India wants Sri Lanka to probe rights abuse charges
India wants an “independent and credible mechanism…to investigate allegations of human rights violations” during the end stages of Eelam War IV. This needs to be done in a “time-bound manner,” India has told Sri Lanka.
Belatedly commenting on the Sri Lankan Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Committee report, tabled in Parliament on December 16, the Indian External Affairs spokesperson said: “The present situation provides a great window of opportunity to forge a consensual way forward towards reconciliation through a political settlement based on devolution of power.
“It recognises that a political solution is imperative to addressing the root cause of the conflict and notes that the government should provide leadership to a political process, which must be pursued for the purpose of establishing a framework for ensuring sustainable peace and security in the post-conflict environment.”
The Indian statement, released here on Monday, comes a few days after President Mahinda Rajapaksa ruled out land and police powers for the northern province.
Supporting a broader dialogue, India said a full implementation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was needed. There was also a need to “go beyond” the 13th Amendment, “so as to achieve meaningful devolution of powers and genuine national reconciliation.”
“We hope that the Government of Sri Lanka, recognising the critical importance of this issue, acts decisively and with vision in this regard. We will remain engaged with them through this process and offer our support in the spirit of partnership.”
The Presidential office felt it was for the External Affairs Ministry to react to the comments.
However, a senior government official said there were many welcome features in the Indian stand, such as remaining engaged with Sri Lanka through the process and the fact that it welcomed the public release of the document.
The Tamil United Liberation Front, a part of the Tamil National Alliance in the recent local body elections, said it welcomed the Indian stand in full, including the comments on devolution of powers and the need for a credible investigation. The Eelam People’s Democratic Party was of the view that a political solution must begin with the implementation of the 13th Amendment in full.
The implementation of the police powers, as provided for in the amendment, could be suspended for a limited period till conditions were conducive for handing over duties to the provinces, the party said.
Source: The Hindu

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O Big Brother,You are also twisting our arm.It hurts.
India should be saying this to USA for gross war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The US does have its mechanisms to deal with crimes including war crimes and crimes against humanity. President George W is defending 100’s of civil actions for damages. There is an ongoing Senate inquiry on the roles of the former President and his team. President george W cannot step into Switzerland for fear of arrest. A former Prime Minister of a Russian Stae was jailed for corruption recently for 7 years. Former President Cory Aquino of the Philippines was recntly debarred from leaving the country to face corruption charges.
All these initiatives including the worldwide protests aginst the concentration of wealth in a handful of the population point to new awakening in the World’s conscience. The reawkening of the Gandhian movement in India is a threat to the utterly corrupt Mafia controlled killer regime of the Congress Party in New Delhi.
Dear Devlin ,
Who is this President George W? It cannot be George Washington. He is dead and gone.The present President of US is Barak Obama.
It is President George W Bush, the immediate past President of the USA.
Devlin Karka,
Thank you very much for the clarification on the ambiguity you yourself created.However you have chosen the immedite past President to answer a question directed at the presnt President. Is it your position that the present President is above law durig his PRESIDENCY? If it is the case, our Presidnt also is entitled to such immunity.We shall wait for expiry of his period for further action or even talk.However if you are admonishing the rulers before hand ,your comments are welcome.
Good! Big brother we suggest you do the same in Indian Administered Kashmir: Where thousands of dead bodies found in a secret mass burial site!
India’s Italian Mafia led corrupt Government in New Delhi is one of the World’s worst racist regimes.
Suggest we not be obsessed with rights in the US. That country has significant social and legal mechanisms to check on human rights. The Abu Ghareb prison episode nearly brought down the US Govt and the Prsident was on the verge of being impeached. President Obama’s backflip on Guantanamo Bay caused a significant slide in his popularity and may cause the loss of his second term. However, President Obama’s promise on troop withdrawal from Iraq and the achievement of the timetable is viewed favourably by the US populace and has added popularity.
Sri Lanka classified the LTT as terrorists on the basis of the definition of terrorism espoused by the US. I think it was terrible mistake. We should have developed our own home-grown definition for LTT activities. It should have been based on a planned intention to overthrow and capture landmass from a democratically elected Government. LTT’s activities were more “warlike” than “terrorist-like”. Such a definition could have helped the Government in its legitimate action on LTT aimed at restoring civil authority. We need not have to rely on “humanitarian” effort to save a portion of our population.
This man, Devlin Karka, whoever he is, appears to be an apologist for USA. Am I to assume he is a diaspora LTTE/Tamil living in USA? His name certainly is not a Sinhalese name. ‘Karka’ sounds more Indian than Sinhalese. Perhaps, the man himself could enlighten us about his background.
DK speaks of ‘Abu Ghareb’ prison ‘episode’. Probably he meant Abu Ghraib prison of Iraq, during US and British invasion. It was notorious for gross human rights abuse and war crimes of captured Iraqi prisoners in prolonged interrogation by the US soldiers, using most inhuman brutal methods. Many prisoners were killed in cold blood through this sadistic US brutality. The Iraqi prisoners, who were so brutalised, were civilians rounded-up by US soldiers at random. They were not even terrorists.
Donald Rumsfeld (Def Sec) and former President, George Bush Jnr, were not charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity over Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay prisons and ‘Rendition’ of political prisoners to certain countries for interrogation through torture. They never will be under US legislation. UNHRC is powerless to act against USA, to demand their arrest and trial, at International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague. USA dominates the world, so they can terrorise smaller nations and get away with it. USA IS THE BIGGEST TERRORIST IN THE WORLD TODAY!
DK pontificates that SL should have had its own ‘home-grown’ definition of ‘terrorism’ and not have borrowed the definition from USA. He then gives his own definition for terrorism as, “…planned intention to overthrow and capture landmass from democratically elected Government”. His definition is utterly ridiculous! If one country invades another country to grab a landmass, does it make it terrorism? Colonial powers invaded SL for four centuries. Before that, Indian Maharajahs invaded SL and colonised for a while. This did not necessarily make the invaders terrorists.
The correct and accepted definition of terrorism is:
Pre-meditated unlawful use of military force and violence against CIVILIAN POPULATION, PROPERTY AND INFRA-STRUCTURE to intimidate, coerce the elected government of the country for political, social, religious objectives by an extremist militant organisation, who are citizens of that country.
DK seems to be ignorant of the reasons for the two and half year war called the “Humanitarian Operation” against LTTE which culminated in the total defeat and eradication of the LTTE, after 30 years of terrorist rule by them. I am not going to elaborate this to him. He can research it himself through appropriate websites in SL.
Under Hon President Mahinda Rajapaksa, the Def Sec Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and the heroic SL Defence Forces we have acheived our objectives honourably. Of course, the losers cry foul now. They have concocted claims of ‘genocide’ of the Tamil civilians. The Tamil civilians themselves, who were held hostage by the LTTE, have denied this. The killing was done by the LTTE of their own Tamil civilian hostages held captive as a ‘human shield’ by the LTTE, by suicide bombing and gunfire. The heroic SL soldiers sacrificed their lives and limbs in the process of saving the SL Tamil citizens. Infact, they saved about 320,000 Tamil hostages, the world’s largest successful hostage rescue.
USA, Britain, France and Norway have now lent support to the false claims of genocide by the diaspora Tamils/LTTE and TNA, who seeks revenge for their total debacle. These imperial West countries are angry that SL totally ignored their demand to spare the LTTE from anhilation on the pretext of saving the Tamil hostages. This is because of their vested interests and hidden agenda in SE Asia, which were totally ripped up.
USA, Britain and NATO countries are hypocrites. They should be charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity in their invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. They are now planning their next evil invasions of Syria and Iran, to grab their oil/gas resources, on false pretext of saving the civilians. Without these fuels the industry in the West will come to stand-still. Their economies are doomed! The UN is totally powerless to stop this US-led military bully-boys from their evil deeds.
Dear Mr Nicholas,
Thank you for your blog. You are certainly entitled to your opinions; I refrain from comment as “judge not, that ye be not judged”.
T satisfy your curiosity, I am of Turkish origin currently on an assignment in Eastern Sri Lanka.
Dear Devlin,
Thank you for your response. The fact you are of Turkish origin and working as a NGO in SL in the East, explains a lot about your misconceptions and disinformation, you may have acquired from TNA/LTTE supporting Tamils in the East. May I suggest that you do some independent research, while you are still in SL, and not accept the disinformation fed to you by LTTE/TNA supporting Tamils.
Dear Nicholas,
Thank you for your advice. I say again “judge not, the ye be not judged”.
I do not work for an NGO. I am a self-funded researcher. In 2010, I spent 9 months in the Wester, Central and Southern Provinces of Sri Lanka. I am now in the eastern province and intend to move into the Norther province early coming year.
My dear Nicholas,
You have very cleverly enticed the man to expose himself.He has right along used the words “we,our etc.”to make himself appear as a Sri LANKAN He calls himself a self funded researcher. For whom is very clear.He is a wolf, O NO, A TIGER ,in sheep’s raw skin.
Dear AUJ,
Thanks for your support. Diaspora LTTE/Tamils may continue to try to peddle their disinformation and ridicule the work of our Hon President and the GOSL to develop our country on fast track. We have to identify them and shoot them down wherever we meet them.
It was a tactic of LTTE, to use Sinhalese identities and even dress as Buddhist clergy, to penetrate the South those days on suicide and assassination missions. The diaspora LTTE/Tamils use this same tactic to peddle their disinformation and ridicule the GOSL through various SL websites. Let’s join force to expose them and shoot them down.
DK has admitted he is of Turkish origin. What is his current nationality then? Because he is an apologist for US hypocrisy, he may be a US citizen. DK has carefully avoided to reveal this info. He claimed he is working in SL East on so-called “assignment” but now claims he is a “self-funded researcher” who has been in SL for many months. Is he visiting in the guise of a tourist to actually spy on SL for an INGO or diaspora Tamil organisation, funded by them? What is his real objective? He claims he is moving to the North now. Is this to gather information, so-called ‘researching’, to discredit the GOSL by disinformation re the development in the North? Is it to try to prove that the LTTE leaders were shot while surrendering? Is it even to try to prove the diaspora Tamils’ claim of genocide, that 40,000 or more Tamil civilians were killed deliberately during the Humanitarian Operation, which he ridiculed? There may be many such spies in SL working for our enemies. They are hell-bent on trying to gather evidence to have our Hon President, Hon Def Sec and commanding officers arrested on charges of genocide etc to be tried before the Hague War Crimes Court, some day.
Dear Devlin,
Thanks for clarifying that you are a “self-funded” researcher, who has ‘researched’ in the West, South and Central Province of SL for the past 9 months and will be ‘researching’ in the North in the next few months. Good luck to you! We’ll be very grateful if you can share your ‘research’ knowledge briefly with us, in this column.
You have stated you are of Turkish origin, but has not revealed you current citizenship. Are you a British or US citizen? What is the nature of your ‘research’? Are you rearching the fauna and flora of SL, or the lifestyles of SL citizens, or the political life of SL? May be you are researching the ethnic problem of SL. Are you a journalist by profession?
Please do clarify this for us. We are not trying to ‘judge you’ but trying to understand the true objectives of your ‘research’. I’d be grateful if you can please come clean and share some of your ‘research’ knowledge with us.
Dear Devlin, You stand cornered and exposed.You are a spy collecting and having audacity to publish your unfounded misinformation blatantly and to the detriment of your host country while being in its territory.YOU ARE A PERSONA NON GRATA.You shouldn’t have criticised the administration of your host country while enjoying all benefits of our hospitality.You are most ungracious.
AUJ and Nicholas,
I leave thy in peace to wallow in your own ignorance and excreta, forever and forever.
Blog, I shall not but write and publish, I will.
Dear AUJ,
You are right. This spy from USA, funded by diaspora Tamils/LTTE, PRETENDED TO BE A SRI LANKAN when he wrote his totally misinformed comments about SL. There may be other such spies, snooping around SL, to write adverse articles later on their return to the imperial West, to please their masters, the diaspora Tamils/LTTE.
Whatever these spies, in the guise of freelance journalists, write have no validity as they are hired by SL enemies to write adverse reports and disinformation. They are no independent honest journalists.
This spy DK, brings shame on honest journalism. He was DISHONEST by PRETENDING to be a Sri Lankan when he wrote his adverse comments about SL. When he was exposed as a foreign spy and cornered, he became abusive showing his own filthy nature and character, unworthy of an honest journalist and gentleman. I suppose he will return to the slum he came from back in USA, to vomit more disinformation in verbal diarrhoea, to please his masters and wag his tail to get a bone to suck as his reward. Nobody will take the slightest degree of notice what this LIAR has to say to the world. His lies will stand exposed, as Channel 4 documentary was exposed. His English is also poor.
Go back to your slum you filthy Turk to wallow in your own filth!