prais or worship to the Buddha. Buddhas power is there although The Buddha is not living anywhere today.!
So, the Buddha said that us to go & see for worship in 4 places where;
1.The place of Buddha born,
2.The place of Buddha enlightened,
3.The the place of Buddha preached at first,
4.The place of Buddha extinguished.
Anyone who dies reminding those places with pleasing mind will go to heaven as buddha told the power of Buddha.!
So, the majority of SL are bound to go for worship in india continuly. India has let SL to admin of “Buddhagaya” by a court order too. India srilanka friendship is such strong one but not to you who a slaver of western thrown unreasonable god belief.
Then how do you say england/ireland folk don’t say that “f..king jesus never be happy”..? How long you have been with them.?
You only say ‘no’ if you’ve not experienced something as a deaf blind one & you just express your slave thinking by doing so.!
I worked with them not for too long but an Irish guy told me they used to say that as “f..king jesus never be happy” when they got fed up of someone. That’s how i got to know it.!
You’re just barking & crying here unreasonably with narrow, barrow & blind thinking without knowing the reality of this world.! So you & your blind belief both deserve strong condemnination reasonably. Because you & your view both extremely Hilariously Ridiculous…!!!
One does not have to be a Buddhist to learn Buddhism. I have learnt Buddhism. I have also learnt Hinduism and Indian Philosophy.
According to Lord Buddha, His last birth and life in India, was his final re-incarnation. At his death, he attained Nirvana (Nibbana), when his cycle of birth ended, according to Buddhism. Nirvana is not heaven. Heaven is a state of eternal bliss in union with God, according to Christianity. Nirvana, however, is just the end of the cycle of births, according to Buddhism. It is the end of suffering, of being re-born and re-born endlessly as a human being or an animal according to your karma, according to Buddhism.
You state, “Anyone who die reminding those places with pleasing mind will go to heaven as Buddha told the power of Buddha!”
You have mentioned above that people who die can go to heaven. But there is no concept of ‘heaven’ in Buddhism. There is only a concept of ‘nirvana’, which is end of the cycle of birth. That is you simply cease to exist, according to Buddhism. Heaven is a Christian concept, which you have borrowed and applied wrongly as nirvana.
You state, ” Buddha deserves highest respect and worship of human kind and all gods and both.” You have mentioned ‘gods’ several times after that. What do you mean by ‘god’? Who is ‘god’ according to you? After all, you have stated in the past, that God of Christianity is a myth. According to Christianity, Judaism and Islam, there is only ONE TRUE LIVING ALMIGHTY GOD WHO IS ETERNAL AND WHO CREATED THIS WORLD AND WHO HAS ATTRIBUTES SUCH AS LOVE, GOODNESS, KINDNESS, JUSTICE, FORGIVENESS ETC. According to Christianity, there is no cycle of births. On death our soul merits eternal union, peace and joy in GOD. This is not a myth, as you have stated. However, the concept of several ‘gods’ is a myth.
Buddha himself has requested not to worship him as he is not God. So why do you insist that Buddha be worshipped. Buddha should be only VENERATED as a holy person, who lived an taught us to live a holy life, according to conscience. ONLY GOD SHOULD BE WORSHIPPED, AND THE SAINTS (HOLY MEN) VENERATED.
You state, “Buddha’s power is there today though Buddha is not living”. According to Buddhism, Buddha has attained nirvana (nibbana), ie. ceased to exist with the end of his cycle of birth. If he has ceased to exist, how can his power exist on earth today? It is illogical. This is just a concept, a myth. On the otherhand according to Christianity, GOD is living and true. GOD is eternal. GOD’S power is manifested in the universe.
You stated, “I worked with them not for too long but an Irish guy told me they used to say that as ‘f…king jesus never be happy’ when you get fed up of someone”.
I wonder where you worked with this Irish guy. Have you heard the saying, “One swallow does not make a summer”? In the same way one Irish bloke does not mean all Irish people utter this blasphemy. You cannot generalise. I have lived in England and with Irish people, when I qualified as an Engineer, in the past. Later, I qualified in England as a Lecturer and taught Engineering. So I have more association than you with English and Irish people. I have never heard the saying you attribute to Irish people, through generalisation. Generalisation is a big mistake on your part.
In Christianity, the second commandment of GOD forbids, “Thou shall not take the name of the Lord they God in vain”. So no good Irish/English Christian/Catholic would ever blaspheme the way you have stated, as it is a sin, an offence aginst God, forbidden in God’s Ten Commandments. So please do not repeat such a blasphemy as it is not true that ALL Chrisitians blaspheme like the way you have stated. But one cannot prevent you from continuing to blaspheme like this, just because one Irish bloke said so, according to you. I leave it to you and your conscience, to be righteous or not to be righteous.
In my view, YOU ARE A SINHALA BUDDHIST EXTREMIST, A FANATIC. Such fanatics are dangerous, just as Tamil radicals/nationalists/fanatics are dangerous. Similarly Hindu/Muslim fanatics are dangerous. They are dangerous because ALL FANATICS WILL ADVOCATE VIOLENCE AND KILL THEIR PERCEIVED OPPONENTS, THROUGH INTOLERANCE. They are blinkered like a horse. That is why there is racial and religious violence, of intolerant fanatics. Very unfortunate!
So Amden, I hope this clarified your misconcepts. If you are not a Sinhala Buddhist fanatic you will accept my reasoning and explanation as truth, but if you are a fanatic you will burst into another stream of invective. Hence this is the last time I will reply you to correct your misconcepts, as fanatics cannot be corrected, they are blikered!
I won’t accept or burst at you either but just clarify to you truth kindly.! With your view you’ve expressed that you’ve not even learned the Buddhism.
Buddhism is the only reasonable theory of existance of all beings including gods. There’re gods who have supreme souls than humans but they also subject to Death & re birth although some of them believe as they’re eternal beings. The Buddha went to all of them to realize lively & got to know by himself by own wisdom too.
The Buddha found that there’s no eternal “existance” without subject to death & all “existing” things subject to destruction. Then Buddha found only the extinguish of “existance” Nibbana is free of death & re birth. That’s how the Buddha found non dying Nibbana. Also untill the Buddha got to know the ins & outs of all gods, he didn’t state that he is Buddha. Only after getting cleared of those he acknowledged as the Buddha.
Then You can learn by buddhism that there’re many kinds of gods. Normally the loverst kind of gods live in a world (heaven) where 50days of us equal to 1day of there. Their life time is 500yrs of such days. They’ve fine form of body than human & can disappear, fly in the sky, etc.
Other kinds of gods are above than this in all aspects. So There’re gods who spend just 1 life while this world destroys & creating again itself.
So some of such extreme long life gods may view themselves as eternal beings is not a wonder. What you here just living less than 2days of lowerst gods..? Can you understand..?
The Buddha has gone to meet Such eternal viewed gods & had talked with them too. Those gods has went speechless when Buddha explained them their ins & outs with the entitlement of death.
That’s how The Buddha deserve respect/worships of both gods & humans. So no god is eternal & subject to death although you’re just dreaming so.
You’ve not learned the Gods or heaven in Buddhism. But What you mean by god or heaven is unreasonable myth & never experience.
Then no one can imagine the power of buddha. If you think of killing a pig while you die, then you’ll get birth in hell or as animal. Because birth depends on mind. Without mind there’s no birth. And mind forces to do what it thinks. You can’t do things without force of mind. So if you think of killing when you die then your mind works on reminding of killing action & at the very next instance after death your mind finds a place where there’re killings. There’re natural killings in animal world & hell so your mind will be forced to get birth there.
But the Buddha is the highest person above all, so if someone reminds Buddha while dying himself, then his mind goes to a highest place to get birth there where is a heaven.
So you mind that true god & heaven have reasonably described only by Buddha with practical experience more than 2500yrs ago. There’s nothing to borrow for us although other religions copy things from Buddhism.
And we can also experience the true god lively at any time by seeing & talking to them if we develop mind following Buddhism. This’s practical & reasonable theory of things as they’re.
Your belief is just an impractical “story teller” type one which only says of creation & it collaps with simple questions. Only you’ll know your god after death. Who knows what happens after death..? Only you’ve to keep yourself in a unreasonable risky belief which verifies only after death. Nothing can be attain while you alive. THAT’S HOW YOUR GOD BELIEF BECOMES A MYTH.!
So you mind that you’ve not learned Buddhism Yet as i told before. Then i worked with Irish men in dubai then 1 of them told me “f..king jesus never be happy” when he fed up with his boss. Ok.
So Nicolas..!
YOU must correct your misconcepts in your views & i may help if you want. I’m not going to address everything of your comment above which you written without knowing enough relevant facts.!
Concepts elaborated by Nicholas Dias in Blog 20 are true and accurate. Well done.
Then i wonder of you Nicolas being a sinhala man & saying that the buddhism borrowed the “god(දේව/deva)” from your gods myth religion..!?!
Who has borrowed the sinhala word of “Deva” from Great Buddhism to give a false “myth mean” in gods myth..?
You’ll not say it if you’ve learned at least common sinhala. The western waste matter pig shit belief of gods myth running with NGOs in SL only using sinhala words of Buddhism.! So your christians have borrowed words “deva/darma/swargaya /.. etc to give blind shit meanings to mislead srilankans with gods myth.!
Tell me what’s your “deva darma”..?! What can you attain by it practically.? Have you to wait untill your death to get a result of gods myth.? Then it’s more resonable you to go suicide than spoiling & killing innocent pigs here up to what you believe.! Why do you waiting in vain with terrors & murderors if you’ve booked an eternal state by a god.?
Is that god a Mad one who sent you here to suffer from terrors while there’s a recieved eternal life for you..? Then who is the shit god responsible for sending terrors to this world..? How such powerful wise god failed to predict of those terror’s evil acts going to do after sending here.?
See now that how everything you say in gods myth backfire at yourself..!?!
This is in reply to your blogs 21-23. Thanks for your explanation. I don’t know whether all Buddhists accept your explanation also, as Buddhist teaching or whether it is your understanding of Buddhist doctrine.
According to you, Lord Buddha has explained there are different levels/plane of ‘gods’ with spiritual souls. The ‘gods’ in the lower plane/level die eventually after a lifetime, which is 50 times earth lifespan. But the ‘gods’ in the higher plane are eternal. Would the ‘gods’ in the lower plane be born again according to the cycle of re-birth? If so can they be born again as a human being or an animal or even move-on to the higher plane of eternal ‘gods’, according to their karma? Is there no supreme Godhead who is above all these ‘gods’? Are all these ‘gods’ in the lower plane also subject to karma and nibbana/niravana? How did Lord Buddha visit these ‘gods’ in the lower and higher plane, while he was living on earth?
Please explain without use of swear words.
Dear AUJ,
I am glad that you continue to write sometimes. I am having an interesting dialogue with Amden trying to understand Buddhist view of ‘gods’ and nibbana/nirvana. Can you please read Amden’s blog 21 and explain whether his explanation is the accepted Buddhist doctrine on ‘gods’.
Nicolas, it’s not a wonder that you don’t know this since many buddhists also don’t know. I’ll tell you in very short. Above the humans there’re 6 levels of fine sensual pleasure feeling gods. Above them there’re 16 levels of (mentaly) spiritual feeling gods who called as Brahma also. Above them there’re 4 ultra fine spiritual feeling gods. The towerst level of 6 sensual gods live a lifetime 500 years & 1 day of them equal to 50 years of humans. So their lifetime is 500*365*50=9125000 years of this world. Normally this doubles when go to next level & brahmas lifetimes are infinite of years, so it counts by circuler of durations of earth’s recreation called kalpa. All those gods are subject to death & no one is eternal. So those gods also attain nibbana by developing minds. The Buddha once told that at least if there’s an eternal soul like a piece of bullshit(excrement of bulls) then this course of dhamma won’t applies to rightly end the sorrow. Since there’s No at least such an eternal soul, this course applies to end the sorrow.
Then there’re 4 steps on the way to Nibbana. The one who obtain 1st step will go to 4th step within max of 7 more births but not go to hell. So now there’re many gods who are on the way to nibbana.
Then you know that every wonder in this world has done by “use of mind”. So if someone develops mind which is implementing source (instead the developing of physical materials use for) then he can do what’s impossible for others. See now that even you believe that you cold become a son of god after death, so you’ll have to be a son of god only using the own mind as you lose body by death. then why can’t you touch that superior state now having that mind now.? It’s possible by developing mind upto the level of same. Humans can develop the mind practically up to the level of any god. Then can archive the way which god flys in the sky. So it’s not a wonder the Buddhas’ visit to heavens at any time instantly.
The way of developing mind & how to archive those skills are including clearly in Dhamma. If you learn these parts of dhamma then you’ll realize that your whole past life has wasted in vain by having unreasonable view of things & just being a risky believer.
There’re yellow robe wearing empty men today who say the Buddha was born in SL.! Have they gone to school upto garde-8 to learn at least bit of history? They’re criminal fools who make false birth certificates to the Buddha. And those evil doers prevent people who going to find heaven by giving worship to Buddha’s holly places in india. These stupids do only irrelevant shits instead what Buddha said them to do. That’s the situation of buddhism here today.!
But still some of buddhists we’re who try to awake the things as they’re. If there’s an eternal life proven reasonably, then we also try it & why ceasing with extreme effort..? But there’s no such eternal soul reasonably in practical world, it’s just an imagination. That’s why we try to cease practically to end up sorrows. That Nibbana is known as the ever highest steady “pleasure without feeling” when it analyze things in deep. Also The Nibbana will be attained only after the clear knowing in its pleasure of ending up all sorrows.
There’re “real true two wonders” between wrong view & right view..!
1. Wrong view may remain just colourful when it unquestioned.
If the “wrong view” questioned or analysed or reasoned or investigated wisely, then it become more vulnerable, baseless & ends up collapsing.!
2. Right view may remain uncolourful when it unquestioned.
If the right view questioned or analysed or reasoned or investigated wisely, then it becomes more strong, reasonable, sensible, fair & end up with accepting it.
I think Nicolas & Auj both are busy in consulting/ searching/ learning of the Great Buddhism. I wish you could get some knowledge though you’ve been late for it. That’ll be for your own Good & for others too.
But i know one thing for sure, that’s, you’ll definitly have unclear or doubtful things on the way & then don’t be hesitate to ask me..! I’ll clarify ANYTHING you fail to understand from anywhere.
Dear Amden,
Thanks for your comments. I am indeed researching what you have stated. I’ll reply in due course. It is not too late for me also to learn.
i wish you may find the correct path soon. Meanwhile keep in mind that you’ll never get accurate knowledge of Buddhism in english than sinhala.
Coz the original Buddhism written in Pali language which the sinhala has maden from. English has no meanings or words to express accuratly Pali words as english has maden in europe where having deferent views/culture/background/ etc… though english has imported same pali words without real meaning.
For simple instance “Buddha” means just a name in english. But it has formed from “Bodha” of pali which can mean nearly as “Awabodha” in sinhala.
So If you follow in sinhala then you may try the 4 books series of “Abhidharmartha Pradeepika” by Dr. Amaradasa Ratnapala. Which i also used initially.